Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 995: Her salvation

Ji Shiting seemed to breathe out for a long time, and for a long time, he said hoarsely: "Shengge, as long as you are happy, I don't object to anything you do, but divorce, don't think about it!"

"But I feel terrible." Ye Shengge closed his eyes and spoke in a low voice. "I'd rather leave you far away, pretending you still love me, and don't want to face you like this."

Ji Shiting pursed his lips.

He was not completely unprepared for this result, so at first, he did not want her to know what happened.

But she actually realized long ago that Jiang Yu's arrival just made her guesses verified.

Seeing him being silent, Ye Shengge suddenly laughed in a trance: "Oh, I almost forgot, you said you like to make love to me."

He doesn't love her, but he still has desires for her. Perhaps because of the lack of emotion, this man's desire is even heavier than before.

"If you don't want to see me, we can reduce the time of meeting. I will stay in the company as much as possible. You can also go to the film." Ji Shiting's throat slipped, "but we can't separate, even for the two. Children."

Therefore, he was reluctant to her, as it was because of two children, and perhaps her identity as his wife.

"I'm separated from you, it doesn't affect me to do my duty as a mother." Ye Shengge's attitude became more and more firm, "And, they will understand me."

The two little guys are used to finding fun on their own and do not need her to be with her all the time. In the past three years, she has been very busy with work and frequent business trips. They have never been dissatisfied, and certainly not now.

Ji Shiting looked at her calm face, and his heart was suddenly occupied by a heavy sense of powerlessness.

After the lack of emotions, the most important thing in his life becomes a responsibility, work or family, he only needs to go to that goal, without worrying about being controlled by anyone and things.

It stands to reason that if they are separated, he should feel relieved. After all, her expectation is already a burden for him, but when she thinks that she is going to leave him, the heart is not relieved, but a kind of seeming to be Lost and lost.

In a trance, Ji Shiting felt like he was ill, and could only wait for her redemption. If even she gave up, he would only have one way to die.

But she was too tired.

From three years ago to now, she has been waiting for him, and has given all her enthusiasm and love, but no matter how much enthusiasm has been exhausted, why should he ask her to continue to pay.

But after all, he was still unwilling to let go.

"Sheng Ge, you calm down for a few days first." Ji Shiting looked at her with dark eyes, "Don't make this decision hastily, okay."

Ye Shengge was startled, and nodded gently: "Okay. But, let me go first."

Ji Shiting didn't move, his thin lips pressed down, and he seemed to want to kiss her.

Ye Shengge turned his face away: "Don't you say that as long as I am happy, will you support me if I do anything? I want to go out now."

Ji Shiting paused before speaking: "What are you going to do?"

"Go play." She laughed at herself, "I'll find a way to cheer myself up."

Ji Shiting's expression was hesitant, but when she looked at her sad and sad eyes, she finally nodded: "Okay."

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