Konoha: Compared With Double Naruto, Hinata's Happiness Is Broken

Chapter 57: Uzumaki Naruto: I Killed The Scum Of Konoha Village, Can't I?

【Uzumaki Naruto Spiritual Space. 】

【Nine Tails sat upright and said seriously: "There is still a little time to start, we need to prepare."】

【"Naruto, are you going to act alone, or with those two oil bottles?"】

[Nine Tails' proposal made Uzumaki Naruto raise his eyebrows slightly, and then gave a smirk. 】

【"I have to take the two of them together, it's more interesting, isn't it?"】

【Do Konoha Village ninjas beat Konoha Village ninjas?】

[This picture is simply not too beautiful. 】

【Nine Tails followed with a smile and said, "You're a really bad boy."】

【"In this case, in order not to delay the two of them too much, I will now teach you a way to share Chakra with others."】

【"Temporarily improve the ability of their attributes."】

【There is still this ability?】

【Naruto looked at Nine Tails curiously: "Big fox, can ninjas still share Chakra with others?"】

【"Hmph! I'm ignorant."】

【"However, if you want to do this, you must cooperate with your perception ability to sense the opponent's Chakra, and then adjust the Chakra to match their Chakra state."】

【"Then you can give and receive Chakra."】

[Nine Tails' guidance made Uzumaki Naruto bewildered. 】

【He heard before that everyone has their own Chakra attributes. Under such circumstances, how can one person's Chakra be adjusted to match that of others? This kind of thing is simply a fantasy. 】

[Seeing that Naruto is at a loss, Nine Tails added: "Huh! Of course your ninja's Chakra is not good, even if you don't mention the amount of Chakra, the attributes are different."]

【"But the Chakra of our Tailed Beast doesn't have such restrictions."】

【"Are you going to give your Chakra to little Sakura and Sasuke?" Naruto asked suspiciously. 】

【Nine Tails nodded. 】

[In the past period of time, Uzumaki Naruto has been relying on the large spiral wheel Yu to practice the control ability of Chakra. 】

[During the period, he also mixed Chakra from Nine Tails into it. 】

【For Nine Tails, this is a good thing. 】

[Naruto's long-term use of Nine Tails Chakra has accelerated the progress of releasing the seal. 】

【Nine Tails doesn't know whether Naruto has feelings, but it has been restraining the overflow of its own Chakra. 】

【"In this case, how much can their strength be improved?"】

【"It varies from person to person. Of course, if you can fully use my Chakra, without the 577 overflowing with Chakra, their strength can be increased by at least three times. If the overflow forms a Chakra-tailed beast suit, the effect will naturally be stronger. And the outer tail coat can also protect them.”]

【"Even if you can't use all my Chakra now, you just need to pass my Chakra to them a little bit, and their strength will be much stronger than before, but the time is limited. 1

【After Nine Tails explained, Uzumaki Naruto nodded understandingly: "I see."】

Oh My God

The ninjas of Konoha Village couldn't accept the content of the black-framed screen at all.

Uzumaki Naruto and Nine Tails, this one-hundred-and-a-half fox is secretly preparing to plot against the Konoha Village candidates.

And, listening to the conversation between them, Uzumaki Naruto meant not only to count the candidates of Konoha Village himself, but also to pull Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke into the water together.

Ohnoki: "Hehe, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto, this kid is really clever.

Terumi Mei: "He wants to drag the seventh squad into the water together, which is to find a shelter for his revenge.

Fourth Raikage: "That's true. That kid's methods are even more terrifying than Third Hokage. The world over there will definitely be interesting with his existence in the future."

Yamanaka Ino: "The little Sakura in the world over there will definitely agree to Naruto's words. Even if she is 10,000 unwilling in her heart, she will choose to attack Konoha's ninja together in order to please Naruto."

Haruno Sakura: "Ino, I don't like hearing what you said, but Sasuke, will he mess around with Naruto too?"

Afterwards, Haruno Sakura felt like his question was pointless.

Uchiha Sasuke in the world over there is still proud and cold.

However, these emotions are only for other people, and for Uzumaki Naruto, he also showed no resistance.

Uchiha Fugaku: "Do it! Why don't you do it, I just want to see my son in the other world teach the ninjas of Konoha Village hard."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Father"

Jiraiya: "..."

Jiraiya: "Why do I feel that you have such malice towards the village?"

