Knight with Wand

Chapter 97 Ancient Background

Lola raised her right hand and opened her palm to the blonde girl.

Olivia stared at the actions of the wizard lady in front of her, a little confused.

"Just hold my hand, I can check your bloodline."

Lola's golden eyes stared at the girl's eyes: "If you feel offended and have no interest in delving into your bloodline, it doesn't matter. I just think that I may have met the offspring of that guy, and I was just in a momentary whim."

"No, Miss Laura, I don't feel offended, I am also very curious." Olivia waved her hand embarrassedly.

She took off her iron gloves and held the wizard lady's slender and elegant fingers.

At the same time, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The other party said that she might know her ancestors, so how old is this mysterious and beautiful lady in front of her?

Olivia saw Laura closed her eyes while she was thinking wildly.

A soft light then lit up slightly between the fingers of the two holding each other.

After a while, Laura opened her eyes again.

".Sure enough." She looked up at the blonde girl in front of her with a nervous expression.

"When I first saw you through Leon, I had an indescribable sense of déjà vu, but although the blonde and blue-eyed features are rare among the Feru people, they cannot be regarded as evidence.

However, now it seems that this body, combined with the current situation of this land in this era, you are indeed the descendant of that guy."

Olivia blinked, feeling confused.

Lola still held the girl's hand and asked about her wishes: "However, since your 'father' has not told you this, you still have room for choice. After all, this matter may affect your future life. You may want to consider whether you want to know the truth about your life experience.

If you forget everything I said now, it would be nice to be an ordinary blacksmith's daughter and live the rest of your life in peace."

The truth that my father didn't tell me?

Olivia was stunned.

"Affect your life? Miss Laura, is it so serious to just know who your ancestor is?" The blonde girl looked at Laura's serious eyes and couldn't help feeling nervous.

"For you, it does have a great impact." Laura nodded.

She then turned Olivia's palm over with her hand, spread it upwards, and asked, "Have you never been curious about how different your body is?"

"What do you mean?" Olivia looked at her palm that was spread out by the other party.

"Leon." Laura turned her head: "Show me your hand too."

Leon took off his gauntlet and spread his palm.

He looked at his rough hands with strong joints.

He looked at Olivia's fair girl's palm again.

Hey. Pretty

Huh? No.

Leon immediately realized the difference between the two.

The original owner of his body was the son of a civilian hunter. He did all kinds of rough work since he was a child, so his hands were worn rough and hard.

Since he woke up until now, he has been holding various weapons for a long time to practice swordsmanship and martial arts, and thick sword calluses have already formed in his palms.

This is normal.

But look at the little hand of the blonde girl again.

Although the old blacksmith Brian's family is a wealthy family in Selva Village, Olivia has also done a lot of farm work in the village, and has practiced martial arts for many years in private with a rough iron rod.

How could her hands now be as beautiful and delicate as those of a noble lady, as if she didn't do anything productive?

"Olivia, have you never had calluses on your hands?" Leon asked.

He didn't have Kira Yoshikage's habit, and he really didn't pay attention to the special features of girls in this regard.

"No. I asked my father when I was a child, but he said that some people are born like this, and there is nothing strange about it." Olivia shook her palm.

It has been like this since she can remember, and she has long been accustomed to it. Besides, which girl would dislike not having calluses on her hands?

"Calling is a protective reaction of ordinary living organisms to skin wear and tear, but if the self-healing ability far exceeds this instinctive mechanism, then the skin of the body can naturally maintain a constant optimal state."

Lola put down Olivia's right hand: "It's not just the skin that won't wear and tear. It seems that you have been very well behaved since childhood and have never played with the flames in the furnace of the blacksmith shop.

Otherwise, if you are a little naughty, you will find that the flames can't hurt you at all. The high concentration of magic can be immune to the heat reaction of burning."

"I'm not afraid of fire?" Olivia opened her beautiful green eyes wide in surprise.

"You are not afraid of many things." Miss Mage nodded: "Your bloodline has completely inherited a unique Yanyang Life Science Magical Guide.

And your frequent and hard martial arts training over the years just replicated the training memory in your bloodline, and further activated the active high-density magic element in your body.

