Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 970: He still remembers himself!

The man was wearing a straight suit and the temperature in the room was high, so when he walked in, he took off his coat and handed it to the servant.

Ye Shengge stared at his movements staring blankly, his heart jumped wildly.

He is still alive!

However, before Jiang Yu had acted, Ji Shiting came out of the underground research institution, which can only explain one thing-Professor Xu they succeeded.

From her point of view, she could only see the man's calm side face, Ye Shengge held his breath and waited, and finally, he turned his gaze to her direction, the dark and deep eyes were very dark, and the expression was very calm, Ye Shengge could not judge his emotions.

He looked at her seriously for two seconds, as if to identify her identity, and then the man walked towards her.

Ye Shengge could only wait for him to approach with stiffness. Soon, the man stood in front of her and stretched his arms around her shoulders, lowering his eyes slightly.

Ye Shengge looked up and stared at him. As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice choked unconsciously: "Shi Ting..."

The next second, he buckled her jaw and leaned over.

Ye Shengge couldn't help widening his eyes. Soon, the man's cool lips pressed accurately on her lips, sucking slowly and vigorously, and soon his lips became hot.

When he put his tongue in, Ye Shengge finally recovered from his trance.

He still remembers himself!

This recognition gave her a feeling of joy and tears. Although he seemed to have a little something wrong, this result was already a surprise to her.

Her hot eyes gradually blurred her eyes, and his kiss gradually forced out more mist. Ye Shengge stretched his arms around his neck, trying to cater to this lingering and overbearing kiss, tears finally could not help but from the cheek slide.

In the living room, I only heard the ambiguous voice of their tangled lips. Xiu Xiu covered her mouth excitedly, fearing that her voice would disturb them. She waved her hand and signaled the servants to leave, leaving the space for both of them.

Ye Shengge gradually felt out of breath. This long kiss was somewhat beyond her expectation. She felt that the man holding her arm became tighter and tighter. Suddenly, his scorching big palm burned on her waist, and then from her He swung in, and reached behind her to unbutton her underwear.

Feeling a loose chest, Ye Shengge's eyes widened suddenly. She struggled a little, but Ji Shiting turned a deaf ear. Not only that, he also moved his hand to the front.

The man's big palm with a thin cocoon rubbed her slightly, and the slight pain was accompanied by a slight sense of shame and stimulation, which made Ye Shengge almost soft.

Fortunately, she hadn't been dragged into the abyss of **** by him completely. The remaining reason made her press against his shoulder as hard as possible, trying to find a chance to speak.

The most important thing is that she knows that he is not right, if he is good, he certainly should not be such a performance.

Fortunately, the man finally let go of her poor lips, the moment he released her, Ye Shengge took a long breath.

"Shi Ting, what's wrong with you...Ah!"

Ye Shengge feels that the man hugged her sideways, and she pressed on the sofa in a few steps.

The man's hot body was close to her, his throat slipped a few times, his black eyes stared at her flushed face for a moment, Ye Shengge was about to speak, he suddenly reached out his hand, his index finger pressed against her red lips .

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