Knight with Wand

Chapter 120 Refugees from Aiken Village

It was late when Leon returned to Selva from Avalon Castle. As soon as he entered the territory, he noticed something was wrong.

There were obviously fewer militiamen patrolling in the village.

He hurried home with doubts in his heart, and then he learned from Ms. Elena that some villagers in Longka had reported that they had encountered a large group of robbers.

Azerien, Lohak, Old Brian, and Olivia led the archers and the guards team, and urgently assembled 50 conscripted infantry from the young and strong laborers in the construction camp to provide support.

The surprised Leon did not care about resting, and replaced the spare warhorse in the stable. He and Corvis took enough torches and rushed to Longka immediately.

They traveled all night and arrived at Lohak's territory at midnight.

Leon was relieved until his own soldiers who were camping outside the village stopped the horses.

Whether Longka encountered robbers or not, it seemed that Azerien and his team had controlled the situation.

After entering the village, they came to the village house guarded by the guards. The four people who had already fallen asleep had been awakened by the soldiers.

After lighting the candles, Leon took off his armor, sat around the table with everyone, and asked about the sudden incident.

Azerian explained the current situation in an orderly manner.

After learning that they were not bandits, but nearly a hundred refugees who were attacked by the undead and had nowhere to go, Leon immediately understood why his companions were frowning at the moment.

The location of Longka is basically on the western edge of the barony under Faroris.

Further west, the disaster-stricken Aiken Village is located in the territory of the gray wolf Baron Gunnar.

Leon remembered that it was the village he encountered when he just left the forest after the cursed land was eliminated.

Now strictly speaking, these refugees left Gunnar's territory without permission and came to the Faroris family's territory for refuge. In this era, they are already considered "fugitives" who violated the lord's decree.

Of course, at the critical moment of life and death, the villagers naturally no longer care about those rules and regulations.

The tricky question is how to properly deal with these villagers who are asking for help.

Leon certainly won't sit back and watch so many innocent people starve to death in front of him.

But if he wants to open the warehouse to save the people, there will be so many more mouths to eat, and Longka will definitely not be able to afford it. He has to transfer grain from Selva and Pleton.

However, the grain on hand is not blown by the wind. If these nearly 100 people are ownerless migrants, he will naturally be willing to pay the price and then happily settle these refugees to supplement manpower.

But they are "fugitives" of a lord, and their lord's territory is "next door" to his home.

If he is kind enough to be a sucker and waste precious food to take them in, and then the Gunnar family reacts and sends people to ask for the people, will he hand them over or not?

"We can convert the consumed food into money. When the Gunnar family comes to ask for people later, they will have to pay the amount of money we spent for the number of people they want to return. If they can't pay, the people will belong to us.

As a lord, we can't even protect our own people. If this matter really goes to the great nobles for "lord arbitration", we will also be right. I believe that Lord Elliver will support us." Azerien proposed a compromise.

"Okay, remember to raise the price when calculating the food bill. Help the Gunnar family to relieve refugees. We can't spend a lot of effort in vain. However, I reminded that village at the beginning to tell the lord to send troops for protection as soon as possible.

Or... the scale of the undead attacking the surrounding areas of Aiken Village is large? Can't even the army solve it?" Leon asked puzzledly.

"I asked their leader about your question during the day, but the villagers couldn't explain it clearly, and we don't know how many zombies attacked the village. But the village of Aiken has been attacked sporadically by monsters for a while, and they have sent people to ask for help from the surrounding towns and the Gunnar family."

Azerien continued: "But the city of Wofnhall has not responded to their request. Not to mention the army, even the young and strong people from each household in Aiken Village who were conscripted to the front line to fight were not released.

I don't know if the current manager of Wofnhall doesn't believe the small village's request for help, or doesn't care about their life or death, or Or, the army of Gunnar family was transferred to the war by Baron Grey Wolf, and now they are short of troops?

I heard from the villagers of Aiken that it has been four days since the disaster, and they have not waited for the reinforcements of Grey Wolf family to clean up the monsters wandering in and outside the village. "

"Maybe all the reasons you guessed are true." Leon thought for a while: "Let's do it this way, the refugees will be temporarily accepted. In addition, I will write a letter to report this matter to the Lord of the Land and see the opinion of Lord Elliver. "

Farolis's army is about to be assembled in the city in the forest, and they will go south to launch a surprise attack on the important town of Grayde County with empty defenses in the next few days.

Such a trouble has arisen at this time, and Leon wonders if it will affect the strategy of the Thorn Flower family.

Old Brian pinched his thick beard and listened to the discussion of several young people in silence, and his thoughts extended further.

