She knew that under that circumstance, blocking the knife with empty hands might be his only way, but as long as he aimed at his **** right hand, her heart could not help shrinking into a ball, and it was inevitable to see him look careless. gas.

Seeing the worry and distress in Qing'er's eyes, A Yao tickled the corner of her lips and bowed her head obediently.

Fortunately, it was not too late at this point, they quickly recruited a taxi to the nearest community hospital. Along the way, Qinger caught his wrist to prevent him from moving, and stared at his wound with red eyes.

"Sister Qing'er, it's really not serious..." He said carefully.

"Does it hurt?" She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Fortunately, this pain is nothing." He answered obediently.

However, after listening to his words, Qinger's tears fell down: "This pain is not what it is? What kind of pain is that pain? You... how old are you..."

She knows that this kid has suffered a lot in the past few years, but it is not until today that she realized how he came over in the past few years. If the injury is not commonplace, how could he be so calm.

A Yao stunned, embraced her with her left hand, leaned her thin lips to her ear, and whispered, "It's still a bit painful, otherwise... kiss me?"

Qing'er burst into tears and smiled, trying to hit him again and felt distressed, and finally raised his head and kissed him.

So when Yao entered the hospital, he still had a smile on his face, even the doctor was shocked by his wound.

Perhaps it was Ayao who seemed too calm, and the doctor had also peeked at him from time to time to disinfect and bandage him.

Qinger asked worriedly: "Doctor, is it serious? Will there be sequelae?"

"Shouldn't..." The doctor explained some precautions, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Boy, are you born with no pain?"

"No." A Yao tickled the corner of her lips. "I took painkillers on my way."

Qing'er couldn't help but glared at him.

The doctor was somewhat puzzled, and muttered while knotting the gauze: "What painkiller works so well..."

After more than an hour, the two returned to the apartment.

Seeing the broken porcelain pieces handed over by the restaurant, Qing'er raised his eyebrows.

A Yao quickly stood in front of her: "I'll take care of it..."

"Your hands are all this way, how can you clean it up, I'm coming!" Qing'er was so angry and funny.

"No!" He stopped her with his left hand intact, and his attitude was very firm. "Find a housekeeper to clean up tomorrow, don't touch it, and cut your hand carefully."

"I will not……"

"No." A Yao was very determined. "You really have no talent to clean up."

Qing'er was speechless, and because he was a patient, he decided not to care about him: "Okay, okay, you go back to the room to rest, I'll cook the milk for you."

"Um... which room do I sleep in?"

"Of course it is your own room!" Qinger gave him a strange look.

A Yao blinked, "The doctor said that the wound is likely to itch during the healing process... I am not afraid of pain, but I am afraid of itching, I am afraid I can't help scratching it..."

Qinger raised an eyebrow: "So?"

"So, I go to your room to sleep at night." He uttered this sentence very naturally, "Your bed is relatively large."

With that, he bit his lip and looked a little pitiful.

How could Qing'er be able to withstand, and compromise in a few seconds: "Okay, okay, I'll bring you my pajamas..."

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