Chapter 114: The frustrated and compromising Third Generation.

I saw that Rope Tree over there was eating a melon, but he found that he had eaten his head. He was stunned at first, then waved his hand and said with a smile:”Hokage, you are joking!”

“I’ve known for a long time that I’m not cut out to be a clan leader, and I have no interest in being one, so don’t say such things!”

“I’d better work hard to become stronger!”

“The clan leader is too brainy and not suitable for me.”

What a joke?

Clan leader? Is he worthy? He is not worthy!

Not to mention the elders and even grandma in the clan will not support him.

Even if they are willing to support him, he himself really doesn’t want to!

Ever since he knew what Qian Xuan had done silently for the survival and development of the family, and knew Qian Xuan’s future development plan for the family, Sheng Shu knew the gap between himself and Qian Xuan in this regard. He also knew that he really did not have the talent and qualifications to take over the position of clan leader.

Only Qian Xuan can lead the Qianshou clan to rise again, to glory, and surpass the glory of the past.

He himself does not have this ability at all.

Because he fully supports Qian Xuan becoming the clan leader.

Anyone who persuades him to be the clan leader is absolutely malicious and is persecuting him and making things difficult for him.

The third generation:”……”

Koharu Utatane:”……”


They all saw that Nawaki was really not interested in being the clan leader.

But why?

Didn’t Nawaki used to clamor to be the Hokage?

Why don’t you even want to be the clan leader now?

Nawaki, you have changed!

People like them who have been poisoned by power cannot understand the thoughts of Nawaki, who treats power like a piece of trash.


At this time, the great elder Senju Tokuma sneered and said,”Okay! Don’t think about sowing discord!”

“We all know that Shengshu is not cut out for this, including Shengshu himself.;”

“Letting Qian Xuan become the clan leader is something we all agreed on, so don’t waste your time on it!”

Old man, you still want to play some tricks until now.

Why didn’t you realize that this bastard was so insidious before?

It can only be said that they were deceived by the disguise and words of the third generation before.

It’s also their own stupidity!

Fortunately, now they have finally been awakened.

Although it’s a little late, it’s not too late, the family can still be saved.

“Haha! No way! No way! I’m just asking out of curiosity!”

The third generation heard this and smiled awkwardly, saying

“That’s enough! It doesn’t matter what you think!”

At this time, Qian Xuan interrupted the hypocrisy of the third generation and continued:”Since you agree to the lower point, let’s talk about the second one!”

“I want to learn all the ninjutsu in the Sealed Book”


Hearing Qian Xuan’s lion’s mouth, Sandai’s face suddenly changed, and he refused firmly:”This is the most precious property of the village, how can you give it away like this? Only those who have made enough contributions to the village can be given”


After hearing this, Qian Xuan smacked his lips in disdain and said:”Not to mention that most of the ninjutsu in the sealed book were once provided by my Senju clan.;”

“Quite a few, not even the clan had any backup left.”

“Just based on the fact that I have killed more than 5,000 hostile ninjas on the battlefield before, and almost turned the situation in the Rain Country battlefield around by myself, isn’t this kind of merit enough to qualify me to obtain the qualification to practice some ninjutsu in the Sealed Book?”


The Sandai was speechless for a moment and didn’t know how to defend himself.

Indeed, Chigen’s merits were enough.

The Sandai thought about it and realized that he couldn’t stop Chigen from getting the Sealed Book. He said with a stiff upper lip:”That doesn’t mean I have to take away the qualification to practice all the ninjutsu in the Sealed Book.;”

“With your achievements, I can only let you choose four at most, no more!”

“Moreover, the Impure World Reincarnation technique is not among the options!”

“This technique involves too many things, it’s not something you should master at your age!”

“Besides, playing with the dead is bad for your reputation.”

This was the last insistence of the Third Generation.

Qian Xuan listened and thought about it.

This result was within his expectations.

He knew that the Third Generation would never give him the Impure World Reincarnation Technique.

Fortunately, he had a way to get it.

Orochimaru had already mentioned to him that he would be able to get this technique from Danzo soon.

The same goes for the Spiritualization Technique. As for the Eight Gates Technique, he could get it from Might Guy.

Therefore, it was not so important whether the Third Generation gave him this technique or not.

At most, he would get it from Orochimaru later, but he could not use this technique openly before he succeeded in seizing power.

Oh! This technique is a bit unethical and is not suitable for open use. Use?

Then it’s okay!

In fact, Qian Xuan had asked Uzumaki Mito and old man Senju Tokuma before, whether the family has this technique.

The answer is no.

Because the first and second generations think that this technique is too dangerous and should be handed over to the village and sealed in the Book of Seals, and the family should not keep it.

Not only this technique, but also many forbidden techniques created by the second generation, were not kept in the family.

Qian Xuan didn’t know what to say to the second and first generations.

It’s so stupid and stubborn!

Qian Xuan immediately said:”Then I choose the technique of multiplying detonating talismans, the technique of multiple shadow clones, and the technique of soul imprisonment. The remaining one chance will be exchanged for the second generation’s sword of Thunder God. Is there a problem?”

Yes, the Senju clan didn’t even keep the technique of multiple shadow clones and multiplying detonating talismans.

It’s amazing.

When Qianxuan knew the news, he really wanted to pull the two brothers Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama out of the netherworld and ask them what they were thinking in their pig brains.

After listening to it, the third generation thought for a while, then nodded in agreement:”Okay! I will deliver these things to you in person later!”

“Are these the only two conditions?”

“In this case, can the previous things be exposed?”

This condition is acceptable to the third generation.

Generally speaking, it is still beneficial to him.

