Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 979: Dad gave us two candies

Li Yinian hadn't figured out how to answer, the man's deep voice sounded again.

"Are you envious of Ye Shengge?" Qiao Yanze stepped on the throttle and looked straight ahead. "She and Shi Ting are in love and will not be obstructed by anyone. She is the only hostess of the Ji family, and she has two clever people. cute child."

Li Yinian froze for a moment: "I do envy her for having two smart and cute children."

"That is to say, marriage or status or husband who loves you are not what you want most." Qiao Yanze slightly sneered at the corner of his lips.

Li Yinian nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Qiao Yanze was silent for a long time, and finally gave a faint "um" sound, but said nothing more.

Li Yi'nian couldn't help looking at his profile.

Marriage, status, a husband who loves her, even two children...

She knew that the man wanted to give her all this, but... she just didn't have the qualification.


When Ji Shiting carried the food box back to the room, Ye Shengge was already asleep.

He put the food box on the head of the bed, lifted the corner of the quilt, and saw the woman's face flushed with water, even snoring gently.

He thought carefully about whether to let her continue to sleep or call her to eat at this time, which would not give her the opportunity to sue herself.

After thinking for a while, he finally took out the yogurt and fed her with his mouth. This will allow her to continue to sleep peacefully, but also allows her to put a little stomach pad.

After feeding a bottle of yogurt, Ji Shiting's breath was a little unstable, especially when he saw the yogurt stains in the corner of the woman's mouth, he suddenly remembered how she used his mouth to help him...

His throat knot slipped, covered her with the quilt, and turned away from the bedroom.

After Qiao Yanze and Li Yinian left, the old man also returned to the room to rest. At this time, the living room had only the figure of a servant. Ji Shiting went to the two children's room to see that they were still taking a nap. He nodded with satisfaction, and went alone. study.

Ye Shengge slept until the sky was black.

When she woke up, she saw two children lying beside her playing chess.

She blinked and sat up from the bed. The two little guys heard the movement and immediately jumped into her arms with joy.

Ye Shengge hugged them and asked with a smile: "Why are you playing chess?"

"Daddy let us play, he said that this will allow us to accompany you, and will not make you sleep." Achen said.

Ye Shengge raised an eyebrow in surprise: "What did Dad tell you?"

"He said... I will send us to kindergarten in a while." Qinger blinked his eyes, a little wronged, "He also said that in the future, he will find time to teach us how to read."

"But Dad gave us two pieces of candy." Achen said, spreading his palms excitedly.

Ye Shengge's mood was a little complicated at the moment.

Ji Shiting cherishes her words like gold, but did not expect to be quite patient with her two children. She was a little jealous...

"Right." Qinger said softly, "Mom, Uncle Qiao said, you and Dad are making brothers and sisters. Has the brothers and sisters been in your stomach yet?"

With that, she squinted her head and stared at Ye Shengge's abdomen.

Achen also said, "It won't be so fast. Brothers and sisters have to stay in their mother's belly for nine months before they come out."

Ye Shengge was still condemning Qiao Yanze for talking nonsense to the two children last second, and suddenly realized a very important issue the next second!

Last night she and Ji Shiting...without contraception at all!

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