Knight with Wand

Chapter 121 Conflict Intensifies

"I'm tired of your chattering, Lord Gunnar."

Trosa's majestic rebuke made Baron Grey Wolf hold back his displeasure and shut his mouth.

The old earl knocked on the table with a headache: "The Thorn Flower made great sacrifices in the early stage, but the greatest victory was taken by you. You have taken advantage of it. Don't make trouble out of nothing. Baron Farolis did not blame you when he left. Where did you hear the rumors?"

Gunnar remained silent.

Of course, he did not dare to say that he had spent a lot of money to get the "inside story" that shocked him from a certain eunuch who took the initiative to contact him.

"I promise that if the army of the thorn flower invades your territory, I will make an arbitration after the war is over.

But now, the time is approaching, and Earl Mamor is about to open the city and surrender. I will not allow anyone to take a soldier away from the camp. If you take the opportunity to make a noise again, I will take away your Ledinburg fiefdom on behalf of His Majesty. Go, I don't want to see you again today." Trosa waved his hand.

Finally getting the promise he really wanted, Gunnar did not argue anymore, bowed his head and saluted, and Baron Grey Wolf turned and left.

Returning to his tent, he immediately called his eldest son who went with the army.

Looking at his son who was in high spirits because of his merits in breaking through the battle array and seizing the flag, Gunnar nodded with satisfaction.

"Canis, take your squires and rush back to the territory. I authorize you to mobilize the remaining knights and troops to monitor the movements of Faroris, but don't take the initiative. Even if Elliver really dares to provoke a civil war, you only need to ensure the safety of Wolfenhall.

The old land of the thorn flower doesn't matter who it belongs to. When the siege of Mamor is over, even if they dare to take it back, I can get it back without spending a single soldier." Baron Gray Wolf ordered his eldest son.

Canis pounded his breastplate hard: "Don't worry, father, if the cowards of the Weed Family dare to reach out to the Wolf Territory, I will use my claws and teeth to uproot those flowers and plants."

Gunnar shook his head: "Go back and listen to your mother more. Be patient, and you can get your own prey. Remember, the wolf pack must wander and observe before hunting."

Several people rode fast horses, and the knight master of the Gunnar family and his followers rushed back to Wolfenhall in just one and a half days.

After meeting his mother at the lord's mansion, the young Canis could not wait to go to the inner courtyard to meet his young wife whom he had not seen for half a year.

Walking into the courtyard, he heard the musicians playing the piano and the poetess singing to the beat.

Canis walked through the corridor, walked lightly, quietly came behind the lady who seemed to be immersed in listening to the story, and hugged her.


The young master of the Wolf family laughed.

"!? Canis?" The young lady of the young master withdrew her affectionate eyes from the poetess in fear, and turned back to hide her panic.

She took several deep breaths before pretending to complain to her rude husband: "When did you come back? You scared me."

The young master's wife turned around and gestured to the young and beautiful poetess with her fingers, urging her to leave quickly.

"Do you miss me, Tayana?" Canis hugged his wife, just wanting to take her into the room as soon as possible to make love.

He looked up at the female bard who stopped playing, put away her harp and left, then turned to his wife and asked, "What were you listening to just now? Why are you so engrossed?"

"It's a new story from the west, called The Knights of Selva, and it's already the second chapter, telling about a few brave young knights saving their loved ones." Tayana hugged her husband, lowered her head and talked about something else.

"Selva?" Cannis heard it familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, he seemed to remember that it was in early December when Count Trosa mentioned this place name at the celebration banquet after chasing Baron Doson back to the camp.

However, when he heard that it was about the former weed family in the east, he didn't remember it at all.

"What Knights of Selva? What kind of knights can there be in a poor and remote place that no one has ever heard of? And they made it into a story, which is all made up by pedantic poets all day long." Cannis looked at it with disdain. He didn't care whether it was just a coincidence that they were both called Selva, and he just hugged his wife.

"Let your husband show you what a brave knight who can really charge into battle looks like." The young master of the Wolf family picked up his wife who was exclaiming and walked back to the room.

After a long while, after a lance charge that made the servants blush and heartbeat, Canis wanted to hug his wife and have a good sleep, but the voice of the servant came from outside the door, saying that there was something important to report.

