Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 994: Would rather leave you

Ye Shengge listened stunned, and for a long time he said hoarsely: "You don't need to force yourself."

Her efforts are all in her eyes, but she will not feel comforted, but will be more sad.

Ji Shiting only felt heavier on the chest.

He knew how much this woman loved him, and knew that she paid too much for him, so he made up his mind and must fulfill his responsibilities as husband and father.

But Ye Shengge needed more than responsibility, and she couldn't give what she wanted.

"...You said that day, are you going to come back, right?" Ji Shiting said hoarsely, "You can go to the acting, go to the movie, and do whatever you like."

Maybe doing what she likes can make her happy.

Ye Shengge listened to his ears and suddenly laughed: "Before, you wished I could focus my attention on you."

But now, he is trying to divert and distract her.

Perhaps her expectations of him, and the dissatisfaction that she expects to be unable to receive a response, have already imposed a certain burden on him, because he is now unable to respond to her.

"Shengge, I just hope you are happy." The man said lowly.

"Well, I know." Ye Shengge laughed, "because you can't make me happy now."

Her tone was calm, but after all, she was involuntarily infected with a bit of grievance.

Ji Shiting was silent for a while, and suddenly she stood up and walked out.

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, only to find that the man's goal was the bedroom.

"Shi Ting, you..."

"Don't talk." His voice was already hoarse. "At least this method can make you think about nothing."

Ye Sheng's red eyes sullenly, thumped his shoulders hard, and said angrily: "I am in no mood now!"

"You'll be in a mood later." During the talk, Ji Shiting had put her on the bed, without giving her the slightest space to struggle. He caught her hands and directly bullied him, pressing down heavily. Her body.

Ye Shengge's breathing was a little quick, the man's handsome and deep face was close at hand, the dark eyes suppressed the deep desire and the emotions she couldn't understand, she felt the eyes were hot, and within a few seconds, tears fell from the corners of her eyes .

Ji Shiting's throat knot rolled, leaning over slowly and gently kissing her tears, and then he kissed her lips.

Ye Shengge tasted the taste of her tears, and she felt sour in her heart, making her tears more difficult to control.

Ji Shi Ting paused, slowly released her lips, and then he pressed against her forehead, black eyes stared at her like this, a hot breath sprayed on her face.

Ye Shengge shed tears silently, after all, he stopped involuntarily.

"Ji Shiting, if I said, I would rather leave you, can you accept it?" she asked in a dumb voice.

The man's breath held at once, and Hitomi contracted fiercely, seemingly shocked.

"Shengge, are you kidding?" He said one by one, "I don't accept it whether you are kidding or not!"

Ye Shengge bit her lip: "Why?"

"You are my wife!"

"Then we are divorced." She said softly.

"Impossible!" The man nearly snarled, "Ye Shengge, you give me this idea!"

Ye Shengge was stunned: "What are you reluctant to do with me? Because I am the mother of two children, because I love you very much, because I am good to you?"

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