Knight with Wand

Chapter 96: Inka

Picking up the two crystal cards on the table, Leon measured them.

Complex magic patterns, translucent crystal cards with surging magic waves.

The two Neti cards created by Miss Laura look almost exactly the same as the one made by Ms. Aphrodite.

The only difference is that the outer frame that wraps the crystal card body is not a dazzling gold border.

One is plain black, and the other is beautiful silver-white.

"Can these cards also summon spirits?" Leon turned his head and asked.

Laura took out the Neti card with a silver frame from Leon's hand.

"This silver card, as long as there is a ritual base or sacrifice that is clearly pointed to, you can try to summon some souls that existed in the world in the past.

And the black card is just a trial work. It can reproduce some simple magic formulas, but it is limited by the materials used to make it and cannot accommodate too strong magic."

"So, like you guided me to release the 'Isha's Arrow' before, that kind of attack magic can also be saved in this black card?" Leon asked, looking at the black card in his hand.

"The black card for the spell to solidify the arrow of Isa may not have enough capacity, so we have to use this silver card, but this is a bit wasteful.

However, no matter what, if you want to activate the Neti card, you still need to master how to use magic first, otherwise you can't make it reappear, whether it is a spell or a spirit that responds to the summons, if you leave this earth vein node." Laura replied.

"Then how can I start learning magic?" Leon asked.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time. Although it would be nice to give the card to Corvis, he has always wanted to have extraordinary power.

"Do you have enough time to stay in the tower and receive my daily guidance?" Laura said helplessly: "If you really want to learn magic from me, you'd better wait until you are free.

The entry-level 'Spell Learning' alone has six major subjects: spells, rituals, sigils, runes, meditation, and seals.

After learning the entry-level subjects, there are five formal schools of elementalism, necromancy, life science, alchemy, and astronomy, and the basic theoretical knowledge of more than 20 professional subjects under them, until you choose some directions you are good at to continue your studies."

Leon was overwhelmed by what he heard. He didn't mind how difficult it was to embark on the path of magic, but there were too many things to do at the moment, and he really couldn't stay in the tower for a long time to carry out the professional studies that sounded time-consuming.

"Don't become a wizard, can't you use the Neti card?" Leon said regretfully.

Laura smiled and said, "That's not the case. To use Neti Cards as soon as possible, you don't have to study so professionally, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted time making these two cards.

For now, you just need to be able to perform the most basic magic call as soon as possible. After all, the prototype of Neti Cards was originally a great existence who tried to make everyone in the world use magic like a wizard, and came up with a whimsical idea.

Although it failed, the excitation principle of this creation is very suitable for people like you who have no foundation to use."

"Learn to call magic as soon as possible? But didn't you say that there was no quick way?" Leon asked doubtfully.

"Indeed, you can't use that method to train the instinct to mobilize magic. It takes a long time to learn to feel magic through that method. And even if you can figure out how to mobilize the magic in your body, you can't do anything. At best, it can only strengthen your body."

Leon was confused: "Strengthen your body? How should I do it?"

Lola shook the silver medal in her hand and continued: "Remember the feeling of almost exhausting your body's magic when you released the Arrow of Isa?

As long as you repeat this process of exhausting life magic as much as possible in a short period of time, over time, you will always instinctively experience the law of magic circulation in your body.

With your excellent mental coordination, it is not difficult to try to control this energy from the source of life.

Of course, if you hadn't met the child Corvis now, this kind of perception training would take several years by yourself, even if you are gifted, so it would be more efficient to sit in the tower with me to study."

"Corvis? Ah, I understand." Leon thought for a while and roughly understood why Miss Lola mentioned the blond boy next to him.

Exhaust the magic in the body, then quickly replenish the magic, then exhaust it again, then replenish it again, and repeat the cycle.

If there is no Corvis as an external magic source to help shorten the cycle interval, each time the physical strength is exhausted, it will rely on self-healing to slowly recover. Not to mention the danger to the body, the efficiency alone is obviously dozens of times slower.

In that case, this stupid method can't be said to be quick, it is a pure waste of time.

"But letting Corvis assist me in this exercise will not affect his health, right?" Leon worried, he didn't want to hurt his friends in order to gain power.

"As long as you don't drain all the magic of the child every time, and cooperate with you to conduct such perception training appropriately, it will be good for his mental coordination and magic perception, and it is also equivalent to a high-intensity spell casting practice."

Lola dispelled Leon's unnecessary concerns.

Leon was relieved and excited. Even if he couldn't really cast a spell in a short time, he couldn't wait to use magic, a power beyond ordinary people.

"You said it can't hold the Arrow of Isha, so what spell can this black-framed card hold?" Leon handed the Neti card back to the wizard lady and continued to ask.

"This is exactly why I'm waiting for you to come."

Laura took the black card and explained with two Neti cards between her fingers: "I'm not with you now. I don't know what kind of help you need in your current situation, so it's up to you to decide what to burn into it. Magic for good.”

"What are the options?" Leon asked hurriedly.

