On the side, Mute also looked at Jiraiya with a solemn expression on the screen, and his eyes were full of worry. "Lord Jiraiya..." "Lord Jiraiya, you must come back safely!"

"It seems that the situation is not optimistic..." Zilai also murmured as he looked at himself in the picture. "but…"

"If I can't detect the enemy's intelligence, I won't give up!"

The live broadcast continues.

[On the calm water, a toad tongue suddenly appeared, wrapped around the beast Dao Payne and dragged it into the water! 】

[Tiandao Payne reacted, but it was too late. "The breath is gone..."]

[As soon as the screen turns, he comes to the field of vision of the animal Dao Payne. "Is this... an enchantment..." As soon as he finished speaking, an unstable foot almost fell into the gastric juice. ] [Seeing this, the animal world jumped up into the air: "Is gastric juice..."]

[At this time, Jiraiya used the toad's tongue to send a spiral pill to the belly of Dao Payne, the beast! 】

[Suddenly, the animal Dao Payne vomited blood and fell into the gastric juice, and Zilai also fell to the ground gasping for breath. "Nice job, Jiraiya!" Fukasaku said. 】

[But before he finished speaking, the animal Dao Payne struggled out of it, and a black stick stabbed at Jiraiya, instantly penetrating Jiraiya's body! 】

[And after doing all this, the beast Dao Payne really died, his head crooked, and the forehead guard on his forehead slowly fell, revealing a scar. 】

[“So, is this guy really Nagato?” Jiraiya muttered as he looked at the corpse of the beast Dao Payne in front of him. 】

[At this time, the scar on the forehead of the animal Dao Payne came into view of Jiraiya, and Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, and then an incredible look appeared in his eyes: "This is..."]

["I remembered, this guy is not Nagato at all! The man in front of me, I have played against him before, he is from the Fengmo clan..."]

["The scar on his forehead is what I left." After saying that, Jiraiya's vision suddenly appeared in front of Immortal Toad. 】

["If it's as the prophecy said... I'm going to go to those guys again." Jiraiya said firmly. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, Tsunade, who had seen Jiraiya's counterattack and successfully killed Dao Payne, was relieved in his heart.

After hearing Jiraiya's words, "I have to go back to those guys again", I became nervous again. "Jilai also..."

"Why do you want to go back!? Going back will definitely be a dead end!" Tsunade shouted frantically (very good) in his heart. "Just come back and retreat like this." Jiraiya, you have done enough! no, no more..."

"Damn... Damn it! Why on earth would the future me let Jiraiya perform such a task! Damn it!"

Saying that, Tsunade slapped the table fiercely, and the last two lines of tears flowed out. "Jilaiye... You must, be sure to come back safely!"

"Yes...it's him!?"

At this time, Jiraiya looked at the beast Dao Payne in the picture with a shocked expression: "Isn't this the one from the Fengmo family!?"

"He played against me, and the scars on his head were also left by me... handsome"

Jiraiya was in shock at this time. "Did he also join Akatsuki to become Payne!?"

"No, no... How could he have Samsara Eyes!? I remember he was just an ordinary and powerful ninja!" Jiraiya murmured, "What the **** is going on here!? Six pairs of reincarnation eyes"

As he spoke, Jiraiya's eyes were fixed on the other six paths in the picture.

Immediately, Jiraiya was stunned and froze in place. "This this.…"

"These people are all people I know!? These are all the ninjas I met when I was on the road..." "What the **** is going on here!? Why do they have reincarnation eyes now!? "

Chapter 183 The Death of Jiraiya

Outside Konoha Village.

"Oh? Do you recognize it? As expected of teacher Jiraiya."

Tendo Payne (Nagato) looked at Jiraiya in the picture and murmured, "But it's not too surprising... After all, he is someone who has played against Teacher Jiraiya."

"I just don't know. Can the other teachers recognize them?"

Tiandao Payne looked at Jiraiya in the picture, and said with a look of anticipation: "I'm really curious..."

"I wonder what Jiraiya-sensei will look like when he recognizes these people again!? I'm really looking forward to it!"

The live broadcast continues.

