Kneel to Me

Chapter 182

Although Song Juyao has been sticking with Jiang Baiqi and doesn't seem to care, Wen Zhulian still gets the long-lost sense of vanity satisfaction from others, and it is this feeling that makes her linger on this virtual world, no I didn't want to leave until the last second when I had to leave.

Yes, I am a genius, praise me and envy me!

Apart from singing, she didn't do anything else. After all, she didn't want to stay here, and she wanted to leave the island quickly and go back to the lively society. Outside, she could enjoy more The pursuit of fans.

Only in the outside world can she look good on Song Juyao.

When Lin Zi is old, he has everything, even serial killers will have fans, not to mention Wen Zhulian seems to be just a bad character.

Because of the shocking talent she showed intuitively in the live broadcast, and another person's impression of her was reversed, the paranoid and fanatical part of Wen Zhulian's domineering fan group seemed to have been injected with strength and revived.


After three days of trekking, they finally entered the central area of ​​the island, and the bodies of bloodthirsty patients or dying patients began to appear on the road.

When they saw someone appear, they let out a longing growl, but because they had been hungry for too long, they had no strength to get up, so they could only crawl on the ground in vain.

These bloodthirsty patients, if they don't get some blood, will die.

They looked at Song Juyao again, including the person who was still around Wen Zhu Lian just now.

Although, in their hearts, Song Juyao is the leader, and Wen Zhulian sings nicely, but it cannot be used at this time. It can be used as entertainment, but her speech will not be because of her talent in lyrics and composition. There is more weight.

Wen Zhulian felt as if she had been slapped in the face, a little embarrassed, and her face suddenly sank.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, do you still think you can conquer the world with songs? 】

[Hahahahaha, don't you know that your talent is not useful? I thought she was self-aware

[You can laugh, this is just a virtual world, Zhuzhu didn't break the law, she is still a famous celebrity in the music world after she came out]

[Be jealous, talent is immortal, Wen Zhulian is no worse than Song Juyao, but their excellent directions are different]

[Pig dung is really pig dung, the three views are not correct, and it is disgusting]

In the live broadcast room, the audience was so angry with Wen Zhulian's brain-dead fans, but there was nothing to do. This is so frustrating, Wen Zhulian's talent is really obvious to all.

No matter how badly she behaves in Survival Island Paradise, she is not like Li Siqing who committed a crime, and will definitely be arrested after the end. She has not committed a crime, so after she comes out, she can continue to be in the entertainment industry, because there will always be people who will If you like her, you will fall under her talent. She is destined to be famous in the music world, and even go higher and higher.

Song Juyao's ankle was not twisted seriously, and she dealt with it in a timely manner. After a few days, she was almost cured, but she still rested on Jiang Baiqi's back.

At this time, she looked at the corpses, or the people who were about to become corpses, and said, "Tie them up, feed them some blood, and we will come out to save them when we get the antidote."

No one has any opinion. These are all patients. There are medicines in the research institute. How can you bear to watch them die?

Wen Zhulian stood beside Wei Yan and watched them listen to Song Juyao's words, but she did not listen to Song Juyao's command.

Wen Zhulian had already exported almost all the songs in her mind, but she couldn't think of any other classic songs for a while, which made her feel insecure, so she asked Wei Yan, "Do you remember any classics? I didn't sing them. been?"

Wei Yan: ""Fei Yang Qing chūn"?"

"I have an impression, how do you sing?"

Wei Yan rolled his eyes, but still sang a few lines to her.

Wen Zhulian finally remembered.

【? ? ? Wen Zhulian asked Wei Yange how to sing? Then Wei Yan still knows? ? 】

[I searched, but I couldn't find the melody or lyrics. That song was definitely original by Wen Zhulian. She should have written it before and sang it to Wei Yan.]

[Wen Zhulian and Wei Yan are weird, they seem to have a lot of secrets]

[Wen Zhulian and Wei Yan are both geniuses, what's wrong with being a genius? Just be jealous, Wen Zhulian does have a lot of shortcomings, but she is talented, hehehe]


They originally thought that this trip would be very thrilling, and their hands with kitchen knives and fruit knives were shaking. After all, everyone had seen zombies, monsters appearing due to genetic research, and so on, and they thought they needed to fight to the death.

It turned out that the situation was much better than they had imagined. Many of the bloodthirsty patients had reached their limit, or fell to the ground dying, allowing them to do whatever they wanted, or they could be knocked down with a punch.

The tense nerves gradually loosened.

The huge research institute is standing in the center of the island, surrounded by barbed wire, and there are several bloodthirsty patients lying on the barbed wire watching them.

They were no longer afraid, and they walked in easily, through the playground where weeds grew, and into the research institute building.


The real world, the trial show studio.

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