Kneel to Me

Chapter 180

Song Juyao's cheeks were against Jiang Baiqi's face, and the scent was like the hands that she tightly wrapped around his neck, soft but domineering, she could not refuse to wrap him up, every breath was her scent .

Thanks to this being a virtual world, he could freely adjust this false physical condition, otherwise Song Juyao, who was clinging to his body, could clearly feel his violent heartbeat.

Evans objected to no avail and could only follow behind them.

【Hahahahaha brother's death stare】

[Really staring at death, it seems to be about to emit a radium laser]

【Asura Field Hahahaha】

Jiang Baiqi felt Evans's murderous gaze, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. The body on his back was too soft and warm, and he was close to him, with a clear curve. The child is so close.

Not to mention, her head was on his neck, her hair floated to his chest, she was looking at him recklessly, her breath was spraying on his skin. In the holographic cabin, his neck was itchy, and the place where his breath passed, aroused a rash.

"What kind of work were you in the research institute before?" Song Juyao asked him.

Jiang Baiqi was hesitating between opening his mouth or not. Because of Jiang Baitao's changes in the setting of his bloodthirsty patient, it can be regarded as an evolution, but regaining consciousness is one thing, and whether or not to speak is another. .

Just before Jiang Baiqi opened his mouth, Song Juyao said to himself again: "No matter what job he is in charge of, it must be very popular anyway, right? He looks so good-looking, cute and lovable, sparkling, mysterious, and full of attraction. force."

Jiang Baiqi was stunned, then lowered his eyes, no, he is not welcome at all, no one can remember what he looks like, his sense of existence is weak, even his parents will forget his existence, he is gray Like a speck of dust, Song Juyao is the kind of person she calls good-looking, sparkling, mysterious and attractive.

Why did she deliberately say such ridiculous things that would make people laugh, was she making fun of him?

"Are you hungry?" Song Juyao asked.

Jiang Baiqi was not very happy and decided to be a mute and refused to pay attention to her.

However, in the next second, Song Juyao let go of him with one hand, and in a few seconds he stretched it out again, put his finger on the crevice of his lips, and said softly, "Eat it quickly."

She bit her finger again and wanted to feed him blood. Jiang Baiqi's restless heart beat faster, is she playing him? Or, does she have a weird fetish? Treat him as a pet? I've said he looks like a golden retriever before.

His muscles were tense, and his mind couldn't think.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the crevice of his lips, as if asking the master if he could go in, but the unpromising master finally did not resist the temptation, and opened his lips slightly stiffly and took it in.

The tip of his tongue licked the sweet blood on it. In fact, the wound was not big. After he licked it a few times, there was no bloody smell. However, it was like being possessed, he kept licking, greedy and loving.

When Song Juyao wanted to take his hand away, he lightly bit it with his teeth, and then Song Juyao grabbed his ear with the other hand.

"No," she said solemnly.

Only then did Jiang Baiqi realize what he was doing, and let go of his teeth stiffly, but before her fingers were completely pulled away, his tongue chased and licked uncontrollably.

His head was gently rubbed, and Song Juyao's smiling voice could be heard in his ears, "So good." expected he was treated like a dog. He must have been influenced by the setting, so he was lured by blood to do such strange things, yes, it must be so.

"After leaving the island, come home with me." Song Juyao said with a smile, suddenly leaning out of his ear, and whispering in a voice that only he could hear: "When the time comes, I'll let you...enough."

Jiang Baiqi: "..."

In the holographic cabin, Jiang Baiqi's body was as red as boiled shrimp.

She's perverted!

And imagining the reaction of Jiang Baiqi's real body outside Survival Island Paradise, Song Juyao rolled his eyes happily, eh? Is it legal to tease your own vicious dog?

In the live broadcast room in the real world, CP fans began to revel again, drinking candy to the point of madness, and in the virtual world, the audience also began to drink candy.


[I watch love in the adventure variety show! ! I'm starting to believe that there really is a former relationship between them, and there are old-fashioned amnesia stalks]

[This Jiang Baiqi group performance, will it be for Song Juyao, ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm dead]

[Brother is going to be so angry, the cabbage that has been raised for a long time has been arched]

[If it were me, I would be angry too, my sister is so good, Jiang Baiqi is too ordinary, as soon as I close my eyes, I can't remember what he looks like]

【To be honest, I also... 】

The staff of the Survival Island Paradise project team were gossiping about whether they should help the boss to investigate what happened to Evans' home. According to the current situation, Evans seems to want to bury him again, full of hostility and very dissatisfied. .

It seems that it is not so easy to marry someone else's girl. I don't know if they will look down on the status of the boss of Fanxing Group, and the wealth that can shake the whole world.


The island is very big, and after a day of walking and stopping, they still haven't seen the research institute. When it got dark, they first found a camp to spend the night, and continue tomorrow.

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