Namikaze Minato: "Give and receive Nine Tails' Chakra? Can Naruto really do this kind of thing in a short time?"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Minato, don't forget that Naruto has never forgotten to use Shadow Clone to practice Chakra's control over the years, I guess it's not difficult for him.

[While the long line was still signing the death pact, Uzumaki Naruto called Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke together. 】

【By the way, he shook the Scroll of Heaven that he received in front of everyone, and stuffed it into Sasuke's hand: "Sasuke, I will let you keep the scroll."】

【Uchiha Sasuke was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that such an important thing would be given to him by Naruto. 】

【"I'm a careless person, so I'm not suitable for keeping such things. 1

【 Naruto waved his hand, motioning for Sasuke to take it. 】

【Uchiha Sasuke was even more confused after hearing this. 】

【Are you still careless?】

[But seeing Naruto being so tough, Sasuke didn't refuse. 】

【And Haruno Sakura nervously reminded: "Naruto, they found our scroll."】

[The three of them looked around and found that many people were staring at them with malicious eyes. 】

This kid definitely did it on purpose.

The audience immediately blushed.

I prayed silently for those guys who were eyeing Uzumaki Naruto.

Don't be stupid, don't look at your age, you are still Genin at best, not Naruto's opponent at all.

[Uzumaki Naruto also found that several groups of senior Konoha Village ninjas, like the people in other villages, had a hint of unkindness in their eyes. 】

【"I'll get you under the knife first." Naruto thought to himself, and by the way used his perception ability to record the Chakra of several people. 】

【"By the way, before the exam, I have something to discuss with you."】

【Uzumaki Naruto changed the subject, brought Haruno Sakura and Sasuke together, and whispered his plan to them. 】

【However, as soon as these words came out, the two of them froze in place in shock. 】


【"You said we're going to start with the Konoha Village companions first?"】

【"You plan"】

【Haruno Sakura covered her mouth in fright, with an expression of disbelief. 】

【"Naruto, many ninjas from ninja villages have come to Konoha now, no matter what, I think it is right to attack ninjas from other villages first."】

【Uchiha Sasuke also can't understand Uzumaki Naruto's brain circuit. 】

【Unfortunately, Naruto waved his hand to indicate that they didn't understand anything. 】


【"The invigilator wearing the fishing net just now also said that in the forest of death, life and death matter. J

【"You also know the cruelty of the ninja world, except for the three of us, the rest are enemies."】

【"I want to set a restriction for our team."】

【"Become stronger..."】

【"Just like when we were in school, our competitors were only those in our class. Now we are facing the same period of Konoha Village, the seniors of Konoha Village, and people from other villages.

【"During school, we probably had a winner within the same period. The following order is to compete with Konoha's seniors. 1

【"If we win, it's time to attack the other ninjas of Ninja Village."】

【"You are right, the order cannot be messed up."】

【Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura heard this, and they looked at each other in dismay. 】

[They don't know what Uzumaki Naruto wants to do, but what the other party said still sounds reasonable. 】

【A few seconds later, Sasuke showed a sudden realization surprise: "I understand, this is like the principle that Genin is promoted to Chūnin, and Chūnin is promoted to Jōnin."】

【"When we were in school, after the same period, we had to compare with other participating ninjas in Konoha Village. Comparing them means that we have no opponents in Konoha, and then compare with the outside forces."】

【"As expected of a genius, help..."】

【"If I say this, you can understand (cfdg) clearly, as long as you can understand."】

【Uzumaki Naruto gave Sasuke a thumbs up and praised him wildly. 】

【It made Sasuke feel a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Actually, you don't need to tell me, I also know that everyone here is an enemy."】

[After all, it is a matter of life and death, no one can take it lightly. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto clapped his hands and smiled: "Yes, you are very correct."】

【"Come on, I have researched a new trick here, I can share Chakra with you and temporarily improve your various abilities."】

【"Afterwards, we will show our talents in the forest of death."】


On the screen, Uzumaki Naruto's fallacies almost shattered the three views of ninjas in the ninja world.

A ninja who wants to count Konoha Village is a ninja who counts Konoha Village.

He was actually able to describe his own plot so fresh and refined.

Moreover, it is indeed possible to make uninformed people unable to see any flaws.

This Uzumaki Naruto really has the means.

The ninjas in Konoha Village were even more speechless.

Apparently, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura believed it on screen.

The two were ready to take on the Konoha Village ninja with Uzumaki Naruto.

Namikaze Minato: "Naruto actually made it, he really shared Nine Tails' Chakra with Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke."