Reluctantly getting up from the messed-up gentle place, Canis endured his irritation and met the servant who reported.

".Attack? Monster? A mess."

Complaining in his mouth, but remembering his father's instructions, the young master of the Wolf family frowned and stood up to summon the knights of the inner court.

Knowing that there were indeed occasional so-called monster attacks in the wild in various places in the south of the territory recently, Canis was worried that there was something else going on, so he had to give up reuniting with his wife. The next day, he temporarily assembled dozens of cavalrymen and rushed south to the places where the attacks were reported to patrol and investigate.

Most of the areas where the crimes happened were in the southern part of the territory that had just been incorporated into the Gunnar family's rule for more than a decade.

The more Canis walked, the more he suspected that it was the people of Faroris who were causing trouble for his own territory.

Finally, following the cries of several noisy low-class people, after a day and a night of travel, Canis's team arrived at the southernmost village marked as "Aiken" on the map.

As they approached the dirt road of the village, they saw the ugly beasts and zombies wandering aimlessly in groups of three or two, and they pounced on the cavalry team like crazy.

The young master of the Wolf family was naturally not afraid of those stupid beasts. He led the accompanying knights and cavalry to charge and shouted loudly. After a few rounds, they slaughtered all the walking corpses on the roadside.

"What the hell is this?"

The accompanying knight reined in the frightened warhorse and nailed the dried corpse that had been cut in half but still crawled on its arms to the ground with a spear.

Canis looked at the village that had been occupied by these monsters and was immediately furious.

Although he didn't care about the lives of those lowly serfs, the disappearance of a fief also meant that the family's accounts would lose dozens or hundreds of gold crowns every year.

How could this loss not make him, as the heir of the family, feel annoyed.

"Wild wolves of Wolfenhall, follow me to kill all these bastards who have touched the wolf territory." Canis roared and picked up the long sword, led the cavalry to gallop, and rushed into the village aggressively.

The scolding and shouting attracted the corpse ghost wandering in the village.

Tearing the remains of the livestock that were about to rot, the zombie raised the will-o'-the-wisp in its eye sockets, sensing the breath and soul of the living.

A black-armored knight who had been standing in the cemetery outside the village for an unknown period of time turned around in a daze.

The desire for the fresh flesh and blood of the living soon dispersed the remaining fragments of consciousness in his soul.

The carapace-like steel gauntlet tightly grasped the greatsword, and the pace of the corpse knight ran faster and faster.

Beside him, several ferocious war dogs that instinctively followed their former masters pounced on the cavalry of the Gunnar family together with the black-armored zombie.

The corpse knight opened his jaws and let out a hoarse and terrifying roar. His eyes filled with will-o'-the-wisp caught a glimpse of the wolf emblem on the cavalry, and the fire of hatred made his broken soul completely violent.

The long blade of the greatsword swung past, and the unprepared squire cavalry was cut into two pieces by the corpse knight, including the man and the horse.

The gushing blood instantly dyed the black-armored undead knight red.

The battle lasted for an unexpectedly long time.

In the woods on the hills not far from Aiken Village.

Leon and others looked at the cavalry unit that had cleared the undead in the village, and then quickly gathered the team and left to the northwest.

With the magic mirror screen cast by Corvis, Leon and others could see clearly where the army belonged.

On the high-standing spear-shaft swallowtail flag of the cavalry team, there was a running wolf emblem, indicating that they were the army of Baron Gunnar.

"Leon, why couldn't we help them clear the monsters in the village just now?" Olivia tilted her head and looked at her lover in confusion and asked.

Leon shook his head: "You don't understand. The Gunnar family and the Farolis family have a deep hatred. Our identities are sensitive. If we appear in front of them at this time, it will only cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts."

They rushed from Longka to the vicinity of Aiken Village. They originally wanted to investigate the situation after the attack on the village. Unexpectedly, they ran into the cavalry of the Gunnar family fighting against the undead.

If it were the troops of other nobles, Leon would not mind leading everyone to join the battle and help the other side, but facing the Gunnar family, it is better to avoid some trouble now.

Finally, when the cavalry took the wounded away and disappeared in the distance, Leon led his companions out of the woodland on the hill, returned to the place where the entourage watched the horses, rode the warhorses, and rushed to the post-war Aiken Village together.

