Chapter 115: Qian Xuan: The strength of the ninja clan is the foundation of Konoha’s village

“Not necessarily!”

After hearing this, Uchiha Xinyan shook his head and said:”The Senju are different from the Uchiha, and they don’t have many people now, so they will probably develop in a low-key manner for a few years!”

“We can’t be careless!”

“Sarutobi Hiruzen and his men’s hostility towards us has never subsided.;”

“However, they will have to devote a lot of energy to dealing with the Thousand Hands, which is a good thing for us.”

“But, now that things are like this, clan leader, are you still planning to let Mikoto and Chigen marry?”

“After Qianxuan, he will be the patriarch of the Senju clan!”

“The Senju clan leader is marrying the daughter of the elder Uchiha. Are you sure the third generation and other ninja clans in Konoha can sit back and watch?”

This pressure is more than ten times greater than before.

The other ninja clans and the third generation will definitely resist even more and try their best to stop it.

“Why not?”

Uchiha Qianshan listened but didn’t care and said:”Since we are ready to do this! We have already convinced many people in the clan! Of course���Keep going!”

“Rather, I am now more determined to let Mikoto and Qian Xuan get married!”

The more powerful Qian Xuan performed, the more Uchiha Qianshan felt that his previous plan was correct!


Uchiha Xinyan couldn’t figure it out for a moment.

“Haha! Don’t you understand?”

Uchiha Qianshan saw it and immediately smiled proudly and said:”You have to understand, I have said before, judging from Qianxuan’s current strength and potential, he will definitely be able to reach the level of the first generation in the future if nothing unexpected happens!”

“Who is the first generation? The God of Ninja;”

“When he grows up, not only Konoha, but even the entire ninja world will probably crawl at his feet.;”

“If Chigen was just a naive person like the first generation, he would not have fought for the hegemony of the ninja world.;”

“But now it seems that he is not that kind of person!”

“On the contrary, he was very scheming, otherwise, he would not have forced the Third Generation to admit that the Thousand Hands had re-established the clan.;”

“Moreover, from this point of view, the conflict between Qian Xuan and the third generation will definitely erupt completely in the future.;”

“”It ends with one side being completely defeated.”

This has been impossible since the third generation plotted against Qian Xuan and Qian Xuan turned against them.

Cracks and contradictions have emerged, and conflicts of interest are inevitable.

The ending is naturally doomed.

“In this way, it is foreseeable that Chigen will become the new Hokage in the future!”

“Senju is not Uchiha. With Sengen’s identity and strength, it will be easy for him to become the new Hokage in the future!”

“Especially with this achievement!”

“Therefore, investing in a future Hokage in advance and marrying him is of great significance to us Uchiha;”

“If this works, the benefits to Uchiha will be much greater than we expected before.”

“Think about it, if an Uchiha son-in-law becomes Hokage, doesn’t he have to take care of the Uchiha?”

“Even if we don’t give them special treatment, the suppression against them should at least be lifted, right?”

“It is also appropriate to let Uchiha completely integrate into the big family of Konoha, right?”

So, in Uchiha Qianshan’s opinion, it is better for Qianxuan to become the leader of the Senju clan!


Uchiha Xinyan was also stunned when he heard it. He didn’t expect that the clan leader had thought so far! Awesome!

As expected, he has been the clan leader for so many years, and he has a stable clan. His ability and intelligence are not bad.

“How to solve the problem of opposition from other ninja clans?”

Uchiha Nobuhiko asked again.

If this problem is not solved, all the previous problems will become empty dreams.

“You! Why don’t you get it? Aren’t you usually quite clever?”

Uchiha Qianshan shook his head speechlessly and said:”Since Qianxuan and Mikoto have already fallen in love with each other!”

“Then whether they are together or not is just their own business. With Qianxuan’s strength, as long as he is willing, who can force him to separate from Mikoto?”

“Even with his current strength and status, no one can force him to do this.;”

“Not to mention if he grows to the level of the first Hokage in the future!”

