Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 997: This is just your obsession

"Ah." Gu Yimo stunned, watching Li Yinian walk into one of the boxes.

The sister-in-law is here? what happened? As far as he knew, Xiao sister-in-law never went to such entertainment venues, and now Ji Shiting is back, she doesn't even need that.

He had met with Ji Shiting two days ago, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with Laoji...

Gu Yi meditated and saw that the **** the opposite side was still stubborn and suddenly became restless.

"Do you want me to sleep until you are finished!"

"Yes!" The girl's face flushed red, but her eyes did not flinch.

But Gu Yimo remembered his performance that day, second counsel.


When Li Yinian entered the box, Ye Shengge had arrived. She was sitting alone in the corner. There were a few bottles of Louis XIII on the round table in front of her, and one bottle was being held in her arms.

She heard her footsteps and looked up at Li Yinian with a somewhat trance smile: "You are here...I have to trouble you again."

"What to say." Li Yinian smiled faintly and sat down opposite her. "Why did you suddenly want to drink? And, how can Mr. Ji be assured that you come to such a place alone? Was he sent you?"

"He wanted the bodyguard to follow me, but I refused." Ye Shengge whispered, "I let the driver send me over."

Li Yinian sighed silently, and something went wrong between the two.

"Sheng Ge, what's the matter?" She slowed her voice.

Ye Shengge blinked, and his eyes suddenly turned red: "Because he doesn't love me anymore."

"How is it possible!" Li Yinian was taken aback.

"Yeah." Ye Shengge nodded seriously. "It's true. But he doesn't love anyone anymore. He loses his ability to love."

Li Yinian's eyes widened in horror: "Because that illegal research institution under the night banquet?"

Ye Shengge continued to nod.

"Simply said, because of an accident, he showed symptoms of emotional disengagement." Ye Shengge said hoarsely, "I would rather he just amnesia."

Li Yinian didn't expect such a situation at all, and he didn't even know what to say for a while.

Even if Mr. Ji is empathetic, it may not be as desperate as the current situation. No wonder Shengge will be sad like this.

"Mr. Ji at least cares about you." Li Yi said after a while, "He will still be grateful for your efforts."

Ye Shengge laughed self-deprecatingly, pushed off his high heels, and sat on the sofa with his knees bent.

"Yeah, so he still hopes to be a husband and wife with me."

"But you don't want to?" Li Yinian keenly realized what.

"I don't know how to get along with him now." Ye Shengge muttered, "I want to be separated from him, but he disagrees."

Li Yinian bit his lip hard.

"No matter what you do, I will support you." Li Yinian said, his tone became firm, "Sheng Ge, in these years, you have to treat yourself for the company or for two children, but you have only treated yourself. You should have been Let yourself be relieved. What if Mr. Ji disagrees, can he still bind you."

"I..." Ye Shengge said, tears rolled down, "I am not willing."

Li Yinian felt sad.

She grinned reluctantly: "This is just your obsession, and there are more than one man in this world that is worthy of your love. If your feelings are destined to be unable to get a response, it is better to put it down earlier. The longer the time, the more painful you will be."

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