Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 996: Maybe something big happened

That night, Li Yinian originally wanted to participate in the recording of a variety show, but two hours before departure, she received a call from Ye Shengge.

This phone call made Li Yinian's heart sink.

She has known Ye Shengge for three years. In the impression, she will always be firm. It seems that she will not be troubled by any problems. If it is not such a mentality, she cannot support the T.S group in the three years after Ji Shiting left.

However, Ye Shengge's voice was unprecedentedly low tonight. Through the phone, Li Yinian could feel the deep sadness and even despair.

Recalling the changes in Ji Shiting that Qiao Yanze inadvertently mentioned these past few days, Li Yinian vaguely felt that something might be wrong.

So when Ye Shengge asked her if there was time at night, she responded without hesitation.

On the way to the club, she called Shang Tianyi to cancel the recording.

Of course, Shang Tianyi disagrees. After all, it is a very bad character to temporarily make appointments in the circle. Maybe it will be blacklisted by the TV station. In that case, the loss will be great.

"Let other people in the company stand up, Shengge sounds very bad, I have to accompany her."

Hearing Ye Shengge's connection, Shang Tianyi was also taken aback: "How come! Isn't Mr. Ji back?"

A few days ago, a video of Ji Shiting circulated on the Internet. Shang Tianyi also proposed to let Ye Shengge take advantage of this opportunity to come back as the wife of the president of T.S Group, but Ye Shengge refused.

"I don't know. In short, you can help me to push it away, and you can say that I can't go on the scene due to sudden illness."

"Good." Shang Tianyi responded decisively, "Leave it to me."

After Li Yinian hung up the phone, he came to the 1912 club soon after. This club is a place where Qiao Yanze often comes to play. Li Yinian is quite at ease, so he made an appointment with Ye Shengge here. As night fell, the light in the clubhouse was dim. She wore a mask and came to the second floor smoothly.

Unexpectedly, she saw a figure familiar to her from afar.

The young man was clutching the girl's wrist, and the two seemed to be arguing about something.

"Hurry home, don't stay in this place!"

"No, I want to repay the money! You didn't do anything that day, I can't ask for your half a million... It's just that my mother has rushed out for the surgery, but I will find a way to pay you back!"

"Are you stupid!" The man's tone irritated.

"...You don't want me. Someone is willing to ask for it. Anyway, I have decided to sell it this time, and it will be sold before it is finished!" The girl's voice seemed to be grumbling, with a stubborn taste.

The man picked her up and scratched her hair anxiously.

At this moment, a clear and ethereal voice came suddenly from his ear: "Gu Yimo?"

Gu Yimo looked around and was taken aback, " are you here!"

He and Li Yinian are far away cousins, and the two rarely move around. He and Li Yinian are not familiar, but at least they know each other. Later, because of Qiao Yanze's relationship, they knew each other's current situation, but they had never met each other.

It was somewhat embarrassing to meet in this place right now, Gu Yimeng loosened the girl in front of him, and could not help but cough.

"I'm here to find Shengge." Li Yinian glanced at the girl, smiled, and turned his gaze to Gu Yimo, "You play with yours, I'll pass it first."

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