Uzumaki Kushina: "Yes Minato, I knew that kid had succeeded by seeing the horrified faces of Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.

Fourth Raikage: "Amazing! Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there is so talented. Bi, can you discuss with Eight Tails..."

Eight Tails: "Fourth Raikage, of course I can share my Chakra, but I can't adjust Chakra synchronization more than he has no way to perceive each other's Chakra."

Fourth Raikage: ""

Killer Bee: "Yo..."

Fourth Raikage: "Hey, you're so big, you don't have to learn to sing and dance in the future, so why not study the control of Chakra if you have the time.

Orochimaru: "Good guy, Mr. Naruto has really succeeded. It seems that I am not as relaxed as I am in the world over there."

[All candidates are ready. 】

[Konoha Village deserves to be the largest ninja village in the five major countries, and the number of ninjas participating far exceeds other villages. 】

【Anko looked at the watch on her wrist, when the time came, she immediately shouted:】

【"From now on, the Chūnin selection exam, the second round officially begins. 1

[As Anko's voice falls

Suddenly, the proctors simultaneously opened the entrance gates around the death forest. 】

[All candidates gallop away like sharp arrows. 】

【"The goal is determined, just find those three little devils."】

【Orochimaru leads the two younger brothers, the excitement is indescribable. 】

【At the same time, the seventh squad led by Uzumaki Naruto started instantly like everyone else. 】

【" Sasuke, Little Sakura】

【"Follow my steps, let's go this way."】

【"Come on!" After Haruno Sakura and Sasuke gained strength, their speed was significantly faster than before. 】

【"Naruto, have you already selected your target?" Nine Tails couldn't bear the excitement in her heart, and asked repeatedly. 】

【"Of course." Uzumaki Naruto laughed. 】

[Early after he leaked the Sky Scroll of Squad 7, he found several teams of Konoha Village ninjas giving them unkind looks. 】

[Presumably those guys are holding another scroll of land. 】

【Also, looking at the new faces of the three of them, the other party must have taken them as targets. 】


[With the help of Nine Tails Chakra, the three quickly found their target. 】

【"Hey, aren't these the three newcomers?"】

【"It's really lucky."】

[When the three of Uzumaki Naruto landed on the ground, they immediately aroused the vigilance of the Konoha Village ninjas. 】

[But immediately, when he saw the person coming, the other party showed a smug smile. 】

【"Hmph! It's exactly what I thought."】

【Naruto's eyes instantly turned cold. Looking at the three guys, he didn't regard them as Konoha Village's companions. 】

【However, in the next second, Naruto suddenly let out a strange cry of surprise: "You should be the seniors of Konoha Village, we are so lucky."】

【"To meet fellow villagers in such a dangerous place, seniors, you have to take us juniors with you."】

【"Fight for us to pass the test together."】


【Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura suddenly froze. 】

【What is this guy doing? It's completely different from what he said before. 】

【However, when the other party heard Naruto's suggestion, the three of them glanced at each other, and then burst out laughing: "Hey, hey, did you make a mistake?"】

【"Are these newcomers here to be funny?"】

【"Little ghost, do you know what you are talking about? This is the Chūnin selection exam, and this is the Forest of Death."】

【"We all signed a life-and-death contract, and there is no so-called fellow villager here."】

【"However, if you hand over the Scroll of Heaven in your hands, we can let you go."】

【"Hey!" Uzumaki Naruto pretended to be taken aback: "Senior, we are all Konoha ninjas, shouldn't we help each other?"]

【"Okay, stop talking nonsense with them, I remember that the scroll of heaven is on that brat, we just grab it right now."】

【"If they dare to resist, it doesn't matter if they are killed."】

[One of the Konoha Shinobi practitioners pointed at Uchiha Sasuke and said coldly, in the words, he had already taken out the pressure]

[But, the next moment. 】

【A contemptuous snort came from Naruto's nostrils: "Is this the senior ninja from Konoha Village?"】

【"See? Sasuke, small Sakura..."】

【"The three seniors in front of us not only wanted to take our scrolls, but even threatened to kill us."】

【"It seems that they don't have the concept of the will of fire in their hearts at all, they are simply the scum of Konoha Village."】

【"Since this is the case, there is no need for us to hold back."】

【Uzumaki Naruto glanced at each other, and the three of them realized that the yellow-haired boy in front of them was not as simple as imagined. 】

【Unfortunately, Uzumaki Naruto ignored the surprise of the three and simply said: "Kill them."】.

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