Knight with Wand

Chapter 38 Jedi Rescue

Hidden in a cottage at the corner of the alley, the three of them looked out the window at the big house behind the village market.

A noble knight wearing plate armor and holding a halberd and axe, with two attendants wearing plate and chain mail, was guarding the door at this time.

Not long ago, a group of Kantadars came out of the big house, led by a noble whose armor and robes were very eye-catching and flashy. The noble and his soldiers who followed him were now gone.

Not long after they left, several people saw two soldiers carefully carrying the body of the old blacksmith and sending him into the big house.

It seems that Olivia is still in the big house.

After all, listening to Azerien's retelling of the conversation of the pockmarked cavalry, these guys threatened Olivia to surrender with the life of the old blacksmith.

If the girl had met with an accident, they would definitely not let the old blacksmith continue to live.

Speculating that Olivia was not in danger for the time being, Leon and others felt much more at ease.

But the question also came, how should they get in now?

Looking at the imposing heavy-armored halberd knight at the door, and the cavalry attendants beside him who were also fully armored, Leon was in a dilemma.

A big iron can plus two small iron cans.

If it were ordinary Kantadar soldiers wearing iron-covered chain mail, they might be able to fight.

But the tall knight at the door, like an iron tower, looked really difficult to deal with.

The halberd knight was covered with heavy armor all over his body. If a fight really started, Leon didn't know where to cut.

With the long sword and bow in his hand, he couldn't cause any damage to the knight's thick plate armor.

Besides, who knows if there are other guards in the big house guarding the girl? If the fight disturbed the soldiers who might be inside and forced them to hurt Olivia directly, wouldn't it be a waste of risk.

"Do you have any good way to lure those guards away?"

Leon turned around and discussed countermeasures with his partners.

"How about I pretend to report to them that the Orland army has arrived outside the village? Trick them into gathering at the entrance of the village." Azerien suggested.

Leon crossed his arms and thought about the success of this plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, but still shook his head.

"I think the Kantadar noble who left before is the leader. Since the knight at the door was left to guard Olivia, he probably won't leave his post on his own initiative. If he asks you to report military intelligence to the noble, we will be exposed."

". Or, let's go around the back of the big house and secretly set it on fire?" Lohak suggested.

The boy remembered that in the heroic stories of the bards, the protagonists rescued their friends from prison in this way.

Azerien immediately rejected Lohak's plan: "Not to mention whether we can set the big house on fire, even if we can, these Kantadar people will not bother to put out the fire. Even if the whole village is on fire, they can just take Miss Olivia away from the village."

Leon nodded, it was true.

Moreover, if the situation gets out of hand and more soldiers come from all directions to check the situation, there will be no chance at all.

The three of them talked and came up with several tricks to deceive the guards, but after discussion, they still felt that none of them were reliable.

As they talked, Leon, who was at a loss, suddenly felt a little hungry.

From yesterday evening to now, he had not eaten for almost ten hours. In addition to the intense exercise when killing the Kantadar soldiers before, it was normal to feel hungry now.

Leon looked around slightly. The village house was looted everywhere. Even the breakfast on the table that the original owner's family had not had time to enjoy was overturned by the invading Kantadar soldiers.

There were teeth marks on a few slices of brown rye bread. It was unknown whether it was left by the missing original owner or gnawed by the thugs.

Just as he was about to ask his companions to fill their stomachs with the food on the table, Leon suddenly had an idea.

"Got it!" He thought of a plan, which might be able to get away with it.

At the entrance of the village house.

Lifting the belt of the armor under the breastplate, the halberd-wielding knight at the entrance moved his heavy feet, and his neck was a little sore.

(Uriah) "Master, there is a box in the corner. I will move it over and you can sit down for a while?" the servant beside him asked kindly.

"Yes." The knight nodded slightly, he was indeed a little tired.

He had been running all the way after escaping from the battlefield, and he didn't sleep well outside the village last night.

After conquering this broken village, he wanted to find a bed to rest well, but now he had to cheer up and guard the blonde girl in the house for the feudal lord until the other knights came to take over after resting.

If he said, he really didn't understand the lord's temper.

The girl was very pretty, but the baron was not short of beautiful women. Besides, when he escaped back to Kantadar, he would have all kinds of toys.

What kind of situation is he in now? He is trapped in the enemy country and doesn't know where to go. He still wants to play with women?

Especially such a dangerous girl.

