Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 954: It's his style that glories and glories

Hua Orange thought for a while. Recently there was no suitable girl. When she was about to refuse, she suddenly remembered Ye Shengge in the room.

"Tell them that I happen to have one here." Huacheng smiled badly.

Over the years, her humanity has long been lost. For her, people are an object, only divided into those that can be used by her and those that cannot be used by her.

Think about it carefully. The only time she moved her heart was three years ago, when Ji Ziliang knelt in front of her and licked her insignificantly, just to take away Ji Shiting after the operation. At that time, she thought if the operation was successful Ji Shiting will come back anyway, plus Ji Ziliang's humble begging gesture gives her a sense of revenge, so she nods in agreement.

Who knows that Ji Shiting has neither returned nor is alive. So that three years later they will have to spend a lot of money to get people.

She will not make the same mistake a second time.

She will send Ye Shengge out of here, and it is not a breach of agreement. Even if Ji Shiting knows, what can she do with her?

Thinking of the wife of the former TS group president and later CEO Ye Shengge, now not only a white woman, but in the future, he can only become a **** slave of a rich old man. Hua orange can’t help but laugh. sound.

Or, she was lucky enough to be retrieved by the Ji family, but what about that? A woman who has completely lost her memory cannot be held accountable for the night banquet.

"Sister Hua, where are the goods?" the men asked.

"Come with me." Hua Cheng led him to the box where Ye Shengge was.

"How much do we want this time?"

"It's five million less to talk about, but today it's the best." Hua Cheng hummed.

In recent years, they have lost the source of funds for Jingyuan. They can only find other ways to make money. The night banquet seems to be beautiful, but because of the large investment, the profit rate is not high. So Huacheng cooperated with the underground auction office to weaken the character of the nightclub. A beautiful girl without family and friends is sent to an underground auction house. Basically, there are millions of pure receipts every month, but the money is still used for research.

She told her men to go in, but she was still standing outside the door. It was not the first time for his men to do such a thing, so he dragged a huge suitcase into the room skillfully, covering the eyes of the helpless woman, Then put her in the big suitcase, and then dragged the suitcase out.

"Sister Hua, all right."

"Go." Huacheng was very satisfied.


Xiao Ruilang stayed at a five-star hotel in Beijing the day before, but it was noon when he got up.

He didn't sleep well last night because he was worried about Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge.

According to his character, it would be good if he didn't fall into the wrong way. It's his style to look on the wall and even gloat.

But what Ji Shiting said to him has always disturbed him, and the woman Ye Shengge-if she really had an accident, how much less fun would he want in the future?

Xiao Ruilang couldn't help but snorted, as if mocking himself in the bottom of his heart.

What if he really wants to help those two? He was impatient looking at the rest of their lives after the robbery, especially when he thought that he might even watch them spreading dog food in the future.

He called room service, then went to the desk and turned on the computer, casually checking the mailbox, and found that the underground auction house had sent the auction roster.

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