The magic element cycle stimulated by exercise in ordinary people's bodies is far less than this natural advantage.

So you have the physical fitness, perception and vitality that surpass ordinary people now."

"Lola, I have always heard you and Corvis mention "magic element". What exactly is magic element?" Leon couldn't help but interrupt and ask.

"Magic element is one of the basic substances that support the existence of all animals, plants and spiritual life in the mortal world. It can be transformed into natural magic and chaos magic to the greatest extent.

And its quantity and density changes in the body of living beings, roughly speaking, also largely determine the growth form of life." Miss Mage replied.

She waved her hand at Leon and said, "Don't worry. I have written an introductory magic book in Feru that explains the basic concepts in a popular way. You can take it back and read it in advance when you have free time."

After saying that, Laura looked at Olivia again.

"How's it going? Have you decided?"


Olivia furrowed her thin eyebrows and stared at her palms, feeling confused as she hesitated.

Before Selva's disaster, she had always thought that she was just an ordinary mountain village girl who was good at fighting.

Even after defeating those ferocious enemy knights one after another, after comparison, she only raised her self-awareness to that of a mountain village girl with relatively powerful martial arts skills.

This time I followed him to find out, just out of curiosity about how the mage lady knew about her ancestors.

But, bloodline related to magic?

life experience?

the truth? .

In the girl's memory, a vague impression of her mother's appearance when she was a child flashed across her memory.

Mother’s beautiful golden hair and sad eyes

Olivia Olivia

I seem to hear a call from the past.

She felt inexplicably confused.


Leon patted the girl on the shoulder.

The blond girl finally recovered from the hazy childhood memories as if in a dream.

"Forget it, Uncle Brian won't harm you. Since he doesn't plan to tell you these things, there is always a reason why he doesn't want you to know." Leon comforted.

"Anyway, you didn't know your life experience in the past, so you couldn't be more happy to grow up like this."

After experiencing the old Brian's insistence on hiding his daughter's eagerness and abnormality in front of Count Trossa and his party, he had already suspected that Olivia's identity was unusual.

Now that Miss Laura said that the girl's physique was unique, Leon felt that her life experience was quite involved.

But if the girl herself is not mentally prepared, then there is really no need to find out everything now and it will only cause more trouble.

At the age of sixteen, in Leon's eyes, she was still a half-grown child.

Olivia looked at the boy beside her speechlessly.

The caring look in the other person's eyes was just like the light he saw when he was in a desperate situation that day, when he was scared and helpless.

A sense of peace of mind slowly came to my mind.

She recalled her father's strange eagerness to move away from Selva.

He did not hesitate to abandon his farmland and the home he had lived in for more than ten years, and rashly headed to the far north where he had no relatives or friends to resettle his family. What was his father worried about?

The girl's eyes gradually became firm.

She longed to see the countless new things outside Selva.

I also look forward to accompanying these partners on their thrilling adventures.

But I just don’t want to leave all my friends and partners behind so easily, leave behind the land where I was born and grew up for more than ten years, and walk away from home.

Putting the armor back on her hands, the blond girl looked at the other party calmly: "Miss Laura, please tell me."

Seeing that the other party had made a choice, the mage lady nodded and said:

“Your ancestor was once the commander of the Yanyang Imperial Guard.

Of course, you don't need to know who he was before he failed.

Because after that guy was deposed by me, in this land today, he has an identity that you are more familiar with now.

He was the founder of the Kingdom of Cronia, the predecessor of the Northern Kingdom, and the first generation king of the Orland royal family.

Twilight Rider.

Gelvin Drachmar. "

After a long while, he looked at Olivia who was lying in front of the tower window, quietly looking at the dim night under the tower. Leon did not say anything to disturb the girl from digesting the sudden truth, and followed Laura back to the lower level mage workshop.

"By the way, I didn't see the body of the Yanyang Imperial Guard that was left here before. Where did you put it?" Leon asked doubtfully.

"The body has been buried in the courtyard behind the tower, and the guard's last wish has been fulfilled. The armor is now kept in the warehouse. I plan to use it as the basis for the next ritual of making the Neti card."

Laura picked up the silver medal on the table and continued to answer: "Although his soul has returned to the Dead Sea, maybe he can be called back to the mortal world again, it depends on whether he is willing to help."