["Because there is a need but admit it, the two of you please come back." Zilai also said. "What!?" Fukasaku Shima and the two suddenly looked shocked. 】

["No! This time I will definitely be killed! The number of eyes has increased again, and it is impossible for the enchantment trap to make the opponent attack again..."]

["Those guys haven't noticed this place yet, if you want to escape, you can only take advantage of it now!" Fukasaku discouraged. 】

[After hearing this, Jiraiya also murmured: "Although if you go out now, you may really be killed."]

【"But you may also be able to grasp the true identity of the enemy... Now is the time for the choice mentioned in the prophecy of the great toad!"】

"Big Brother Big Sister, please bring back the information about Payne and this Payne's body so far, and then tell Tsunade..." Before he finished speaking, Jiraiya was interrupted by Fukasuke:]

["It's enough to leave this kind of thing to the child's mother." Fukasaku said. 】

【"But..." "I have to come back before dinner!" Shima said. "After the end, I will go back to eat with Xiao Zilai!" Shen Zuo replied. 】


[After hearing this, Zilai also opened his mouth and said, "Thank you...immortal."]

Inside Konoha Village.


At this moment, Tsunade looked at Jiraiya who was determined to spy on the information on the screen, and his eyes could not help but turn red. "You guy

"But you must come back alive!"

At this moment, Jiraiya looked at the two of Fukasaku Shima in the picture, the corners of his eyes moist. "Big brother, big sister" Don't worry, I will definitely detect the enemy's information and come back successfully! "

"After all, I have never tasted Shima-san's craftsmanship!"

Inside Miaomu Mountain.

"Will Xiao Zilai also make such a choice in the future..."

Shima Fukasaku and the two looked at Jiraiya in the picture with solemn expressions. "Dad boy...

"Well, I know." Fukasaku still looked at the screen and replied without looking back:

"Don't worry, mother, I will definitely bring Xiao Zilai back safely!" "I have to let Xiao Zilai taste the taste of your cooking, mother!"

The live broadcast continues.

[I saw Jiraiya in the picture also drilled out of a toad's mouth, and then quietly floated on the surface of the water. 】

[In front of Jiraiya, Penn and the others are searching for Jiraiya's figure. At this time, Jiraiya just happened to be in front of Shura Dao Payne, who had his back turned to him. 】

[Fukasaku took out the shuriken and threw it at Shura Dodo Payne. 】

[Hell Dao Payne noticed, ducked low, and then looked back at Jiraiya. Under the vision shared by the six people, Jiraiya was immediately surrounded by the six people from Payne who came over! 】

[But at this time, there was no panic on Jiraiya's face (cbdb), but his eyes swept across the faces of the six of Penn. "it is as expected!"】

【"These guys are all ninjas who have a relationship with me...〃]

["I know Payne's true identity!" However, just when Jiraiya thought about it. 】

[I don't know when I came to Jiraiya. Shura Dao Payne directly smashed Jiraiya's throat and knocked Jiraiya out! Immediately, Zilai also coughed up a mouthful of blood. 】

["It's too late for you to find out!" Tiandao Payne said, and then Payne's six paths descended from the sky and nailed Jiraiya through his body to the ground with a black chakra stick! 】

["You have to pass on Payne's identity to Big Brother..." Jiraiya murmured in his heart. "]

[Jilai also wanted to speak, but because Payne choked his throat, he couldn't make a sound. 】

["Cheer up, little Jiraiya!" Fukasaku shouted. Jirai also looked at Fukasaku, and muttered in his heart: "No way, has the throat been abolished... Damn, how can this be..."]

【“No way....He started to lose consciousness....Am I going to die? Did I fail...” Jiraiya murmured in his heart. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

"Damn it!"

Tsunade's eyes were rosy, tears had already filled up, and the picture in front of him was blurry: "Damn Jiraiya!"

"That's it, just die like this... Can't you come back!? You have to be brave..."

Saying so, Tsunade couldn't hold back her tears. However, after a while, Tsunade raised his head again and stared at Payne in the picture with anger:

"Is it Payne...very good! Rain Ninja Village...I, Konoha, will eliminate the evil in the ninja world today and destroy all of you Payne!"

