"But ordinary people can't knock it out with one punch!"

Nagato looked at Jiraiya in the picture and murmured, "Next, it should be the illusion of Teacher Jiraiya? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Let Sensei Jiraiya prepare an illusion for so long, what is it? I'm really curious!"

The live broadcast continues.

[I saw Dao Payne, the beast who was knocked out by Jiraiya, and Dao Payne and the hungry ghost Dao Payne next to him, and finally fell into illusion under the sound of frogs. 】

[The screen flashes, and the field of vision comes to a stomach bag, and the three of Payne are being imprisoned in a small blue square at this time. 】

[Around the three of Payne, there are four huge toads with weapons. 】

[After seeing this scene, the animal Dao Payne murmured: "Is it put together..."]

["This is in the illusion gold binding technique that can bind the spirit, so your body and main body can't move.\"Jilai also explained. 】

【"I can't believe that Teacher Jiraiya still has this kind of illusion.\""I should have taught you that no matter what opponent you face, you can't take it lightly, Nagato.\"]

[Zilai also looked at Dao Payne the beast and said, "You have mistaken your mission."]

[“Instead of guiding the world with pain, I hope you can use the power beyond pain to complete this mission.”]

[Speaking, Jiraiya's mind came to the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal. 】

["Although we only got along for a while, but I once believed that it was you.\" After that, Zilai also raised her head and said, "Farewell."]

[Suddenly, the beast Dao Payne is like drowning, showing a painful expression. 】

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to reality. 】

[I saw Jiraiya inserting a big knife into the beast Dao Payne's body. "It's over." Jiraiya whispered softly.]

[On the ground beside them, the bodies of Hungry Ghost Dao Payne and Human Dao Payne also have two large knives inserted into them. 】

[Last glance at the three dead corpses, Zilai also turned and walked out. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

Inside the Hokage office.

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Tsunade immediately showed a happy expression. "Great!\"

"Jilai also successfully killed Payne!"

Mute on the side also looked at Jiraiya in admiration and said, "Yeah... Lord Jiraiya is really amazing!"

Suddenly, Mute seemed to remember something, looked at Tsunade: "That...\"

"Lord Tsunade, doesn't Jirai seem to have a bet with you?" After speaking, a smirk appeared on Mute's face.

--Mute didn't just take this sentence as a joke, when the Jiraiya screen was played earlier.

Mute has been observing Tsunade. Whenever Jiraiya encounters danger, Tsunade's anxiety and anxiety, and when Jiraiya wins the upper hand, Tsunade's joy is all seen by Mute. Coupled with the bet in the previous screen... Mute feels that Jiraiya really seems to be a good fit for his own Tsunade-sama!

At this time, Tsunade heard Mute's words, and his face suddenly turned red: \"Mute!! Don't talk nonsense!\"

"There's no such thing as a bet...that's just, it's just that I was drunk and talking nonsense! Well, yes, that's it!"

Hearing this, Mute didn't break through, but secretly looked forward to it in his heart, imagining the picture of Jiraiya and Tsunade together. \"It will definitely be very happy!"

"Lord Jiraiya is really amazing!"

Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang looked at Jiraiya in the picture and sighed.

"Huh, Payne and these guys are finally dead!" Shikamaru exhaled when he looked at the scene where Payne was stabbed into his chest by Jiraiya's sword.

"Is Payne just killed by Jiraiya-sama?" Ino murmured as he looked at Payne in the screen.

Hearing this, Ding Ci vowed and said: \"With this level of injury, she must have died!\"

\"I didn't see the three guys named Payne in the picture, they have all been pierced through the body by the big knife. Have they been inserted to the ground?"

"I bet that if Payne's injuries don't die, I'll never eat barbecue again!"

"Oh oh oh! Siguoichi! Lord Jiraiya, did you kill those three guys named Payne!? It's really amazing!" Naruto looked at himself in the picture with an expression of admiration. Come and say.