"But you, you must develop the ability to summon magic power as soon as possible, otherwise even if you summon him, you will not be able to maintain this, um, 'heroic card' you call it."

"Well, don't worry. As long as I have time when I get back, I will help Corvis exercise and I will never slack off." Leon promised.

He put away the black Noble Phantasm, Boiling Heart, and looked at Laura curiously.

"Speaking of which, the founding king in the history of the Drachmar royal family was actually your mage guard?"

Hearing this statement, Laura's gentle face turned to a rare look of disgust: "When did I say that guy is my guard?"

Obviously, the mage lady didn't dislike that name, but she couldn't say she had a good face.

"Didn't you say that Olivia's ancestor, the one named Galvin, was the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard? And he was demoted by you." Leon scratched his head in confusion.

"He is a Yanyang guard, yes, but he is not my guard."

Laura closed her eyes silently: "I demoted Galvin and expelled him from the Court of France precisely because that guy failed to protect his monarch and committed an unforgivable dereliction of duty.

Of course, my punishment can be regarded as saving him to some extent, otherwise that guy would definitely rush into the abyss of the spiritual world to die in battle to apologize."

It was so complicated. Only then did Leon realize the misunderstanding. Although the two were superiors and subordinates, they were not directly subordinate.

But from these words, he suddenly had a vague idea of ​​the era Miss Laura lived in.

Since Laura knows the founding king of Cronia.

That is, it was before the Drakmar royal family unified the north and renamed the kingdom Orland.

The predecessor of the Northern Kingdom, Kronia, has a history of about 400 years, plus Orland has a history of more than 670 years now.

After a rough calculation, Leon was surprised to find that Miss Lola was at least a thousand years old.

Leon touched his chin and looked at the white-haired girl in front of him.

The ancient king of law, this is the highest level of wizard he knows at the moment.

And looking at Kovis's reaction that day, even Emperor Atias on the other side of the ocean was imitating the clothing style of the ancient wizard lady in front of him.

Such a prominent position is obviously impossible to be an unknown person submerged in the long river of history.

After all, even the founding monarch in the history of Orland can leave his name in the legend a thousand years later.

But at least a thousand years ago, there was another big man with the same surname of Ilariel?


Lola Ilariel.

King Ilariel of law.

Laura and the Holy Prophet Ilaril were of the same generation.


Thinking of the sun wheel pattern that appeared automatically after the Neti card.

Thinking of the promise to return to the Great Temple of Rolandar. Leon couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He stood up and looked around the wizard lady.

He didn't dare to make any guesses in his mind.

It was too outrageous, which was why he didn't connect the two from the beginning.

Because he clearly inherited the memory of the original owner, the young Serian, his expression was a little weird.

". What are you doing?"

Laura held the scepter and looked at the other party back and forth and circled around her with amusement.

"Wait a minute, let me slow down." Leon raised his hand and took a deep breath.

It was still too unrealistic.

From what he saw and heard along the way, he had already accepted the fact that Laura was a powerful wizard when she was alive.

But Ilaril? !

Now most of the Feru countries on the continent believe in the Holy Sun Doctrine, and worship the only true God in the mortal world.

Holy Prophet Ilaril.

Leon swallowed his saliva, stared at the wizard lady and said: "Can I ask you? Laura, did you believe in the Holy Sun Church when you were alive?"

Laura sighed when she saw the disbelief on her face.

".If possible, I hope you don't ask this stupid question."

As she said that, her expression was helpless: "How could I believe in something that didn't exist when I was alive?"

After getting a clear answer, Leon shouted in surprise: "Are you really the prophet that the church believes in now!? The incarnation of God?! Laura, are you a god?"


"Hey" Leon took a step back, smiled awkwardly and rubbed the place on his forehead where the scepter tapped.

"Calm down?" Laura reluctantly took back the magic wand in her hand and waved her hand: "I am not the incarnation of God. I told you that when I was alive, even the so-called Holy Sun Church did not exist. I don't know what kind of prophet I will be after I die.

Holy Sun Mosela Sol is indeed great, but that supreme existence is completely different from the concept of God that people worship now."

