Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 622: Are you in love with me?

The assistant beside Ye Shengge, a little girl named Lin Ran, although she wouldn't avoid her, she still had fear in her eyes.

However, at this time she did not see the slightest fear in this man's eyes... Is he really not afraid that she would strike him again? Where does his confidence come from?

The woman hated his determination and wanted him to taste his power again. But she was inexplicably attracted by the calmness and calmness radiated from the man. She was inexplicably...I didn't want to let him down, let alone hurt him any more.

This mood is very strange to her, she is a little annoying, but she can't get rid of it-just like in the middle of the world, someone is affecting her behavior and consciousness.

"Do you want to know the reason?" Ji Shiting suddenly chuckled, "because she loves me very much."

The woman seemed to be in a trance, and then she grumbled unpleasantly: "Then you must hate me, because of me, she has to stay away from you."

"No, I don't hate you." Ji Shiting said in a deep voice, "In fact, I love you very much."

The woman instinctively wanted to refute him, but when she saw the man's deep black eyes, she suddenly discovered that what he said was true.

The first time she was looked at with this kind of eyes, it was like looking at a child who went astray-she should hate this feeling of being cared for, but subconsciously, she was a little greedy.

No, no...

She desperately got rid of this feeling, and then screamed inwardly: "I don't need you to be distressed! Don't look at me with this look!"

Seeing this, Ji Shiting smiled instead: "Really?"

"Don't try to lie to me, in fact you are not for me, you are for her." The woman snorted, "I won't be fooled."

"For me, you are also a part of her." Ji Shiting said in a deep voice, "I love her, I love you."

"Shut up! I'm different from her! Don't use the one that suits her on me!" The woman seemed to be irritated. "Don't think I dare to hurt you again!"

Ji Shiting's throat slipped, and he smiled again: "Come and eat, you must be hungry until you sleep now."

The casual attitude of the man made her feel very uncomfortable punching on cotton.

But... looking at the back of the man turning away, she couldn't help being confused again.

He even dare to show her back to her, it seems that he is really not afraid... she really hates this kind of determination, but she can't really take it.


She stomped her feet, but when she saw the man's gaze, she couldn't help but walked over and took the chopsticks from his hand.

After sitting on the sofa, she bit her chopsticks and suddenly said disgustingly: "If I replace her from now on, I won't let her out or hurt you anymore, would you still be my husband?"

"Listen to what you say." Ji Shiting raised her eyebrows and glanced at her. "You are in love with me?"

The woman became angry and angrily: "I don't have it. You're really annoying. Love it all day and night, disgusting!"

Ji Shi Ting's lip angle is deeper.

He suddenly remembered that he also asked Ye Shengge a long time ago. At that time, Ye Shengge's reaction was no different from the woman in front of him. The woman in front of him was nothing more than a bit more intense.

"What are you laughing at?" She became more annoyed and raised her chopsticks toward him, "I tell you, if you dare to..."

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