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato on the side was also relieved at this time. "Teacher Jiraiya, has the three of Penn been eliminated?" "As expected of Teacher Jiraiya!\"

At this moment, after seeing this scene on the screen, Jiraiya suddenly said proudly:

"Hahaha! I knew it was just a mere Payne, how could it be my Jiraiya's opponent!"

"As expected of me, Immortal Toad is also coming!"

Zilai also laughed.

"However.... 213, Nagato actually went down the wrong path and went astray, will it grow like this in the future? Jiraiya looked at Payne in the picture with a solemn expression and murmured: "Nagato became that look..."

"You are also responsible for being a teacher! But as I said in the picture."

\"My final responsibility as Nagato-sensei is to defeat Nagato and kill him here!"

Inside Miaomu Mountain.

"How's it going, Mom, isn't our Dou Ge's illusion technique really good?" Fukasaku looked at Shima with pride. Hearing this, Zhima snorted coldly, then turned around. But at this time, Zhima's heart also sighed:

\"Little Jiraiya.... The strength has become more powerful!"

"In just an instant, the situation of the battle was reversed, and that Payne was killed here... It seems that the future Xiao Zilai did not relax his cultivation!"

Outside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing the scene where Jiraiya killed the three of Payne in the picture, Terumi Mei's eyes widened. "Is this Jiraiya's strength?" In just an instant, the situation turned around... Really powerful! \"

"And that illusion..."

Terumi Mei looked at the illusion space of the four big toads in the picture with a look of fear and said: "That illusion that imprisoned Payne."

\"Is it the masterpiece of the two toads on Jiraiya's shoulders before? It's really powerful!\"

"Will you seize the moment to turn the tide of the battle and kill the three of Payne?"

The fourth generation Raikage Ai also sighed when he looked at Jiraiya in the picture: \"Well... as expected of the old powerful ninja Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas!" "It's really powerful!\"

At this time, Granny Chiyo and Hailaozang looked at Jiraiya in the picture, and murmured:

"Is this the illusion that has been prepared for so long and is activated by singing? The effect is really powerful!" "Did the three of Payne be killed by Jiraiya in an instant?"

\"The leader of the Akatsuki organization.. was Jiraiya killed just like that?!

Chapter 182 Kill three and it's over? Payne Six Paths, see! !

"Oh? This is the illusion that Mr. Jiraiya has prepared for so long... It is indeed powerful to be able to kill all three of Payne!" Tendo Payne (Nagato) looked at Jiraiya in the picture The scene of killing the three of Payne muttered. "But......"

"Teacher Jiraiya, Payne is more than just these three!"

"I don't know about the rest of the Payne summoned by the psychic, how should you deal with it, Teacher Jiraiya?"

The live broadcast continues.

[At this time, a figure suddenly appeared behind Jiraiya in the picture. "Don't take it lightly, but you taught me, teacher Jiraiya!\"]

[After hearing this, Jiraiya immediately looked back and wanted to start it, but was blasted away by this person. 】

[Suddenly, Jiraiya was blasted out of the passage, and he took a few steps back on the water before he stopped. But the right hand is empty. 】

[--Jiraiya's right arm was cut off in an instant during the contact with Shura Dao Payne just now! 】

[Drops of blood dripped into the sea from Jiraiya's broken arm. 】

["Boy, your right hand is..." "I know." Zilai also replied. "What's going on?" Fukasaku asked. 】

["It's different from the faces of the three people just now... I'm afraid that Sora was summoned by the psychic technique before.\" Jirai also replied. 】

["Is that so... before we got into our illusion..." Shen Zuo's voice was not finished, only to see six figures in black robes and red cloud clothes fly out from the hole in the wall in front of him. 】

["Penn Six Paths, see here!"]

Inside Konoha Village.

\"What!?\" Tsunade looked at the screen with an incredible shocked expression: "This, what the **** is going on!?\"

"Jilai also had an arm cut off by a sneak attack... and among the other six, the three who were killed by Jiraiya before are also!?" At this time, Mute on the side was also worried. 's expression: \"Lord Jiraiya..."