At this moment, Jiraiya raised his head and stared at himself in the picture, and muttered in his mouth:

"Am I dead like this..."

"It's an indescribable feeling to die at the hands of my own apprentice... However, in the end, I also found out that the manipulator behind Payne was Nagato." But now it seems that it's useless to find out. ...Even the throat has been broken, and I can't tell Big Brother Fukasaku at all..." Zilai also looked at himself in the picture and sighed: "It's really embarrassing! "

"In the end, even if you risk your life, you didn't send the information back? What a failure..."

"I want to come, after seeing this scene, the name of the toad immortal Jiraiya, one of my three ninjas, is considered a complete food in the ninja world, right?" He said, Jiraiya's figure was slightly Lonely.

The live broadcast continues.

[Jiraiya's will gradually becomes blurred and slack, and he remembers the past. 】

[In the picture, it is Jiraiya in his youth, who is holding a pen and looking at the distant sky, thinking about the composition of the novel in his heart. 】

[Jirai also wrote on the notebook, 'Shasha' wrote: "The value of a ninja's life is not determined by how he survives, but by what he did before he died."] ["In retrospect, my life is full of fail,"】

["It should have been like this, but this ending... I will die like this."]

["Down with Payne here, stopped Akatsuki, and saved the world of ninjas, but even this choice failed."]

["What a shame, I didn't expect this to be the ending of Jiraiya Hero Story, what a boring story..."]

[Jiraiya, who was thinking so in his heart, suddenly recalled a face with yellow hair. "Naruto..…"】

[The screen flashes, and it comes to the time of the Sannin War. Jiraiya said to Orochimaru: "Tell you a truth."] ["The most important thing in a ninja's talent is not the number of ninjutsu you have, but the will to never give up!"]

[Jilai also came back to his senses, his eyes gradually firmed: "Integrity and frankness, never break your oath, and never give up lightly at any time..."]

【"If this is your way of forbearance, Naruto, as your teacher, how can I give up easily!"]

[Jilai also thought to himself, and then. 】

[I saw Jirai in the picture gradually supporting his body. Seeing this, Shenzuo murmured, "Did you get up with perseverance..."]

[Feeling this scene, Payne turned his head and said, "The heart should have stopped beating..."]

[I saw Jiraiya stretched out his hand with difficulty, condensed Chakra to engrave a secret code on Fukasaku's back: "Never give up easily... This is the real choice I should make!"]

[Seeing this scene, Tiandao Payne murmured: "It's really tenacious.... Go and solve him!"]

[As the last stroke of Jiraiya fell, Fukasaku shouted: "Very good! I did receive it!" At this time, the attacks of Penn's six people also fell! 】


[There is a huge sound, and suddenly, the entire platform has been shattered. Zilai also sank to the bottom of the sea. 】

["Did that frog escape..." Payne murmured in response to the surface of the water. 】

[At this time, Jiraiya murmured in his heart: "The Story of Jiraiya Heroes, is it a bit decent now?"]

["The final chapter, the volume of the frog at the bottom of the well dissipating in the sea? It's quite decent."]

["It's time to put down the pen... By the way, what is the title of the sequel?"]

[Jilai also thought with a smile: "By the way, Whirlpool Mingren's language. Well, this is not bad..."]

The live broadcast is over!

In Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing this scene.

Tsunade couldn't hold back her emotions any longer, and she burst into tears. "Jiraiya... Damn, **** it!"

"So stubborn.... Really annoying guy..." Tsunade's tears fell like broken strings and beads as he spoke. "Jiraiya..." At this moment, Mute on the side was also shocked. "Master Jiraiya..."

"What a tenacious will..."

Mute looked at Jiraiya in the picture and sighed in shock: "The body has suffered such heavy damage... Can you still transmit information..."

"The value of a ninja is determined by the death of a ninja... Mr. Jiraiya is really a ninja worthy of respect and admiration!" Mute exclaimed. After a while, Tsunade's face became firm again:

"Don't worry Jiraiya, I will definitely receive your information... Payne and Yuren Village, Jiraiya, I will give you revenge!"

"Is this my final ending..."

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