Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 969: came back

"Are you okay?" Li Yinian said, rushing up and hugged Ye Shengge, eyes constantly looking at her up and down.

"It's okay." Ye Shengge also gave her a hug, her voice a little dumb, "Trouble you."

Li Yinian shook her head with a smile, she hesitated, or she turned her attention to Qiao Yanze, looked at him restrainedly and then withdrew her gaze.

Qiao Yanze hooked the corner of his lips, and didn't mind her indifference.

"Are you hungry?" Li Yinian loosened her. "You go to wash and see the two children first. I'll get you some food."

Ye Shengge nodded, and politely went straight upstairs.

She took a quick shower and then came to the two children's room.

The two little guys slept deeply, and their beds were very close. They fell asleep face to face, and the hands of the two were held together.

Ye Shengge's eyes were hot, and he walked over and hugged them gently.

"Baby, I'm sorry, my mother came back late." She murmured softly, "And I have lost your father, will you blame me."

Ye Shengge said, the tears that had endured for a long time finally fell.

Qing'er in her arms suddenly moved, and then she shouted vaguely and blankly: "Mom."

Achen also sat up from the bed at once, surprised: "Really mother!"

"Wake you up?" Ye Shengge grinned hard. "It's Mommy's back."

The two cheered and hugged her.

Ye Shengge held their soft body tightly in his arms, feeling how much strength he finally had in his body.

"Mom, we received so many gifts." Qinger broke his finger and started counting.

"Grandpa and Grandpa said that when Dad and Mom come back to give us a birthday party, we can still receive another gift at that time, is it true?" Achen looked at her expectantly.

Ye Shengge could not help but he nodded and said, "Of course."

The two children hugged her with a grin, but just stared at the door with their eyes still on.

Ye Shengge suddenly understood what they were expecting, and felt a cramp in his heart.

Achen and Qing'er looked at each other, their expressions were a bit lonely, and Qinger's eyes were red, but none of them asked about Ji Shiting.

They had just recognized his father, and his father was gone. They were afraid that if Dad could not come back for a long time, they would not even dare to ask.

Ye Shengge smiled dumbly: "Mom will come back first, and Dad will come later. Don't worry."

The two children didn't know if they believed it, but they obediently yelled.

Ye Shengge appeased them, and after coaxing them back to sleep, he came downstairs.

The old man was already awake, Qiao Yanze was talking to him, Ye Shengge went over to join them.

After listening to Ye Shengge and Qiao Yanze, the old man forcibly grieved and nodded from time to time.

Ye Shengge suddenly felt sad and unbearable. For the old man, when he returned to Ji Shiting and returned home within an hour, Ji Shiting disappeared again. This kind of ups and downs can't be normal.

Ye Shengge did not expect it, but Ji Shiting returned a few hours later.

At that time she couldn't sleep in bed, so she got up with sour eyes and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for the two children.

When there was an exclamation outside, she was still distracted. Then, Sister Xiu flushed in with her face flushed: "Mrs. Young, hurry, you go out!"

Ye Shengge was dragged out of the kitchen in a daze, and she saw Ji Shiting just entering the living room.

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