"Now there are six people on the other side, and Lord Jiraiya has already lost an arm in a sneak attack.... Lord Jiraiya must be safe and sound!" Mute prayed in his heart.

"It's actually like this... Damn!" Tsunade looked at the Penn six people in the picture and said angrily:

"You dare to come... Payne, I can't spare you!"

"Nani!? Did I actually lose an arm in a sneak attack!?"

Jiraiya looked at the screen with an unbelievable expression on his face, and his arm was broken by a sneak attack: "This is terrible!" "The other party, Payne, has gathered all six people... Now it's hard to do. …”

The live broadcast continues.

【"Six people!? There are actually six people!?" Fukasaku said with a shocked expression. Shima on the side was also shocked: "Hey, look at it!"]

[\"The three people who were solved before are also here!"]

[After hearing this, Fukasaku looked at Payne in the screen with the same dignified expression: \"Maybe it's the guy who was re-summoned, let's resurrect them in some way 々.."]

[\"How could there be a ninjutsu that can completely resurrect three people who have completely died..." Shima murmured in disbelief. "Are these guys really human!?"]

Inside Miaomu Mountain.

At this time, after seeing this scene, Shima Fukasaku and the two suddenly showed shocked expressions on their faces.

"Impossible... How come the three guys who took a lot of effort to kill before are alive again!?" "And in this short moment..."

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, Zilai also stared at the six Penn people in the picture, but in his heart he vaguely felt that these six people looked familiar. It seems that I have seen it somewhere, but for a while I can't remember where I saw these people.

The live broadcast continues.

[At this time, Zilai also clutched his broken arm, looked at the six people in front of him with a dignified expression, and murmured, "Payne... Who the **** are you..."]

["Payne refers to the unified title of the six of us" said Tiandao Payne.]

[After hearing this, Zilai also looked at the six people and muttered: "Why...the six people have reincarnation eyes..."]

[Suddenly, Jiraiya in the picture seems to have discovered something, and suddenly widened his eyes. 】

["You, you are...that face, are you Yahiko!?" Zilai also stared at Tiandao Payne with wide eyes. \"What's the matter!? Isn't Yahiko dead!?"】

[After hearing this, Tiandao Payne said lightly: "Have you seen the shadow of Yahiko in me? As expected of my former teacher."]

[\"But Yahiko is already dead, and it's Payne who is standing here!"]

[\"I've heard enough of that nonsense, why do you have reincarnation eyes!\" Zilai also asked loudly. \"What the **** is going on with you!?"】

[After hearing this, Tiandao Payne looked down at Zilai and said coldly, "We are Payne."]

【\"is God!"】

[After all, the six of Penn jumped down and attacked towards Zilai! 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, Zilai also looked at Tiandao Payne in the picture with a solemn expression, and muttered: "I know why I feel familiar..."

"The guy in the picture who is talking to me is Yahiko!"

"But...why does Yahiko have Nagato's eyes?" Jiraiya murmured suspiciously: \"Could it be that Yahiko got Nagato's eyes for some reason in the future?"

"What the **** is going on!?"

"Hmph, are you actually arrogant enough to call yourself a god? It's just using the eyes I gave you as a blessing..." Madara Uchiha looked at Tiandao Payne in the picture with a little disdain and said:

"To be so arrogant... After I have dealt with the affairs in Konoha Village, I will go and retrieve my eyes!"

The live broadcast continues.

[At this time, because of the broken arm, Jirai had to barely parry the siege of the six people. "Boy, give up!" Fukasaku advised. 】

[After hearing the words, Zilai also returned firmly: \"We must find a way to find the flaws...Even if we die together...\"]

[But before he finished speaking, a boulder pressed down behind Jiraiya! Jiraiya was instantly pressed into the water by a boulder! 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Tsunade's heart suddenly clenched tightly. "Jiraiya...you must be safe and sound!" "Sure, you must come back alive!" Tsunade shouted in his heart.

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