He pondered his intuition and premonition, and proposed: "Sir, it is a waste of manpower to let the villagers of Aiken Village eat food for nothing. Why not transfer a few craftsmen from the camp from Selva and take them to cut wood nearby to build a circle of wooden walls and trenches for Longka, and build a few arrow towers to prevent the large-scale attacks suffered by Aiken Village from happening in Longka.

The troops we brought do not need to be disbanded. With so many people, the area of ​​Longka's homestead is not large. If everything goes well, it will only take ten days to complete."

"Work-for-relief? Well, let's do it." Leon nodded when he heard it.

Longka's geographical location is not like Selva, which happens to catch up with the flow of people and business opportunities in the transit camp and the forest road. In the short term, Lohak's territory may not have much opportunity to expand and develop.

Then it would be a good idea to take advantage of the extra labor now to completely wrap the village with wooden walls and build a manor camp as a defensive stronghold.

"Without further delay, Azerien, you will be responsible for transferring food from the warehouses of Pletton and Selva.

Uncle Brian, you stay in Longka and command the troops to manage the refugees.

Lohak, come with me to Aiken Village tomorrow to investigate the situation there and see how big a threat the undead are causing trouble and how big a threat it is to Longka."

After arranging their respective tasks, Leon quickly adjourned the meeting and asked everyone to continue to rest.

Azerien and Lohak yawned, holding the candlesticks and walked up the stairs to their rooms to sleep.

But seeing that everyone was busy, Olivia, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help but raise her hand, shook Leon's arm, pointed at herself and asked: ". What about me?"

Leon, who had just stood up, looked down and saw his lover's eyes, looking forward to being assigned a task.

After hesitating for a while, Leon had to look at his old centurion first.

He naturally wanted to take Olivia with him, even though it was just a quick ride around Aiken, which was not dangerous, but having the girl around was always an extra layer of protection.

Just don't know what Uncle Brian's attitude is now towards the girl's risk.

Seeing Leon's hesitation, Olivia couldn't help but look at her old father with a pleading look.

Brian looked at the two people with a wry smile, and could only sigh: "My lord, my daughter is not so fragile. As long as she is not surrounded by the chaotic army, I believe you can protect her. There is no need to ask my opinion on everything.

Besides, you must care more about Olivia's safety than I do. Haha, after all, she is not a child anymore, but..."

Old Brian stopped talking and told his daughter, who was visibly happy, "Olivia, go back to your room and go to bed quickly. Lord Leon and I still have territory affairs to discuss."

Olivia didn't think too much, said good night to everyone, and ran up the stairs happily.

The old blacksmith saw the girl's back disappear at the stairs, and then pulled Leon aside in his puzzled eyes.

Leon looked at Uncle Brian's serious look inexplicably.

As the other party whispered, the attitude of the words in the words also changed: "Leon, if you haven't prepared for the wedding, you'd better pay attention and don't make a fuss in advance.

Having a child before marriage is not so strict in Orland that it will be regarded as an illegitimate child, but it is really not in line with the royal tradition. After all, your child is the direct blood of my king.

I really can't help it. Remember to buy more sheep intestines, just in case."

Awkwardly, Leon tapped his toes on the ground, and he was extremely fortunate that he didn't hear this when he was drinking water, otherwise he would be choked to death.

He is not really a teenager, and he doesn't lack knowledge and experience in this area, and he doesn't plan to do anything to Olivia so early.


"Uncle, do you know the relationship between Olivia and me? Did she tell you?" Leon interrupted the other party's old father-like reminder and asked instead.

"That's not the case, but she wears that precious headband every day, and her hair is carefully tied up every day. You two are getting closer and closer. I am not blind.

And I heard from little Lina that you were still making out in the warehouse? Privately, as Olivia's adoptive father, I still have the audacity to advise you to pay attention to the location and at least close the doors and windows."

Listening to old Brian's nagging instructions, Leon scratched the back of his head, nodded silently, and decided in his heart. This time when he goes back, he will let Ms. Elena spank little Lina's ass.

That girl is getting more and more naughty. It's fine if she peeked, but I don't know what she spread.

That day, it was just a kiss, how could it be spread as "making out"? The meanings of these two words in Feru are very different.

Slightly embarrassed to escape from old Brian's nagging, Leon followed Corvis, who was holding a candlestick, to find a room to sleep.

However, the other party's advice was still rumbling in his mind.

Sheep intestines?

Although Leon had never seen this legendary "ancient artifact", he could certainly guess what it was through context and imagination.

To be honest, if you think about it carefully, you really don't have any insurance measures in your hands, and it is conceivable that this ghost thing can't be found in the entire territory of Selva and Longka.

That thing is also a luxury for nobles and rich people in this era.

Leon sighed. Every day he was either running around or honing his martial arts. He was busy and exhausted, and he was not troubled by that aspect.

Now that he was suddenly nagged like this, his mind couldn't help but think about it.