“If that really happened, the other ninja clans would have to accept it with a pinch of their noses, and they would probably have to find a way to find an excellent woman from their own family to marry Qian Xuan.”

When will the weak force the strong to do something they don’t want to do?

Unless that person is very saintly and pedantic.

But from his current observation, Qian Xuan is not a saintly and pedantic person.

“Oh, yes!”

Uchiha Xinyan suddenly realized, then patted his forehead with his hand and said with a wry smile:”I made a misunderstanding before!”

“In that case, let’s continue with our plan!”

“We can even increase support and investment;”

“Since we already have a huge advantage over other ninja clans, we cannot bury these advantages!”

“Chief, I suggest that when we go to the ceremony tomorrow, we should give more gifts and show a clearer attitude.;”

“We must make sure that the Sengen and Senju clans feel our Uchiha clan’s support and goodwill towards their re-establishment of the clan.”

“Of course!”

Uchiha Qianshan nodded with a smile:”Even if there is no marriage plan, just to reduce some pressure on Uchiha, we must fully support the re-establishment of the Senju clan.”


At the same time, other ninja clans were happy and in favor of Senju’s re-establishment of the clan.

Some were indifferent and watched; some were repulsive and resisted.

They represented the ninja clans that were close to Senju and had interests with Senju, the ninja clans that had no connection with Senju, and the ninja clans that were the current vested interests of Konoha.

However, no matter what they thought in their hearts, when they saw the invitation card said���After obtaining the consent and support of the three generations, all the families that received the invitations were ready to send representatives to take a look tomorrow.

Time quickly came to the next morning, and at this time, the Senju clan had become extremely lively.

Many descendants of the Senju clan who had been found gathered here, busy arranging the needs for today’s banquet.

Everyone’s face was filled with joy.

Only those who left the family, lost the support of a powerful family, and even lost the support of their parents and relatives, could understand what kind of happiness it was to have a strong and reliable family as a backer again.

From today on, they are no longer civilians without background forces who are bullied by others.

Instead, they are members of the Senju clan, the top ninja clan in Konoha.

Therefore, although these people have just been recalled, their sense of pride is not weak at this time. They also have a strong sense of identity with the family.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Senju clan had built a more complete training and support plan under the advice of Qianxuan earlier.

Many of the recalled descendants of the Senju clan are beneficiaries of this plan.

Around nine o’clock in the morning, representatives of the Konoha ninja clan began to arrive at the Senju clan’s site one after another.

They received a warm welcome and were greeted by a group of people led by Qian Xuan, the elders of the Makuma clan, and others, and led to the banquet venue.

Although the third generation was very reluctant, he still came early.

In fact, he was also observing the attitudes of other guests. He wanted to see how many ninja clans were still inclined to the Senju clan and had a close relationship with the Senju clan.

And which ones remained neutral and hostile.

Only by distinguishing the positions of these families, he would know which ninja clans to win over and get close to, and which ninja clans to suppress.

This seems to be a press conference for the establishment of the clan, but isn’t it also a gathering of open and covert struggles and factional divisions?

After the arrival of those ninja clan representatives, many of them were also observing the attitudes of other ninja clan representatives, thinking secretly, and having their own calculations in their hearts.

Of course, seeing that the third generation did come, and came very early, many people were indeed relieved.

“It seems that the Senju clan is not lying, and they really got the consent of the Third Hokage! Awesome!”

Some people thought to themselves.

They probably have forgotten that the Senju clan was the largest ninja clan in Konoha, and the Senju clan was the leader of Konoha.

It can only be said that the situation has changed in this way.

After waiting for 11 o’clock in the morning and making sure that everyone who should come had arrived,

Qian Xuancai, supported by the elders of the Makuma clan, the great elder Senju Tokuma, and Uzumaki Mito and other senior Senju clan members, walked up to the podium, looked around, and said:”Thank you all for coming to the banquet to celebrate the re-establishment of the Senju clan.;”


“After more than ten years of verification, and after witnessing the continuous decline of the Senju clan, our Senju clan realized that the plan of integrating the Senju into the civilian population of Konoha, which was formulated by the first and second generation Hokage, also the two previous clan leaders of our Senju clan, was a failure!”

