Konoha: Compared With Double Naruto, Hinata's Happiness Is Broken

Chapter 56: Planning Begins, Hunting Konoha Shinobi

With the black frame world Uzumaki Naruto is getting stronger and stronger.

The ninja audience was full of displeasure with some of his actions.

Now, everyone is looking forward to his encounter with Orochimaru's Death Forest.

At least, you can see him suffer a lot because of his arrogance.

On the high platform.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru have their own ghosts.

Seemingly calm on the surface, in fact, the two of them could not maintain peace in their hearts.

Orochimaru worried that he would end up being tortured by Genin because he really looked down on Naruto carelessly.

With his status in the ninja world, he is no more embarrassing than someone who escapes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is equally worried.

I am afraid that Uzumaki Naruto will take advantage of Konoha Honkai's war and deal a devastating blow to Konoha Village.

[The seventh class comes to the classroom. 】

[At this time, classroom 301 was already full of people. 】

[Just as soon as he entered the classroom, the lazy voice of Nine Tails came from Naruto's mind. 】

【"Naruto, watch out for the guy with the gourd in front of you."】

【Uzumaki Naruto's eyes froze slightly. 】

【This is the first time Nine Tails reminded herself. 】

【Curiously, Naruto looked at the person carrying the gourd in front of him. 】

[It is Gaara of Sunagakure. 】

【Seeing this, Uzumaki Naruto was even more taken aback. 】

【Good guy! Another guy without eyebrows. 】

Gaara: ""

Temari: "Damn, does he really think he is invincible? Don't forget, Gaara's level is not comparable to that of ordinary ninjas."

Kankuro: "Uzumaki Naruto, this bastard, he will be scared to death by Gaara's Shukuru."

Yamanaka Ino: "But Naruto on our side is not scared to death. Are you sure that Uzumaki Naruto next door is really afraid of that big civet cat?"

Haruno Sakura: "Yes, he is not even afraid of Nine Tails, how could he be afraid of this big civet cat."

【"You kid is thinking about something."】

【"I'm telling you, don't be too inflated."】

【"That guy is the same as you, he also has a tailed beast inside him."】

【"It's the breath I hate, that damned raccoon cat."】

【 Nine Tails flaps its big tail. 】

[Even though the existence of the Eight Sign Seal makes his power greatly reduced, the connection between this tail beast is still very strong. 】

【Especially under the same roof. 】

[They are easily aware of each other's existence. 】

【However, the relationship between Gaara and Shukaku doesn't seem to be very good, at least not so good that Shukaku will inform you intimately. 】

This is totally cheating!

There was a storm in everyone's heart.

In the hearts of ninjas in the ninja world, there are very few people who can become true friends with tailed beasts.

When Nine Tails was teaching Naruto Rasengan, he deliberately didn't reveal important information, wanting to see Naruto make a fool of himself.

But the performance of Nine Tails recently is comparable to Uzumaki Naruto's nanny.

With such a strong presence to escort, Uzumaki Naruto can save a lot of intelligence.

Shouhe: "Who are you talking about raccoons? You damn fox."

Nine Tails: "Aren't you convinced? Don't forget the scene where you were beaten up by Naruto after you came out. I think you will be even worse in the world over there."

Shuzuru: "Damn it! Gaara, you must teach such an inflated one-man-one-fox a good lesson, and crush that stinky brat Naruto to death."

【"You mean he's the same as me?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto's heart twitched, it was the first time he met other people from Ninja Village. 】

[In the mood that everyone might be the same kind, Uzumaki Naruto took a few more glances at Gaara. 】

[The conclusion is that this kid is too hostile, and there is a little undetectable ferocity in his indifferent expression. 】

[It is expected to be good, it is a ruthless character. 】

【"Hmph! How about it, do you feel that he is the same kind of person as you?"】

[Nine Tails’ point of view, but Naruto shook his head: “I don’t know the details, but my intuition tells me that I am completely different from him. 1


[Then, Jiao Didi's voice interrupted the conversation of one person and one fox. 】

【Accompanied by bursts of tangy aroma, Naruto only felt his arm being bumped against. 】

[Turning around, it was Yamanaka Ino. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto doesn't know what's going on with this woman. 】

[But he didn't make any gesture of rejection. 】

[After chatting with his contemporaries for a while, he found the seat for the first written test according to the registration card in his hand. 】

[Seeing Naruto leave, Zhong Xiaoqiang also found his seat step by step. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto just sat down, and found that the person next to him was his classmate of the same period. 】

【Hyūga Hinata. 】

【"Yo, Hinata, what a coincidence."."】

【Naruto offered to say hello. 】

【In his impression, Hyūga Hinata is a very quiet girl. 】

[It's so quiet that you don't take the initiative to look for her, she seems to have disappeared. 】

Yamanaka Ino: "Hey! Uzumaki Naruto actually greeted Hinata?"