He had heard that there were unlucky soldiers who had their penises bitten off when raping women. Wasn't Lord Doson afraid that the girl would take advantage of the opportunity to castrate him in bed?

Even the weakest girl could crush a man's weak handle, not to mention a female swordsman who could defeat a powerful knight with a real sword handle.

Mamuel was still lying in bed, and I didn't know if his legs could be saved. I hope those Atias robe guys can heal him after returning. I really don't know what to say.

With unspeakable complaints and grumblings in his heart, the halberd knight walked to the wooden box brought by the squire and sat down. He leaned against the doorpost and felt a little more comfortable.

"Mercenary, stop!"

The attendant in front of the big house shouted contemptuously at the three mercenary cavalry who came over.

"Huh?" The halberd-wielding knight heard the sound and looked over, seeing several mercenaries coming to the door of the big house.

One person is holding a plate, which is rich in eggs, bread, and cheese.

There were two people next to him, one carrying a kettle and the other carrying a keg.

"What are you doing here?" The knight didn't even get up, and asked the three mercenaries with a proud voice.

"The Baron was afraid that the girl would be hungry, so he asked us to bring some food and drink over."

Azarian, who was holding the plate, tried to relax his tone and lowered his body respectfully. Fortunately, the helmet mask concealed the aristocratic boy's nervousness at the moment.

The knight holding the halberd sighed, thinking that the lord really cared about that girl and was so caring about giving her food and drinks. He was not blessed to be cared for like this even though he was loyal and dedicated to killing the enemy.

The attendant at the door looked at his knight master for instructions.

The knight holding the halberd waved his hand to the attendant, and said in a joking tone: "Open the door, don't let that little beauty starve to death~"

The two attendants received the master's strange orders and pushed open the door while suppressing laughter.

Leon's eyes behind the mask peeked into the room.

What disappointed him was that he didn't see Olivia. There were corners on both sides of the village house, and the girl might be further behind.

The three of them were about to walk into the big house, but they were immediately stopped by the knight crossing the shaft of his halberd and axe.

Leon, who was following Azarian, was feeling a little lucky just now, but froze.

"My lord?" Azarian asked carefully.

"Okay, we don't need you guys here. Just give the things to my attendants. Let's go quickly." The knight holding the halberd said in a lazy tone.

Although Leon couldn't understand what the Kantadar knight was saying to the leader Azarian, it was obvious that the opponent's attitude towards blocking was very clear.

This impromptu plan seemed to have unexpected consequences.

After hearing the words of the halberd-wielding knight, Azarian's expression twitched slightly behind his helmet mask.

He knew very well that Leon's reason for sending food was the most suitable excuse he could find.

If they just hand over the food to the attendant, the three of them will have no more reasonable reason to approach this place.

Otherwise, people are forced to come out, and Azarian suddenly became anxious and wise.

He handed the food in his hand to Leon, who was holding the kettle, and then took the small wine barrel from Rohark's hand. With a humble posture, he saluted the knight holding the halberd with both hands.

"Sir, I poured some of the ale in this village to try before. It tastes really good. You might as well accept it."

The knight couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"Actually, the three of us took the initiative to ask for help to deliver food and drinks. The younger ones heard that the girl killed several of our brothers, so they wanted to come over and have a look at the girl's nose and eyes."

Azarian said, fearing that the other party would misunderstand his identity as a mercenary, so he quickly waved his hand.

"I really don't have any other ideas. We definitely won't touch her. We just want to see what she looks like. My brother and I made a bet that she must look like a witch with eight eyes and four legs."

The knight holding the halberd weighed the wine barrel. Although he would definitely look down on such poor quality wine in ordinary times, but now that he is on the run, it would be good to drink some.

Looking at the mercenary in front of him with his shoulders raised and his head shrinking, even though he didn't take off his helmet and couldn't see his appearance, he felt much more pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. If she really had eight eyes and four legs, the Baron would have killed her long ago. Why did he stay here until now? Go in, don't stay too long, and touch her? You have the guts to not be afraid of death. You can try it.”

The knight holding the halberd smiled secretly. If the three useless mercenaries in front of him had the strength to touch the girl, the baron would not be able to make them all knights of the inner palace and make them his colleagues.

Azarian only thought that the other party was threatening and warning, and he quickly nodded in agreement, tilted his head back, and motioned for Leon and Rohark to follow.

Leon listened to the chattering conversation between his companion and the knight, and when he saw that the other party finally raised his halberd and ax to let him go, his tense heart relaxed again.