".For example, some low-level spells of elemental science can create thunder and lightning to paralyze the enemy, or condense an atmospheric barrier around the body to deflect incoming arrows.

Low-level recovery magic in life science, such as healing wounds, dispelling fatigue and pain, and curing some diseases, but I think the kid from Corvis probably knows some basic skills in this area, so there is no need to repeat it on this card.

There are more non-combat spells, such as summoning spirits and tracking prey.

There are even spells such as gathering the power of the land to increase plant growth, but the range of spells that can be accommodated by the black card is too small, and it is of little use to help you produce more food in a small field. "

The mage lady sat on the chair, holding her small chin, closing her eyes and thinking about the apprentice magic that had not been used in countless years.

Leon was listening to the excitement beside him, and felt that these spells all sounded useful, and it was really difficult to make a choice.

After much consideration, he still felt that in terms of direct combat, the attack spells that the black card could inscribe were effective against ordinary people in duels and small-scale conflicts, but on the real battlefield, it was hard to say how effective they would be against a few soldiers. How much the battle situation can be affected, the effect of recruiting more archers will be very different.

As for the low-level protective spell that deflects ordinary arrows, it seems very cool, but as long as he wears plate armor, wears a full-coverage helmet and is not unlucky enough to be shot, he will be covered like a steel can. The only gap in vision is the visor. He is not afraid of arrows in the first place, so why bother with it.

From this point of view, which of these low-level spells is more important?

While Leon was thinking, he suddenly reached out from under the collar of the breastplate and pulled out the "Boiling Heart" necklace that was worn close to his body.

"Laura, look at this. You also know the function of this necklace. Is there any spell with similar effect?" Leon asked instead.

He has not yet tested how much this necklace can improve his fighting ability, but in his memory, when Duosen used it, not only did his combat power double, but he was also almost invulnerable to swords. The ferocious momentum really left Leon fresh in his mind.

If only Miss Laura could record auxiliary spells with similar effects into the Neti card

When fighting in the future, wouldn't it be nice to give this kind of combat BUFF to the comrades around me, and the two of them can activate "Madness" together to surprise the enemy.

"The technique of stimulating magic to amplify the body is not complicated. It is just like helping your war horse restore its physical strength. The principle is the same." Laura pondered.

Leon was overjoyed when he heard this, and then asked greedily: "Can that kind of spell only work on one person like this necklace?"

"You mean... you want to impose this state on multiple people at the same time?" Laura raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, can it be done?" Leon asked expectantly. Of course, the more people around him who can eat BUFF together, the better.

Laura didn't answer immediately. Miss Mage looked at the necklace and suddenly lowered her head to think.

Leon waited quietly.

After a moment, he saw the mage lady in front of him smiling.

"Li Ang, you really came up with an interesting idea. I think I can try it. Anyway, this is just a trial work. It doesn't matter if it breaks."

Laura thought for a moment, raised her head and said to Leon: "Would you like to do an experiment? There is a possibility of failure, and the price will be to lose this necklace."

"What do you mean? Tell me specifically." Leon was confused, but he was not reluctant to part with the necklace. He believed that since Miss Laura wanted to try it, the rewards he would get after success would definitely be worth it.

"You inspired me. It turns out that the great magic created by Afros was not the simple spell container it was originally.

I want to try using the effect of your necklace as a base and the ability of the Neti card to solidify magic to see if I can reproduce the process of actual concept existence.

Just like she originally wanted to use this magic to try to transcend reality and recreate people who no longer exist.

The field covered by the Neti card includes the power of the spiritual world, and there is no need to stick to spells and the recurrence of spiritual bodies. Haha, interesting."

Laura put the silver Neti card back on the table and walked towards the stairs outside the door with only the black card.

Leon patted Olivia who was beside him looking at the furnishings in the workshop cabinet in a daze, and led her to catch up with the mage lady.

Everyone came to the top of the tower where Laura was summoned to enter the Neti Card.

The mage lady walked to the center, raised her hand and tapped the golden wand.

The moment the end of the long staff hit the ground, a large dazzling magic pattern spread out under Laura's feet.

Olivia took a few steps back, left the complex magic circle at her feet, and stood against the wall, fearing that it would hinder the mage girl from performing her magical magic.

But Laura obviously didn't care about the blonde girl's actions. The technique she constructed herself would not be easily disturbed.

Miss Mage turned her head and waved to Leon: "Stop standing there, come here quickly and activate the necklace in front of my eyes."

"Oh." Leon followed the instructions, quickly came to Laura, and stuffed the necklace back under the breastplate.

However, thinking of the small hole on the opponent's chest pierced by the sharp short foot under the gem when he took the necklace off the corpse of Doson, Leon could only endure it silently, just as if he had an IV drip. Anyway, when he returned, there would be Corvis to help him treat the wound.

He quickly recited the short spell of the boiling heart in his mind, and he immediately felt a pain in his chest.

The retractable needle under the gem pendant pierced under the flesh.