Haruno Sakura: "Don't forget, that guy likes things to be quiet and hates noise, so Ino, someone as noisy as you has no chance."

Yamanaka Ino: "Broad forehead, what the fuck are you talking about."

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino couldn't be more angry.

Don't they all say that free things are delicious?

It's not good when it's the girl's turn.

In the stands of the venue.

Hyūga Hinata immediately buried her blushing face.

Naruto-kun, the Naruto-kun from the world over there actually greeted you on his own initiative?

It's just unbelievable.

Consider Uzumaki Naruto here, and Hyūga Hinata almost looks like a deflated ball.

During the written test, he even suspected that he deliberately let him plagiarize and was caught and eliminated.


【"Naruto-kun actually took the initiative to talk to me."】

【Hyūga Hinata can't help herself with excitement. 】

【What should I do? What should I do now?】

【Unfortunately, Hinata is not ready to communicate with Naruto yet. 】

[A burst of white smoke suddenly rises from the classroom platform. 】

【"It's been a long time, you Genin."】

[With a loud shout, the thick smoke dissipated. 】

【The leader Yibixi led a group of invigilators Chūnin to appear on the podium. 】

【"I now announce that the first round of the Chūnin selection exam has officially started. 1


[The content of the first test is a written test. 】

[This is beyond Uzumaki Naruto's imagination, he thought he would just sit in the classroom for a while, and then start fighting in groups. 】

[However, the time for the written test is very fast, one hour. 】

[The nine questions on the test paper are extremely easy for Uzumaki Naruto. 】

[After a while, Naruto put the completed test paper on the table, and climbed on the table by himself. 】

[This operation also caused the invigilators present to look at each other in dismay. 】

[This kid can't just scribble on the test paper. 】

【Ibixi walked forward and carefully looked at Naruto's answer, only to realize that the other party's answer was actually completely correct. 】


Uzumaki Naruto once again suffocated the Konoha Village ninjas.

Especially ninjas who took the first Chūnin exam.

It feels incredible.

Because the nine questions on the test paper are beyond imagination.

No one would have imagined that Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there, even the culture class is so good.

Inuzuka tooth: "I remember that it was because of Naruto's roar that the whole atmosphere of the scene was relaxed.

Yamanaka Ino: "Yes! That's when answering the tenth question."

Haruno Sakura: "But...do you think Naruto over there would say that again?"

Even if I am a Genin for the rest of my life, I will also become a Hokage for you to see.

no no no!

Everyone dispelled this idea, they would rather believe that they are Hokage from Konoha Village than Naruto next door would take the case.

[Time passed quickly. 】

[When it came to the tenth question, Uzumaki Naruto was speechless and helpless with Yibixi's trembling and trembling. 】

【In the end, the appearance of Mitarashi Anko completely saved the suffering Uzumaki Naruto. 】

here we go!

This time, everyone's heart reached their throats.

Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, is about to meet Uzumaki Naruto.

Onoki: "Is it finally coming? This time, I think Uzumaki Naruto dare not keep his hand.

Fourth Raikage: "With his character of not being bullied, I think this fight will be very interesting.

Terumi Mei: "I don't think Uzumaki Naruto has a chance of winning. After all, he is only a twelve-year-old boy, even if he has practiced for seven years..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "That's not necessarily the case, after all Naruto has a very good relationship with Nine Tails, maybe he killed the incoming Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: "Hehe, there may be other possibilities, such as Naruto-kun and I teaming up to bring a devastating blow to Konoha Village."

All the ninjas in Konoha Village were shrouded in an inexplicable tension at this moment.

Judging from previous viewings, Uzumaki Naruto seems to be waiting for some kind of opportunity that could spell disaster for Konoha Village.

In the eyes of everyone, he just wanted revenge on Konoha Village.

The so-called making the village more intelligent is nothing more than his excuse.

Pure land world.

Uzumaki Kushina tensed up at the same time.

As Naruto's mother, she was actually very worried that Uzumaki Naruto would impulsively do stupid things.

"Kid next door, don't do anything stupid."

"The world of ninjas is not as simple as you imagine."