It is much better than letting Qian Xuan continue to stay on the front line and continue to make meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, if Qian Xuan really pacifies this war by himself.

At that time, he really can’t imagine how high Qian Xuan’s reputation will reach. By then, as long as Qian Xuan raises his arms, I am afraid that countless people will support him to become the new Hokage.

He, the third generation, is afraid that he will be driven off the stage.

As for whether Qian Xuan has this ambition and ability?

After this incident, the third generation is very clear that Qian Xuan’s ability is absolutely no problem.

As for ambition?

How can a person who tries every means to re-establish the Senju clan and become the patriarch of the Senju clan not have ambition?

“”Okay! That’s it!”

Qian Xuan nodded, and did not make any other requests.

Because there was no need for the time being.

You have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time.

As for other things, he would be able to get them naturally after he developed Qianshou.


The three people from the third generation all breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and were very glad.

At least, they could accept these conditions.

“In that case, then it’s settled. I’ll deliver the things you want later. When you announce the establishment of your clan tomorrow, I’ll come in person to support you.;”

“If there is nothing else, we will leave first!”

Speaking of this, Sandai stood up, wishing to leave here as soon as possible.

He was really uncomfortable staying here.

“”Okay! I won’t see you off!”

Qian Xuan nodded, and did not try to persuade them to stay. He just watched the three generations leave with expressionless faces.


After they walked away, Qian Xuan smacked his lips and said:”He didn’t even resist! What a pity! I was expecting him to just flip the table and turn against me, then it would be fun!” After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito couldn’t help rolling his eyes and said unhappily:”The monkey is not stupid, how could he do such a thing?”

“If he really did that, I don’t know if he could walk out of my yard safely today!”

“The position of Hokage will be lost for sure.”

No one in Konoha dared to turn the table in front of her.

Do you really think he is made of clay?

“Haha! That’s right! This old monkey wouldn’t dare!”

“In fact, we were expecting him to turn hostile! Unfortunately, with his personality, he would not do such a risky thing unless he was sure of winning.”


The great elder and others also spoke happily after hearing this, with regretful expressions on their faces.

“Hehe! That’s right!”

Qian Xuan also smiled.

Then, he began to discuss with everyone about the establishment of the clan tomorrow.

“First of all, we must invite representatives of all ethnic groups in the village to attend the ceremony, so that it can be justified.”

“Great! We also need to prepare for the banquet. Time is a bit tight, but luckily we have enough manpower and ingredients. I will arrange it later!”

“Then let me arrange the invitation of representatives from all ethnic groups! I will send out the invitations later!”

“Then let me take care of the matter of calling back the civilians! I was also responsible for distributing benefits before, so I am familiar with this.”


Soon, the matter was finalized in the conversation between the old man and the elder.


On the Sandai side, after leaving the Senju clan’s territory and walking a distance, the Sandai suddenly stopped and looked back at the Senju clan’s territory in the distance. His eyes were dim, and no one knew what he was thinking. Utane

Koharu and Mito Kado En saw this and looked at each other. Utane Koharu advised:”Huruzen, there’s nothing to see! Now that things have come to this, we can only look at it more open-mindedly!”

“We should blame ourselves for being careless. We didn’t expect that kid to grow so fast, and he even got the full support of the Senju clan.”

“Oh! Yes!”

Mitomon Yanye sighed and said:”Who would have thought that a moment of carelessness would lead to such consequences?”

“From now on, it will be difficult to deal with the Senju!”

After hearing this, the Sandai glanced at them and thought, why didn’t you say this just now?

What’s the point of saying this in front of me now?

But it’s impossible for him to let it go.

He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has always been an amateur in external fighting, but an expert in internal fighting.

This time he lost a move, but in the future, he will win it back many times over.

“You don’t need to say more! I’ve learned my lesson this time!”

“Next, we need to re-examine the Senju clan and be prepared to be attacked by them!”

“In addition, we also need to formulate a new plan to target and suppress the Senju clan!”

“In the future, the Senju clan may become a threat no less than the Uchiha clan. We have to be on guard.”

“”Make preparations early! I can’t do this alone, I need your help and Danzo’s help, understand?”

The third generation looked at the two and whispered.

Of course, it’s not that he is not capable enough.

Rather, he is determined to drag his three old friends and the families behind them into the water.

Do this together.

It doesn’t make sense for them to enjoy the benefits of suppressing the Senju, but not contribute and take the blame, right?

“No problem!”

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En had no objection to this either.


On that day, the Senju clan sent invitations to all the major clans in Konoha, inviting them to attend the Senju clan’s re-establishment banquet tomorrow.

In addition, it was emphasized that the Hokage had agreed to this matter, and that the Hokage would personally attend tomorrow.

For a time, the reactions of the various clans in Konoha were different.


“Tsk tsk tsk!”

After seeing the invitation, Uchiha Clan leader Uchiha Qianshan immediately called the third elder Uchiha Xinyan and said with a gloating look on his face:”Look! Look! What did I say? That Qianxuan is really not simple!”

“Look, he just got suppressed, and when he came back, he actually caused such a big thing.;”

“Three generations were forced to bow their heads and submit!”

“The Qianshou clan was re-established! Moreover, Qianxuan became the new clan leader of the Qianshou clan.;”

“The guards sent back news that they were still recalling the tribesmen who had previously integrated into the civilian population.;”

“This is for real!”

“From now on, the name of the Senju clan will shine again in Konoha and even the ninja world!”

“Isn’t this fun?”

“I wonder how Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others are going to play this time?”

“From now on, the Senju clan will probably be their number one enemy, right?”

The development of things was even more surprising than he expected.

It can be predicted that the Uchiha clan will have a much better life for a long time to come.


PS:Please customize!


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