But then, the boiling feeling of blood made Leon have no time to think about it.

He stared with hot eyes all over his body, and his expression was uncontrollably gritted and ferocious. His tense muscles could no longer feel the pain in his chest.

The young man's body was under the plate armor, and the red instantly spread all over his skin, and the outline of his muscles was also tense and swollen.

The veins on Leon's face bulged, and a wave of heat from the magic power surged all over his body.

He took a deep breath, couldn't help but raise his hands, and slowly clenched his fists. The iron gloves he squeezed made a crackling sound, and he felt as if he had endless strength in his body.

The weight of the plate armor that he had been carrying was now as light as nothing, as if he was wearing a thin gauze dress instead of steel armor.

The restlessness and confidence from the heart surged in his heart, and Leon felt that he could punch through a thick wall with his bare hands at this moment, and even kill a bull rushing towards him with one punch.

"You are in good condition, that's it, stand still and don't move~" Laura reminded in a brisk voice.

Without seeing her chanting a spell or drawing a seal, the silver-haired girl held the black-edged Neti card between her fingers and shook it gently.

The space around Leon seemed to be suddenly pulled towards the Neti card by a force.

It was as if a piece was torn off from the canvas called reality.

The time-space spiral twisted into colorful colors, rotating and pouring into the Neti card between Laura's fingers.

Leon felt that he had lost the surging strength in an instant.

Feeling the weight of the armor on his body again, he couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his neck.

It's gone, and the necklace called the Boiling Heart has also disappeared.

"How is it? Success?" Leon wiped the sweat from his forehead, regretting that he didn't take off his armor just now. He was sweating under the three layers of lining, chain mail, and plate armor, which was really uncomfortable.

He looked up at the black card between the fingers of the girl in front of him.

I saw that the back of the card facing him was no longer transparent, and a golden one-eyed Atias logo appeared.

"It's easier than I thought, but I forgot to remind you to make a better pose. Don't be surprised if I didn't record your appearance well." Laura said, turning the card in her hand.

On the front of the black-bordered Neti card, Leon saw that his appearance also appeared in the crystal card.

But on the screen, his face was as red as fire, with steam rising, his expression was ferocious and his veins were bulging, and his upper body in armor was clenched with fists, glaring.

The most amazing thing is that the breastplate in the picture is translucent, deliberately revealing the red gem pendant embedded in the chest under the armor.

Leon suddenly felt a sense of absurdity. At first, he thought this thing was like the "KuO cards" in a cartoon in his childhood memory.

But now it seems more and more like the board games he played in his previous life?

Leon reached out and took the Neti cards from the wizard lady, who didn't know what they were used for, and couldn't help but joked: "Lola, the person who first inspired Ms. Aphrodite and created the prototype of the inspiration for this magic card must have loved playing cards at the time, right?"

Laura heard this, her eyes revealed a deep nostalgia, and she shook her head with a smile: "You guessed right. But it's not just cards. She used to love playing with too many small things. She is such a great existence, but she is always like a child who never grows up."

Leon shook his head regretfully, feeling it was a pity.

He is really a fellow traveler. If he traveled through time to the time when Miss Lola was alive, he might be able to make some "Wan O Cards", "You O King", "Kun O Cards" and become friends with the wizard she mentioned.

Putting aside his wild thoughts, Leon returned his attention to the black card in his hand: "Can this card now amplify the bodies of multiple people at the same time?"

Lola nodded: "That depends on how many objects your magic can sustain, but due to material limitations, I'm afraid it can only reach a hundred people at most. I sealed the effect of the necklace you wore in this Neti card. As long as you activate it and guide its power to release it to the corresponding object that meets the conditions, you can reproduce the same effect in the card on it."

"Object? Conditions? There are restrictions on its use?" Leon's face became more weird, and it felt more and more like it.

"Of course, after all, it's not true free casting. The effectiveness of this card depends entirely on the concept of the seal, that is, the most basic, 'humans wearing magic necklaces bear the effects of its stimulation' so you can't use this card to amplify non-human beasts, that doesn't match the fact that it is sealed in the card." Laura spread her hands and explained.

"It's okay, I'm not complaining, this card is powerful enough for me."

Leon waved his hand, and on a whim, he turned to the wizard lady in front of him and asked: "What do you plan to call this type of Neti card?"

"Name?" Laura blinked in confusion: "Do you want to classify Neti cards?"

"Do you think this will work?" Leon looked at the pattern of the necklace he wore on the card, and suggested to the wizard lady: "The kind of card that summons you, just call it 'Heroic Spirit Card'.

I said before that the card that can accommodate the effect of the spell is just called 'Spell Card'.

As for this equipment? . Props? No, it's better to call it 'Treasure Card'."

Lola didn't care about it: "It's quite appropriate. Let's leave it at that. I think if Aphrodite is still alive, she wouldn't have any objections."

After saying that, she looked at the blonde girl who was leaning against the wall and waiting quietly.

"Now it's time to talk about your business, Miss Olivia."

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