Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 956: Has he exuded the light of justice recently?

In the past few years, he and Ye Shengge have met so many times that they will not recognize her, but...

"Her eyes are not right." Qiao Yanze raised his eyebrows. "Is it possible..."

He remembered that Ji Shiting also lost his memory three years ago. Maybe Ye Shengge is the same now, otherwise how could they easily make Ye Shengge show up.

"What could it be?" Xiao Ruilang asked.

"You have an invitation? Give it to me." Qiao Yanze ordered coldly.

If it is really Ye Shengge, then he must shoot people at any cost.

"My face is an invitation letter, and I can't give it to you." Xiao Ruilang spread his hand. "Relax, if it's really a sister-in-law, I will definitely take pictures of people."

"After shooting?" Qiao Yanze knew that the goods seemed uncomfortable to Ye Shengge.

"Of course it's mine after it's taken." Xiao Ruilang smiled, "I will treat her well."

"You are dreaming." Qiao Yanze stared blankly at him. "Listen, I will act as your bodyguard and follow you in. I will take the money for the money, and then I will take her away, do you understand?"

"If I am not happy, how can you treat me?" Xiao Ruilang said sincerely.

Qiao Yanze gritted his teeth.

He really can't treat this man, and Ye Shengge still needs to be rescued by him.

"Xiao Ruilang, if you are willing to help, I can tell you all the information I currently have." As soon as things happen, Qiao Yanze decided to trust him once, and the situation will not be worse anyway.

Xiao Ruilang's eyes were strange.

What's going on? In these two days, one or two of them must trust him. Has he exuded the light of justice recently?


That night, the underground auction house was held in a manor.

Not many customers are eligible to participate in the auction, but all of them are rich or expensive. Many of them know each other. At this time, they are drinking and discussing the auction items at night, waiting for the auction to begin.

The contents of the underground auction are varied, including antique calligraphy and paintings, guns and instruments, men and women, and everything.

There were four women waiting for the auction that night, but the most interesting thing was the owner of those eyes. Ye Shengge has dealt with the rich and powerful in recent years. Many people on the scene have seen her, and many people have coveted her. So anyone who thinks of Ye Shengge because of those eyes is determined to get the "goods" tonight.

Of course, no one thought that it was the real Ye Shengge.

Xiao Ruilang walked with Qiao Yanze after Yi Rong, and also heard those discussions.

"It seems that I have a lot of competitors tonight." Xiao Ruilang said with emotion.

"Listen, at all costs." Qiao Yanze said coldly.

"Four less, do you have so much disposable funds?"

"If you don't have enough, you can make it up," Qiao Yanze said unkindly, "If I lose someone, you're done."

Xiao Ruilang pulled a corner of his mouth and said nothing.

Soon the auction began, Qiao Yanze's seat was quite good, but Qiao Yanze could only stand behind him.

Xiao Ruilang was quite satisfied: "Four young people, you have to protect me well."

"Shut up." Qiao Yanze was too lazy to take care of him. His eyes were already on the stage. He didn't know when it would be his turn to master the eyes.

Hope it is really Ye Shengge.

One by one, the auction items belonged to each other. When the auction was halfway through, the eyes on the roster appeared on the big screen.

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