That's right, the blade!

The blood soon oozed out from between his fingers, and a drop hit the back of the man holding the knife. He began to tremble, not knowing whether it was burnt by the blood, or was scared by the cruelty revealed by A Yaozhan, After all, even if there was blood flowing at this time, his expression did not touch him at all, only a cold killing intention.

However, Qing'er is going crazy! Seeing the bright red, she fainted immediately, and the whole person began to tremble.

"A Yao!" She rushed towards him, her voice shattered in fright.

The young boy's black eyes flashed, let go of the big man and tipped him to the ground, while his right foot stepped on the other person's wrist. The other person made a pig-like cry. Another big man lying on the floor next to him might be Frightened by the screams of his companions, he shivered away from the knife in his hand, climbed up and stumbled away.

At the same time, Qing'er also ran to A Yao's side. She grabbed his wrist and looked at the **** flesh in his palm. Qinger felt only a sharp pain in her heart, and her eyes quickly blurred.

"Leave him alone..." Her voice was trembling, "Quick... let's go to the hospital!"

A Yao let go of the big man on the ground and took her into her arms.

"Sister Qing'er, don't you don't want me..." His voice was dull and dumb, with a little overwhelming fear, "I shouldn't say those words, don't worry about me... and, I really I didn’t tell my mother, I’m not easy... how can I deceive you..."

His body was tight and his strength was strong. Qing'er was a bit ignorant, but when she heard his pleading words, she couldn't help but tremble, and her tears fell uncontrollably.

She thought, she was really a jerk... The person who loved more deeply would be injured. She knew that in their relationship, A Yao was the humble, even the one who was always afraid, and she was willing to bully him.

"How come..." Qinger's voice choked, "I misunderstood you. My mother called me just now, that **** Ling Yunzheng said... sorry."

He seemed startled, and his voice was dumb again: "So, you are not angry..."

"Of course not!" Qinger rubbed tears on his chest and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Don't say this, I will take you to the hospital!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't hurt..." Perhaps with her assurance, A Yao's voice immediately relaxed a lot, "I'm sorry, I just shouldn't let you go."

He should stop her right away, even if they are angry, they can't live together in a space, and the person who left should be him. If he hadn't seen the car key on the coffee table and realized that she was likely walking alone at night, he might not be able to calm down.

Qing'er hammered him on the shoulder, forcing him to loosen himself: "Now is not the time to say this! Come on, let's go to the hospital!"

Her eyes were red and her expression was a bit fierce.

Ah Yao's throat knot slipped and he couldn't help laughing: "Okay."

Qing'er took the phone out and gave him a look, "You're so funny! If you hurt your bones..."

"It's just a flesh wound, I have a heart in mind." He said in a good voice, "Just looking at terror, it's not serious at all..."

"Shut up!" growled with a piercing voice.

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