Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 623: Too close

Speaking of which, her expression suddenly seemed to be in a trance, and the chopsticks in her hand seemed to be unable to hold it. The next second, she rolled her eyes and the whole person fell straight on the sofa behind her.

"Song song?"

Ji Shiting immediately stood up, walked over to take the woman into his arms, and patted her face: "Sheng Song? You wake up."

The woman's eyelashes flickered, and she finally opened her eyes. After a daze, she suddenly panicked: "Shi Ting, I feel her coming out! You..."

"I'm fine." Ji Shiting grabbed her hand. "Relax, I'm fine. She won't hurt me. This is what she personally admits."

"I clearly felt her killing intention, you lied to me..."

"Maybe I was too anxious. Some of my efforts were too strong. She was just ashamed and angry." Ji Shiting laughed softly, holding her tightly in her arms, her voice was hoarse, "I know, you will not let I was disappointed. Feeling her killing intent, you immediately came out to stop her."

Ye Shengge was stunned. It seemed that she believed that she hadn't caused any harm to this man. After the panic faded, the heart was filled with fear and anger.

"But you let me down! If in case, if..."

"Not in case." The man interrupted her resolutely. "I just met her personally. I have this confidence. The killing intent you feel is not killing intent. She is just angry and angry. Because she didn’t want to strike me, she threatened me deliberately."

The man's tone was firm, his eyes soft, his lips curled up, and he was clearly happy from the heart.

Ye Shengge almost involuntarily believed his words: "Really?"

"Well." The man rubbed her hair and smiled lightly. "Maybe she will still fall in love with me."

Ye Shengge was dumb for a while.

"Oh, do you want to eat this vinegar too?" Ji Shiting couldn't help laughing when she saw her complex face, bowing her head and kissing on her forehead, "Maybe the day she fell in love with me, you can The day when she was fully integrated, after all, you were no different from her."

Ye Shengge nodded blankly.

In that case, it seems good. At least she won't hurt him again.

"Dine." The man still held her in his arms and picked a shrimp dumpling to her lips.

Ye Shengge's subconscious open mouth, and after half chewing, she suddenly realized that something was wrong-she was too close to this man.

Even if the second personality will not easily hurt people now, but this does not mean that she is safe for him. The anger and killing feeling felt in the moment before waking up, she still has a fresh memory, otherwise she will not wake up.

She swallowed shrimp dumplings and wanted to reiterate the problem with him, but she was about to open her mouth and the man stuffed another one into her mouth.

That's it, she didn't get the chance to speak until after a meal.

"Fulfilled?" Looking at her dumbfounded look, Ji Shiting sent lemonade to her lips again.

Ye Shengge took a big sip in his hand and swallowed the food in his mouth thoroughly before speaking: "Ji Shiting, although you said she won't hurt you, it doesn't mean that I have no danger to you, our relationship……"

"Oh, our relationship will not change?" He raised his eyebrows, and he spit out this sentence easily.

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