Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 957: she is mine

There was a small disturbance in the audience.

Xiao Ruilang could not help sitting up straight.

Then, the photo began to extend, gradually revealing the woman's full picture, the expression on her face was also confused and helpless.

At the same time, the woman in the photo also appeared on the stage. She sat there with a dumb expression.

Ye Shengge!

Qiao Yanze's breath suddenly became short, he reached out and knocked on Xiao Ruilang's shoulder.

Xiao Ruilang has picked up the bidder.

On the stage, the auctioneer began to introduce the attributes of "goods", mainly the height and weight measurements, and then the starting price appeared on the screen.

five million!

This price has frightened many people. The average price of women auctioned in underground auctions is between 500,000 and 1 million, and 5 million is definitely an unprecedentedly high price. Few people bid.

So after several rounds of bidding, Xiao Ruilang finally bid successfully at a price of 16 million.

Qiao Yanze was relieved.

Not waiting for the auction to end, Xiao Ruilang left his seat and found the person in charge asking to take the person away. A few minutes later, they saw the dazed Ye Shengge in the backstage room.

There is also an underground auction house staff in the room, so Qiao Yanze resisted the urge to ask questions and silently followed behind Xiao Ruilang. After Xiao Ruilang signed a few agreements, he finally came to Ye Shengge's side.

The woman watched him approach and shrank back subconsciously.

"Hush, don't be afraid..." Xiao Ruilang showed an extremely gentle and patient smile. He reached out and stroked her soft forehead. "Come with me?"

Ye Shengge blinked, and bit her lips helplessly. Her eyes fell on Qiao Yanze's body. She tilted her head and looked at him for a while. The expression was slightly confused, and then she turned her eyes to Xiao Ruilang, nodding slightly.

She doesn't even speak now.

Xiao Ruilang smiled, took her hand, and took her out.

Qiao Yanze followed behind them and couldn't help recalling Ye Shengge's gaze falling on him-he is not Qiao Yanze's face now, Ye Shengge has no reason to think that he is very familiar, but her eyes give him this feeling .

Did she remember something?

After leaving the auction, Qiao Yanze no longer had to disguise, not to mention Gu Yimo had driven the car over.

"Thank you today, give me someone." Qiao Yanze said in a deep voice.

Xiao Ruilang hid the woman behind him, and said with a smile: "Four young, she is mine."

Qiao Yanze's eyes showed a bit of anger: "Xiao Ruilang, we just said it!"

"But I regret it." Xiao Ruilang didn't feel guilty, he said with a smile, "I'm really reluctant to see her."

Most importantly, Ye Shengge now has amnesia. She became a blank piece of paper, and he could teach her exactly according to his will and manner.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ruilang's heart was hot.

Qiao Yanze looked at him coldly, not too surprised. He waved his hand and gestured, and soon Gu Yimo also got out of the car and came to his side.

"Ah, it's really a sister-in-law!" Gu Yimo couldn't help screaming.

Hearing the sound, Ye Shengge looked up at him timidly and bowed his head quickly.

Xiao Ruilang looked at the two and laughed out loud: "Four young people, are you planning to rob someone?"

"I can't let you take her away." Qiao Yanze sneered.

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