Walking into the messy village, the zombies lying on the roadside were all dead.

Obviously, ordinary undead cannot pose any threat to organized elite troops.

But passing by a place that had obviously experienced an astonishingly fierce battle, Leon was surprised to find that the wooden houses there collapsed, and the low walls that originally surrounded the yard were full of gaps as if they had been hit by some giant.

The remains of several horses that had just died, in a tragic state of being cut in half by a giant blade, fell to the ground, and the blood dyed a large area of ​​soil red.

The bodies of the Gunnar cavalry were not seen, and it was not known whether no one had died or the casualties had been collected and taken away by that team.

However, around here, the remains of some corpse ghost soldiers wrapped in pitted and broken armor parts were lying everywhere.

Everyone looked around, and Leon looked at the scattered zombie corpses around, and suddenly saw a few that looked particularly familiar.

Duwana war dog?

The memory of almost dying tragically in that bloody mouth in the past came to his mind, and Leon walked forward and turned it over.

This is indeed that kind of unique war beast.

Wait? What are these ancient corpse ghosts?

Leon turned around and came to the relatively intact body of an ancient corpse soldier next to him, and pulled off the robe that was almost turned into rags on his torso.

Looking at the broken and worn emblem on it, Leon could recognize that it was a corner of the thorn flower pattern.

An ominous premonition came to his mind, and Leon got up with a headache, looking northwest in the direction of Wolfenhall.

He sighed silently, thinking that these ancient undeads of the Farolis family might cause trouble for their Baron Elliver who was about to show his skills.

"No need to watch, hurry back to Longka." Looking back at his companions, Leon called everyone to get on the horse.

Now it is more important than anything else to seize the time to prepare for the conflict.

The noisy courtyard of the mansion was crowded with people.

".Evil witchcraft!"


"This is a shame!"

A knight roared in an exceptionally loud voice: "Madam! Farolis must pay for the death of Sir Gabe!"

The body of the knight of the Gunnar family has been properly packed into the coffin, and two servants kneel in front of the coffin with sad expressions.

Beside the coffin.

A headless corpse in black armor, pierced by several spears, was placed in the center of the courtyard square. The kite-shaped shoulder shield on the left side of the corpse had been dented by the long-handled warhammer.

But the thorn rose family emblem on it could still be identified.

The knights of the Gray Wolf family surrounded the black-armored corpse in a commotion.

The hostess of the Gunnar family covered her mouth and nose, staring at the mummy of the knight who seemed to belong to the Thorn Flower family with disgust and confusion.

With a bandage wrapped around her left arm, Canis suppressed his anger and asked his mother as gently as possible: "Please give me the power to recruit troops, mother. They used witchcraft to attack our territory. This is a direct provocation and must be responded to strongly!"

"No, I have to inform your father of this news first." Mrs. Gunnar shook her head.

Looking at her furious son, the Baroness had not lost her mind. Her husband had already told her in a letter that the Farolis family's army had recently left the front line and their whereabouts were unknown.

The main force of Gunnar's family, part of which was stationed in the new territory of Redingburg, and part of which was following the Earl of the Stag to besiege the city.

In any case, it is undoubtedly unwise to act rashly out of anger.

The young master of the Wolf family restrained his anger and looked at the remains of the hateful black-armored corpse.

The village in the territory was destroyed, several cavalrymen and a knight died, and other knights and himself were also injured. For such a shame, Canis gritted his teeth and swore to return it a hundredfold!

Gunnar's lord's mansion was noisy because of the sudden conflict.

In the servant's room in the corner of the mansion, a little incense was burning, exuding a charming fragrance.

The wife of the young master of the Wolf family was infatuated and kept singing under the "female" poet.

Until a crisp cry.

"You~you can't. Stay here any longer. You must leave as soon as possible. My husband, Canis, he will kill us."

The exhausted Tayana looked at the ceiling, her eyes reflecting the strange purple light were full of reluctance and panic.

"I will disappear from your life soon, Tayana."

The androgynous "female" poet held up the silly woman's face, and her voice was like a bewitching ghost.

"Be good~ Just tell me what you saw truthfully~ It's just a few letters~ You say~ Right~?"

The purple power in the poet's eyes was faintly surging, and on her forehead, the one-eyed magic pattern shone brightly in the darkness.

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