Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 953: This man is indeed a personal thing

As Professor Xu said, this process only takes a few minutes.

After the end, Ye Shengge was still in a coma and looked very quiet.

"When will she wake up?" Ji Shiting's voice was hoarse.

"It will probably be a while." Professor Xu seemed to appreciate a work that satisfied him.

"I will take her back to the room first." Ji Shiting said as he planned to lean over and hug her.

"No." Professor Xu flatly refused, "Huacheng will take her upstairs, she can't wake up here."

Otherwise, everything here will be remembered by Ye Shengge.

Ji Shiting's hands were clenched, and finally he had to take it back and said lightly: "Okay. I hope you keep your promise and send her out immediately if you are sure of her amnesia. My personal account still has a sum of money, maybe you will feel interest."

Professor Xu's eyes lit up: "It's easy to say."

Ji Shiting finally glanced at Ye Shengge on the operating table. He Shen's gaze fixed her sight for two seconds before finally recovering. Then he left the operating room. Hua Orange arranged a few men to follow him, and she herself Then came to Professor Xu's side.

"It's been several years. Every time you start to deal with people, you are very excited." Huacheng smiled, "Enjoying this feeling?"

"Look at those guys who listen to you, don't you enjoy it too?"

"It's always the same, and it's a bit boring. You can change the pattern next time." Hua Orange licked his lips, showing a little fanaticism. "Do you think we will succeed?"

"It depends on whether Ji Shiting can connect successfully. If he can use it for us, we will be more than half successful." Professor Xu said, "I have confidence in him."

"Don't you think he is too calm?" Hua Orange couldn't help frowning.

She always feels uneasy.

But Professor Xu disagreed: "He was not afraid three years ago, this man is indeed a personal thing."

Hua Orange wanted to say that the kind of calmness of Ji Ting three years ago is not the same as that of the present, but thinking about it anyway, Ji Ting can't escape the wings, ignoring the strangeness in his heart.

"Okay, I'll send this girl up first."

Hua Orange took a few men and sent Ye Shengge to an upstairs room with a completely different style from that of a banquet, locked it, and then came to the monitoring room to check her condition in the monitoring room.

She just sat in the monitoring room and put on the headphones, the person in the picture woke up.

Ye Shengge opened her eyes and slowly sat up from the sofa. For a while, she did not take the next step. She looked dazed and completely dazed, just like a newborn baby, but she had a normal adult. IQ.

Hua Orange heard a few sounds from the headphones, with fear and helplessness, she couldn't help but raised her lips.

For them, clearing the memory of others is already a mature technology, and Huacheng never thinks that Ye Shengge will make any exceptions.

The woman on the screen seemed to come to the door, tentatively sliding the door, but did not open it, her fear and helplessness worsened, and she returned to the sofa, holding her knee motionless.

Huacheng was finally satisfied.

She took off the headset and left the monitoring room. One of the men greeted her: "Sister Hua, the underground auction house asked us if we had any goods on hand. They were seriously out of stock today."

The so-called "goods" are women used for auction.

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