[The second test of the Chūnin exam. 】

【Scramble for the Earth Coiling Axis. 】

[The content is very simple, a five-day circle axis competition in the death forest. 】

[Before the time limit, those who can successfully collect the Earth Coiling axis and enter the central tower will be considered to have successfully passed and entered the next competition. 】

[During this period, life and death matter. 】

【"Hehe, dinner has finally begun."】

[Not far away, a ninja of Caoyin Village wearing a bamboo hat couldn't help licking his tongue. 】

【Looking at it, it is the back with the Uchiha clan emblem on its back. 】

[However, when the seventh class led by Uzumaki Naruto signed the life and death contract, Naruto showed an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth. 】

【Did you laugh just now?"】

[ Nine Tails looked at Naruto's back, and suddenly felt that Uzumaki Naruto became a little strange at this time. 】

[Judging from the trembling body of the opponent, he seems to be in a state of abnormal excitement. 】

[ Nine Tails has never seen Uzumaki Naruto like this, so I don't know what happened to him. 】

【"Big Fox..."】

【At this time, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly spoke. 】

【The trembling voice made Nine Tails stunned on the spot, and hurriedly asked: "Naruto, what's wrong with you?"】

【"Are you sick at the critical moment?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto shook his head, said with a smile: "I have a proposal, I don't know if you would like to play with me."】


[Uzumaki Naruto's so-called proposal made Nine Tails even more confused. 】

【"that is..."】

【"After all, you and I have been bullied for so many years, it's time for us to take some action."】

【"Let's give Konoha Village some interest first, taking advantage of this Chūnin exam, we hunt those Konoha Village ninjas in the death forest."】

【"Even if you don't kill them, you must make them unable to pass the Chūnin exam."】

【"After all, the rules were made by the invigilator wearing fishnets in Konoha Village, we can only reluctantly accept them."】

【 Listen to Nine Tails. 】

[Momentarily sluggish. 】

【It knows that Naruto has not forgotten the time when he was excluded and cursed, but it never imagined that Uzumaki Naruto can endure until now. 】

[And seize this excellent opportunity to fight back. 】

【"Hey! Why are you silent?"】

【"Big fox, you're not going to back down at a critical moment, are you?"】

【"I have already thought about the name of this planned operation."】

【"Chūnin Exam Dead Forest Hunting Konoha Plan."】

【"Isn't it cool?"】

[Seeing that Nine Tails was silent, Uzumaki Naruto pointed at him irritably and began to output. 】

[After half a sound, Nine Tails' two big eyes turned cunningly. 】

【"Your boy is truly a genius."】

【"This plan is so cool."】

Audience: ......." (Good Nuo Hao)


For a while, not only the ninjas in Konoha Village, but also the ninjas in the entire ninja world were stunned by Uzumaki Naruto's so-called game.

This guy is really not kidding.

What should come is coming after all.

At this moment, the entire discussion group was instantly fried.

Ohnoki: "Good boy, is the forest of death hunting Konoha Village ninjas?"

Terumi Mei: "Hey! Sure enough, Uzumaki Naruto finally decided to take action against the Konoha Village ninja because he was worried about something?"

Fourth Raikage: "The scary thing is not that he hit the Konoha Village ninja, the scary thing is that Uzumaki Naruto took the opportunity to be able to hit Konoha Village."

Luo Sha: "Yes! And it's flawless, even if he killed the ninja of Konoha Village in the Death Forest, it can't be judged that he took revenge on Konoha.

Senju Tobirama: "Evil Uzumaki, what does he want?"

Uzumaki Mito: "Tobirama, I advise you to be careful with your words."

Senju Tobirama: "Sister-in-law, this... this...he wants revenge on Konoha Village."

Uzumaki Mito: "He's just a kid, an ignorant kid, didn't you listen to him? It's just a game, and he said he can kill the Konoha Village ninjas, but he will eliminate them all."

Uchiha Madara: "Tsk tsk tsk, I see that even Mito can't understand the attitude of the people of Konoha Village towards Naruto, it really deserves it, Hashi is hot."

Senju Hashirama: "Hey! Madara, I'm so hard."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru! Teacher, don't worry, we still have Orochimaru. I remember that they will meet Orochimaru as soon as they enter the arena. By that time, Uzumaki Naruto must have no time to worry about his so-called plan."

Orochimaru: "Remember me at this time? If I knew that Naruto in the other world was so interesting, I would definitely join his camp.

Yakushi Kabuto: "..."

Yakushi Kabuto: "Master Orochimaru, I remember that I was a spy with the Konoha Village forehead protector at this time."

Orochimaru: "Double! You wished for luck.".

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