“Therefore, several months ago, we���With the consent of the Third Hokage, the plan to integrate the Senju people into the civilian population was terminated.;”

“But this is undoubtedly far from enough;”

“Just like this, it is impossible to make the Senju clan, which has declined to only a few dozen ninjas left, prosper again.;”

“Not to mention restoring glory!”

“We even realized that if we continue like this, Qianshou will eventually be doomed.;”

“This is undoubtedly something we don’t want to see!”

“Similarly, this is not a good thing for Konoha!”

“Why is Konoha so powerful?”

“That’s because Konoha is made up of powerful ninja clans.;”

“It is our common prosperity that has made us the most famous ninja village in the Konoha Ninja World.;”

“If even the Senju, one of the two major ninja clans that originally founded Konoha, began to decline or even perished, wouldn’t this be a huge loss for Konoha?”

“Isn’t it a kind of decline of Konoha?”

Hearing this, many people looked stern and couldn’t help thinking in their hearts.

Indeed! Qian Xuan’s words are still unreasonable.


If Konoha lacks the Senju clan, its strength will undoubtedly decline a lot.

When the Senju clan was strong, Konoha was much more powerful than it is now.

Moreover, when the Senju clan was in power, they were actually quite good and fair to all the ninja clans.

The Senju clan is not greedy and overbearing.

On the contrary, the current third generation is in power. Although the third generation seems to be more amiable, in fact, they are much more overbearing and insidious than the second and first generations.

Over the years, under the abuse of the third generation, many ninja clans in Konoha have suffered certain losses.

In fact, some have completely declined or even perished.

From this point of view, it seems that the rise of the Senju clan is a good thing for everyone!

Thinking of this, some ninja clans who were worried that the re-establishment of the Senju clan would encroach on their interests began to waver in their thoughts.

However, the third generation and others looked very ugly at this time.

Qian Xuan’s words contradict what he has always promoted, that civilian ninjas are the future of Konoha.

Does it contradict the idea of vigorously supporting the development of civilian ninjas?

Of course, his so-called support for the development of civilian ninjas is actually just an excuse and appearance.

They are all used to fool people and deceive people.

Under his efforts over the years, those civilian ninjas have not produced many jonins. There are even fewer powerful jonins.

Most of them are just middle and lower ninjas.

And what are middle and lower ninjas? Just cannon fodder.

The real purpose of the third generation is just to take this layer of skin, suppress the ninja clan openly, and use most of the resources that have been mined to secretly operate and collect them into the ninja clan behind their Konoha F4.

Secretly and vigorously develop their own ninja clan.

The remaining very small part is thrown to those so-called civilian ninjas, just for show.

In the past, everyone was either fooled by him, or knew that he was powerful and could not bend his arms, so they did not dare to oppose his policies.

But now, Qianxuan clearly believes that the ninja clan is the foundation of Konoha’s prosperity.

At this time, many more people have awakened.

In addition, with the clear support of Senju, can they fight against the third generation behind Senju and avoid being suppressed?

“Damn it! I was tricked again!”

“”Damn Chigen! Damn Senju!”

The Sandai cursed angrily in his heart.

Chigen didn’t care what the Sandai was thinking at the moment. He saw the changes in the expressions of the ninja clan representatives below. He was very satisfied with the changes.

Since he had already fallen out with the Sandai secretly, he would not sit and wait for the Sandai to make a move.

On the contrary, his offensive would not stop for a moment. At most, he would be gentler at the beginning, with smaller movements, and mainly engaged in secret games.

When the strength of the Senju clan recovered and he was older, it would be the beginning of his thorough counterattack.


PS:Please order a few!


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