After entering the big house with food and a water bottle, Leon looked around the corner and finally saw Olivia in the corner.

To be honest, although he was very sorry for the girl, he had actually prepared himself in his head for the worst possible scenario of seeing some very bad scenes.

You can't blame him for thinking so lowly. After all, with the poor moral character of the Kantadar army, there is no way he could let go of a beautiful girl like Olivia.

But the fact surprised him greatly.

At this moment, the girl's clothes were not only neatly dressed, but except for her depressed expression, her hands and feet were not even tied up.

Even in her hand, she still held a blood-stained two-handed sword.

The weapons were not even removed!

In what way and attitude did this girl negotiate with those cruel Kantadar people to get such preferential treatment?

Seeing this scene, he even had a moment of doubt as to whether the other party really needed his own rescue.

It wasn't until he saw the dying old blacksmith Brian lying on a sack mat in the corner that he was once again convinced that the girl was indeed trapped here.

Obviously, no matter how powerful her swordsmanship and negotiation skills were, she would never be able to escape with her seriously injured and comatose old father.

The blonde girl's indifferent eyes looked at the three "Kantadar soldiers" who suddenly came in.

"Get out, I said, I need to be alone."

Olivia warned in a voice as cold as ice.

She completely ignored the food in the other person's hands. The girl thought she was not stupid enough to accept the food sent by the villain. Who knew whether there might be something mixed in it.

Bending down and putting down the food and water in his hands, Leon raised his head and whispered the other person's name.

"It's me, Olivia."

As he spoke, he turned away from the sight of the Kantadar people outside the house and lifted the mask that obscured his face.

"! Rai."

"Shh~" Leon quickly raised his finger to signal her to be silent.

The girl quickly closed her lips, her eyes flashing with disbelief.

She tried her best to swallow back the sound in her throat, and then looked at the two people beside Leon who raised their visors one after another. As expected, they were two other foreign friends.

Leon glanced at the old blacksmith lying on the sack, stepped forward with a serious face and came close to the other person's ear, and whispered to the girl as fast as possible:

"Listen, Olivia, we don't have much time so I can keep this short. We hid three horses not far from the village community house. It's more than enough to take you and your father away. The problem is that the three of us can't defeat the guards outside. .

You must tell me honestly, if you force yourself to break in, can you beat that tin can? If so, what are the chances of winning? How long will it take? We can help you hold off the other two attendants."

The girl's ears were a little warmed by the warm breeze blowing during Leon's hurried words.

But in a flash, she shook her head as if she was startled. She quickly shook off the strange and inappropriate mood, got rid of distracting thoughts, and solemnly replied softly:

"If that man's martial arts is not much different from the knight I defeated before, then I am 60% to 70% sure of defeating him. However, it is difficult to predict the time when the victory will be determined. He is already prepared for my martial arts. The halberd also makes it difficult for me to get close enough to him to perform half-sword techniques.

Unless I was given a mace with a properly long handle, I really wouldn't be able to end the fight in a short amount of time. "

Speaking of this, the girl looked directly at Leon, her green eyes showing a guilty look: "I'm sorry."

The girl who felt powerless felt extremely ashamed of the three friends who risked their lives to rescue her.

She has lost too many familiar villagers in the village today. No matter what, the girl does not want these three friends who came here to die because of her.

After clearly analyzing the current situation, Olivia quickly made a more successful proposal to Leon.

"Why don't I help you block the guards at the door and attract their attention? You can just take my father and escape."

After saying that, the girl smiled reluctantly: "Don't worry about me, that Kantadar noble didn't want to kill me, which is why I can still live until now. In short, as long as you and my father can leave safely."

"Okay, stop talking and think of other ways."

Leon frowned and interrupted the girl's plan helplessly.

There were some words that he really couldn't say right now, which were reality and might hurt the girl's feelings.

After all, the three of them are not righteous supermen.

Whether it is themselves, Rohark, or Azarian, everyone is willing to risk their own lives to sneak in. The one they want to save from the beginning to the end is the kind-hearted girl in front of them. They recognize that the friend worth paying for is Olivia. Not her father.

If she can't be rescued, the purpose of this operation is completely wrong.

Thoughts were spinning rapidly in his brain. Leon suddenly raised his head and asked tactfully and straightforwardly:

"You just said that the noble is very interested in you, right?"

He seemed to have another idea.

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