Kneel to Me

Chapter 181

Wen Zhulian glanced at Wei Yan and raised her eyebrows, as if she was telling me to watch.

Wen Zhulian walked towards Li Dada, as if there was no unpleasantness between them, "Dada, I wrote a new song and sang it acapella for you. Can you give me some advice?"

Li Dada's expression was stiff.

Wen Zhulian did not wait for Li Dada's reply, and sang to herself, not loudly, but everyone around heard it, pricked up her ears, and listened quietly.

Wen Zhulian sang a well-known song about fathers from the perspective of children in the real world, telling about the greatness of father's love. As soon as this song came out, it became popular all over the country. The lyrics were very simple but touching. I don't know. How many children sang and cried, and I don't know how many children who had trouble with their father immediately called their father and made peace with him. This is the legendary "song of persuasion".

The real world, the trial show live room.

[Shit, I sing as soon as I disagree, my toes are curled up in embarrassment]

【I'm so embarrassed that my toes dig out the floor】

[Copying and copying, and copying my eldest brother's song, I'm sick to death, bah]

The audience in the virtual world doesn't know the truth, and their reactions are naturally different.

[The mood is complicated, Wen Zhulian is really talented]

[Ah, ah, I feel sorry for Dada, and Wen Zhulian is ill. At this time, I have to sing this song to persuade peace! Disgusting! 】

[I'll just be Wen Zhulian's song fan, although her character is not good, but I just like her songs]

[It's not fair to give this kind of talent to this kind of person]

Wen Guohua's eyes were filled with tears, and his heart was filled with emotion and pride. Looking at Song Juyao, who never took the initiative to say anything to him, the smile on his face was reduced.

"Zhuzhu, you are too talented, this song is so good."

"God, made me cry."

During this time, they were all around Song Juyao, and the people who almost forgot about Wen Zhulian were attracted. No matter what, Man Joo-young's talent is so amazing. If they can really buy spar, they are not here, they are willing to spend all their wealth to buy the one born in Wen Zhulian's brain in exchange for this talent.

Of course, it would be better if they could buy the Evans one. I'm afraid that the Evans one, they can't buy it with all their wealth, it is a rare treasure, something that must be robbed or even treasured by the rich.

Wen Zhulian smiled embarrassedly, "It's okay, here, my talent won't be of much use."

"How come! A good song can give people spiritual energy, sometimes more powerful than rice."

"If I can go back, I will definitely go and reconcile with my father."

Wen Zhulian looked at Wei Yan again, Wei Yan felt embarrassed, but she couldn't say anything, she could only give her a thumbs up, you are really awesome.

Wen Zhulian performed a performance with Li Dada, regained her status and sense of existence, patted Li Dada on the shoulder, and turned away.

Li Dada clenched her fists tightly, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, and then she remembered what Song Juyao had said to her, stood up, and walked away from the crowd as if evading.

After a while, Li Siqing really followed him. He enjoyed torturing Li Dada under the eyes of everyone, and Li Dada showed the pained look of being abandoned by the world because of it. As soon as he saw his perverted fatherly love, he surged out, and his mind seemed to explode with countless fireworks of inspiration.

Seduced by Li Dada, Li Siqing admitted some of the things he did to her when Li Dada was a child under the eyes of many viewers in the live broadcast room.

On the other hand, because Evans was angry, Song Juyao had to coax his brother, so Jiang Baiqi finally stopped being conjoined with Song Juyao.

When Wen Zhu pity saw it, the secret opportunity came. Immediately turn his head and look for Jiang Baiqi.

As a result, his head turned left and right, and he was stunned in such a big place, and there was no trace of Jiang Baiqi.

The small game "Please find Jiang Baiqi in the picture below" is quite difficult for people other than Song Juyao.

"Bai Tao, where is Archie?" Isn't he in this 1/3 acre of land?

"Are you looking for him?" Jiang Baitao turned to look for him, but couldn't find it. Uh……

They didn't see Jiang Baiqi standing under the tree until Song Juyao finished coaxing Evans and walked to Jiang Baiqi's side. He was illuminated by Song Juyao's light.

? ? ? ?


For the next two days, Wen Zhulian has been trying to find Jiang Baiqi, seduce Jiang Baiqi, and give Song Ju a sympathy, but he can't find where Jiang Baiqi is every time, as if Jiang Baiqi will be invisible, but unfortunately, Song Juyao always saw him at a glance.

The audience in the two live broadcast rooms inside and outside died of laughter, thinking that Wen Zhulian was like a clown jumping on a beam, trying to seduce people even if they couldn't find it.

At the same time, I feel that this candy is too sweet. No matter where Jiang Baiqi is standing, Song Juyao can see him at a glance. In the eyes of others, people who are so thin that they can ignore them at any time will shine in her eyes. Yes, it's too sweet!

Wen Zhulian had to give up the matter of giving Song Juyao through Jiang Baiqi, and she was almost blind when she looked for someone.

She changed her strategy and kept "writing new songs" along the way, one after another, shocking her colleagues with her "talent", getting praise, letting them turn around her, and leaving Song Juyao in the cold.

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