Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 980: Re-divided

Ye Shengge sighed.

Forget it, it's too late to regret now, let's talk about it if it really wins.

Thinking about her fate, she rubbed the heads of the two little guys: "It may not be there yet... yeah, where is Dad?"

"Dad and grandpa talk in the study." Achen said clearly.

"Okay." Ye Shengge smiled. "You go out first, mother must dress."

"Well." The two answered, and left the bedroom hand in hand.

Ye Shengge changed her clothes and went out. She didn't see the two children. After thinking about it, she turned and went to the study.

Ye Shengge didn't knock on the door, just pushed the door and walked in.

Ji Shiting and the old man were sitting face to face, leaning on Ji Shiting's lap. Achen was held in his arms by the old man. The two children listened intently and didn't know if they didn't understand.

The old man and Ji Shiting are talking about the company.

"...It's better to send a statement to explain your disappearance... let's say you go to recuperate." The old man said in a deep voice.

Ji Shiting nodded slightly, saw her daughter staring at him, and then smoothly pulled a sugar from her pocket into her hand.

"But you have discussed this with Shengge? The company has been supporting her for the past few years. You have to ask her for advice." The old man said seriously. "In addition, I plan to split the equity again. , Including the shares you previously reserved for Shengge. I plan to share Shengge and both children."

The shares in the former Ye Sheng singer were inherited from Ji Shiting. Now that Ji Shiting is back, the shares will naturally return to his hands.

But if it is re-segmented, it is her who is divided into Sheng singers, and no one can take it away.

"I have discussed it with her." Ji Shiting still concisely said, "It is also appropriate to re-divide the shares, I have no opinion."

"That's good." The old man nodded in satisfaction. "I'll go back and find a lawyer to set a charter. If Achen and Qing'er have younger brothers and sisters in the future, I will give them the same points. Our family will finally be on track. You have to treat Shengge and your two children well."

The tone of the old man is very pleased.

He is really happy today. Although he also noticed Ji Shiting's strange appearance, at least in his opinion, Ji Shiting's relationship with Shengge is still very good, and he also cares about the two children, and he has clear thinking, accurate judgment, ability and courage If you don’t lose it, there’s nothing to worry about.

"You can rest assured that I will do my duty." Ji Shiting finished and suddenly saw Ye Shengge standing at the door of the study.

The man raised an eyebrow.

Seeing that he found himself, Ye Shengge couldn't help but drummed his cheeks and walked over to sit next to him.

Instead of ignoring Ji Shiting, she smiled and looked across: "Grandpa."

"You're awake, Shengge." The old man chuckled, "I'm talking to Shi Ting about the company, do you have any opinions?"

Ye Shengge smiled: "Of course I am very happy when Shi Ting wants to go back to the company, but... is it a good time now? Or should I wait for Jiang Yu to have a result."

"No, the sooner I return to T.S, the happier they will be." Ji Shiting said lightly, without explanation.

Ye Shengge froze for a moment and understood.

The reason why Professor Xu wants to control him is to turn Ji Shiting into their money-making machine, so they certainly hope that Ji Shiting will return to the power center of T.S as soon as possible.

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