"Oh, is that so?" Hearing this clarification from the person himself, Leon was not disappointed, and still felt very at ease in his heart.

How to say it?

Whether Miss Laura is the incarnation of God in the doctrine of the Holy Sun Church or not, her status in the Holy Sun Kingdom is undoubtedly no different from that of a certain brother named Ye in her previous life.

Good guy, making friends with the Holy Prophet himself!

How can this be? If it gets out, which kingdom in the Western Continent that believes in the Holy Sun Church dares not give me some face?

Seeing the other party's increasingly smug smile, Laura raised her hand again and tapped Leon's forehead vigorously: "Don't smile foolishly~! Little fool, I'm not trying to discourage you. If you really tell outsiders about the title of the Holy Prophet, regardless of whether others believe in my identity as a lonely ghost.

If someone really tries to take away my now weak spirit, then I will have to give up everything and go to the Dead Sea to sleep."

She spread her hands and said: ".At that point, if there is any trouble in the mortal world again, I really can't take care of this mess."

Feeling that the spirit is gradually showing signs of being unable to continue, Laura looked up at Leon: ".It seems that this state can be maintained for almost the same time, is there any other problem?"

"Wait, there is something else I want you to help me with."

While the wizard lady was still there, Leon quickly brushed her hair towards her, showing her black hair roots that had grown half a tie in the past two months.

"What's going on with me? Originally this body had brown hair, but the hair growing from the bottom seems to be turning black these days. Is that normal?" he asked worriedly.

"Hair color change?"

Lola touched her chin and looked closer.

"It's not strange for a spellcaster. If you don't actively interfere, magic will affect the caster's hair color. But with the amount of magic in your body now, how could there be such a change?"

As she spoke, she thought quickly and looked at the other person's eyes again.

Noticing that there was also an imperceptible black in Leon's pupils, Laura suddenly asked back: "Did you have black hair and black pupils when you were alive?"

"Yes, that's right." Leon nodded honestly.

"Then it seems that your soul essence may be affecting the growth of this body."

Lola said, and looked at him suspiciously: "But this is strange again, with your soul strength..."

"The soul changes the body? You mean, I will gradually become what I used to be?" Leon said in surprise.

Laura frowned.

Logically. The soul copies the body

Thinking, the mage turned to comfort him: "It shouldn't be that exaggerated. Don't worry, this phenomenon will not affect your health. If you really care, you might as well go get a haircut."

Hearing her say this, Leon felt relieved. It was time to get a good haircut.

After answering the last question, Laura closed her eyes and no longer deliberately maintained the stability of her spirit.

The petite body instantly turned into flying bright light particles, and reassembled into the original Neti card in mid-air.

Leon reached out and carefully caught the golden Heroic Spirit card that contained Laura's soul.

Looking at the mage sleeping with her eyes closed on the card, he felt a little regretful that he could not bring her with him at any time for the time being.

However, one day he will have to fulfill his promise and return to Rolandar. At that time, he will be able to travel with this legendary ancient prophet spirit again.

Leon suddenly recalled the conversation he had with his companions two months ago when he just broke free from the cave.

At that time, that kid Lohak was praying that Ilariel was above.

Now that he thought about it, Ilariel was not above at all.

He was clearly right next to him.

Leon shook his head with a smile.

After placing the gold and silver Neti cards on the table, he turned and walked to the top floor.

After such a long time of calming down, Olivia should have recovered from the truth of her life experience.

The Drakmar family is now the royal family of Orland.

It is not known whether the girl is a collateral branch or a royal family.

However, according to Miss Lola, Olivia still has the genetic characteristics of the special magic bloodline of the commander of the Yanyang Guards a thousand years ago.

If Olivia is not considered the orthodox royal family now, it should not be her problem.

I still remember what Baron Elliver said, that the King Supporter, Count Trosa, supported the current king to ascend the throne more than a decade ago.

The time is just right for Olivia's current age.

Leon rubbed his brows.

Why do I feel that I have such a close relationship with the royal blood recently?

Corvis is the prince of Villania.

Olivia is very likely the princess of the Kingdom of Orland.

Is it so easy to meet the descendants of the king these days?

After returning, I will "torture" Azerien and Lohak to see if they are also hidden royal relatives.

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