The attractive look of the girl curled up and hid in his arms that day appeared in his mind, and Leon couldn't help but beat faster.

Following the corridor on the second floor of the big house, he came to the two empty rooms at the innermost side, and Corvis glanced back quietly.

Seeing that the master behind him was obviously absent-minded, with a strange smile on his face, the young man came up with a plan.

He pretended to turn the handle of the empty room in front of him, secretly used magic to drill into the lock core, and silently locked the door.

"There is someone sleeping in this room, my lord, there is only one room left."

Corvis turned around and said softly: "You go to bed first, I will go to the hall downstairs to spend the night."

"?" Leon stopped, broke free from the distant future secretly YYing in his head, looked up and asked: "Just one empty room?"

Corvis shrugged, he turned to the next room and pushed open the last small room, which only had a narrow plank bed, with straw on the bottom and simple bedding on top.

After all, this village house is not a decent hostel. Usually, except for the room where Lohak lives, the other empty rooms in this house can only be used by a few workers or travelers working in the warehouse to rest.

"No, you have to go with me tomorrow. How can you sleep in the hall tonight?" Leon scratched his head. If the bed was big enough, he wouldn't mind lying with Corvis for a night. A big man doesn't have much to be particular about.

The problem is that the plank bed is so small, and the two people are so close. Leon glanced at the handsome face and figure of the boy next to him.

He didn't want his partner to sleep on the ground, nor did he want to accidentally sell his soul and walk on some terrible path.

Taking the candlestick from the boy, Leon lit the candle in the room and said helplessly: "This room is for you. Let me see where Lohak's room is. With his size, the bed in the room must be wide enough."

Corvis shook his head.

How can he go to Lohak? Then this play is not in vain.

"My Lord, I just heard from Mr. Brian that since you are already engaged to Miss Olivia, why don't you just go to her room and sleep?" The boy urged faintly.

Leon was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but be moved.

Corvis smiled, raised his hand to cover his mouth, and whispered quietly: "If~you are worried about safety~although there is no sheep intestines, I still know some spells that can exert a risk avoidance effect, and the duration is not short, you see."

"Damn, come on, you, stinky boy, go in and sleep."

Leon saw what the boy wanted to tease, and pushed him into the room with a smile.

It was obviously a major event in his life, but everyone around him was more anxious than him.

Corvis poked his head out, handed over the candlestick, and pointed to Olivia's room: ". The second room at the staircase, don't go wrong, my Lord."

Leon took the candlestick and pretended to knock on his head, and the boy giggled and hid in the room and closed the door.

Holding the candlelight, he looked in the direction of Olivia's room, then pulled his collar and nodded.

Yes, there is no way, there is no room~

Besides, they have slept in the same bedroom twice, so this time is not a big deal.

Once is new, twice is familiar.

Anyway, I know that I am a gentleman! There is absolutely no evil thought!


Arriving in front of his lover's room, Leon knocked on the door, holding back a little embarrassment, and cheekily called softly: "Olivia?"

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the door was opened by the girl in the room.

Olivia, who had not yet fallen asleep, was only wearing a thin dress with her waist untied. She stared at her lover with a flickering look in her eyes.

"Uh, that, I." Leon hadn't finished speaking.

The girl whispered, "There's no room, right? I heard everything."

Leon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He suddenly remembered how amazing the other person's hearing was.

"Is that okay?"

Leon glanced at the bed in the room with a guilty conscience.

A narrow and small single bed.

For the first time in his life, he was grateful for the civilian bed in this world that made him unable to turn over freely and always annoyed.

Olivia looked at the smile on the other person's face that could not be hidden. She lowered her head, her cheeks slightly hot: "Well, come in."

No matter how innocent the girl was, she could feel that the other person wanted to get close to her at this moment.


I don't hate it

I don't want to drive my lover away in the middle of the night.

After getting into the bed, Olivia leaned as close to the wall as possible, holding back her shyness and leaving a place for him.

This time, there was no second bed to separate them.

After locking the door, Leon looked at the girl who was curled up inside like a cute ostrich with her back to him.

While cheering in his heart, he actually really leaned as close to the outside as possible and lay flat on it.

Covering the quilt, lying in the same bed, smelling the breath of his lover, feeling each other's body temperature, he was very satisfied.

At this moment, even the hard and rough bed board behind him was so comfortable.

He took a long breath, and the tiredness of riding for more than ten hours without closing his eyes came over him, and Leon closed his eyes at ease.

The room soon fell silent.

In the quiet night, only the faint breathing of the two could be heard.

After a long time

".Leon, are you asleep?"


Hearing Olivia's question, Leon closed his eyes and hummed in response.

"What is a sheep intestines holster?"

"Cough! Cough cough!" Leon opened his eyes and coughed repeatedly because of the choking.

He even heard the conversation downstairs?

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