Outside Konoha Village.

At this point, after seeing such a scene.

Chang Shilang and Terumi Mei are already laughing and bending over. (cbdb) "Hahahahaha!"

"It turns out that the truth of the matter is like this... Hahahaha! No, I'm about to die of laughter!"

Terumi Mei didn't have the image of being a beautiful five generations of water shadows and laughed; Chang Shilang, who was on the side, also covered his stomach and said happily: "Yeah, who would have thought that the truth of the matter was like this." At first I heard that call The guy from Kakuto said that he had fought against Senju, I really thought he really had some earth-shattering battle with Senju..." "I didn't expect it to be such a scene. .…Ha ha ha ha! "

Hearing this, Terumi Mei, who was on the side, looked at Kakuto in the picture, and laughed loudly, "Yeah!"

"This guy Jiaodu still puts his words on his lips when he fights with Qianshouzhuma every day..."

"As a result, this is considered to have played against each other! Throwing a shuriken is regarded as a fan who wants to autograph...Puffy hahahaha!"

"It's soft, it's not like an assassination, it's like a greeting... Hahahaha! I didn't expect the legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, would be so funny!"

"I really don't know, what would the horn be thinking after hearing Senju Hashima's words!?"

"Pfft, hahaha! This guy named Jiaodu is going to make me laugh to death!"

At this time, Raikage Ai of the fourth generation was looking at the two people in the picture, Kakuto and Senshou Hashirama, holding their stomachs and laughing.

"Assassination... Fighting... I risk my life in the eyes of Jiaodu, go all out..."

"As a result, in the eyes of the legendary **** of ninja Senju Hashima, there are only fans who came to ask for autographs like 'hello'!?"

"Hahahahaha! It's a pity that I was still worried about Qianshouzhuma, whether it will really be killed by this guy named Jiaodu..."

"Now it seems that I underestimated Qianshou Hashirama and looked down upon this guy named Jiaodu!"

Saying that, the Fourth Raikage Ai burst into a thunderous laugh again.

At this time, Ma Buyi on the side also held back his smile, his shoulders trembled, and the corners of his mouth were constantly twitching. "Hahaha......"

"I laughed so hard... After this scene was exposed, that guy named Jiaodu should never dare to see people again in this life!"

"Is this the truth of the matter..."

"It's really shocking!" Granny Chiyo and Hai Laozang murmured as they looked at the corner of the screen.

"I really thought that the legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, was killed by this guy named Kakuto..."

"In the end, I didn't expect it to end like this..."

Chiyo's mother-in-law looked at the Senshou Hasuma in the picture and sighed, "Senju Hasuma is really powerful!"

"As expected of the man who built Konoha Village with one hand and is called the **** of ninjas in legends!"

Hearing this, Hai Laozang nodded and said, "Yeah...I really don't know, this guy named Jiaodu."

"I always thought I had played against Senju, but was taken as a fan passing by to sign autographs..."

"I thought I was lucky to have a big tree blocking the attack... but it turned out to be the protection of Senju Hakuma..."

"I'm really curious, if this guy named Jiaodu, after learning the truth of all this, what kind of expression would he have on his face?"

Thinking of this, Hai Laozang and Chiyo's mother-in-law couldn't help showing a smile on their aged faces. "Presumably, it must be very interesting!"


At this moment, Oh Yemu collapsed to the ground with laughter, and even Chen Dun was unable to maintain his smile. "did not expect…"

"I really didn't expect it!"

"I originally thought that no matter what, there would at least be a battle between the two of them!?"

"The result...the result, hahahahaha!" Onomu looked at Jiaodu in the picture and laughed fiercely:

"It turned out that I didn't expect it. This guy named Jiaodu, after throwing a dart, saw the thousands of hands in the Senju-Hashiri."

"I was scared away! Hahahaha! It really made me laugh!"

While talking, Onogi looked at Jiaodu in the picture: "Not only that, but this guy called Jiaodu."

"I actually thought that I was lucky enough to not die... But I don't know, that's actually because Senju Hashirama treated you as a fan who passed by and asked for an autograph..."

"That's when I took action to protect it. I used the wooden dung to catalyze a giant tree to protect this guy named Jiaodu..."

"Hahahahaha! I wonder what this guy named Jiaodu will think after seeing this scene?"

Saying that, Onogi couldn't help but look forward to it: "It's a pity... I can't see that guy named Jiaodu with his own eyes. After seeing this scene, what kind of expression is on his face." "But it must be It will be wonderful!"

At this point, after seeing such a scene. Feiduan finally understood why Jiao had to avoid them. Because it's so embarrassing!

"Puffy hahahahaha! So this is the truth of the matter... Jiaodu is going to laugh at me to death!" Deidara laughed.

"We are professionally trained and generally don't laugh, unless it's too funny, hahahahaha!" Feiduan exaggeratedly laughed.

"I didn't expect that the guy Jiaodu kept saying 'fight with Qianshouzhuma' so it turned out to be like this! No way, I'm going to die from laughing at this guy Jiaodu!" Gan Persimmon Guijiao: "I I thought Kakuro would be so strong, did he really kill Senju Hakuma... Now it seems that I think too much!"

Scorpion: "Yeah! It's a shame that I praised him so much just now!"

"If I had known it was like this, I would never have praised him!"

Xiao Nan also covered his stomach and smiled: "Yeah... I just thought he was very strong... I didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this..."

Hearing this, after everyone laughed for a while, Feiduan suddenly asked, "Hey, strange. Where is this guy from Jiaodu?"

"Where did you run to?"

At this moment, Jiao Du was in an uninhabited cave, looking at the screen silently. "I didn't expect...that big tree back then."

"It wasn't because I was lucky that the tree stood in front of me and blocked the thousands of hands..."

"But that's the trick of Senju Zhuma..."

Thinking of this, Jiao Du's face immediately flushed red, and his face felt hot, but when Jiao Du saw Senju Hashima in the picture, he regarded him as a fan who came to ask for an autograph. Jiao Du felt his face getting hotter and hotter. "Damn... Damn!"

"This time... I'm going to lose all of my face!"

"Now the whole ninja world is watching my jokes... I will be shameless in the future!"

Thinking of this, Jiao couldn't help but evoke the resentment of the secret technique, and suddenly, a black monster wearing a mask landed beside Jiaodu.

I saw that the corners grabbed the mask on the face of this black monster, and put the mask on himself in its resentful eyes (if any).

Chapter 194 I gave up my life for the village, but when I came back, I was told that I was listed as a rebel of the village? !

Pure Land.

[Thousands Tobirama: Hahahahaha! Big brother, big brother, you and this guy named Jiaodu are literally going to die of laughter! 】

[Thousands of Hands: Cough! Brother, forgive me, it's not that I didn't tell you the truth, it's really been a long time, and I myself have forgotten it...]

[Senju Tobirama: Big Brother, I understand, I understand! Hahahaha... No way, I think I'm about to laugh! 】

[Senju Tobirama: I didn't expect you to be so funny, big brother, treating the corner who came to assassinate him as a fan who wanted to sign an autograph... Hahahahaha! ] Hearing this, Qianshou Zhuma also scratched his head with an embarrassed expression:

[Senju Hasuma: Ahem, I just really didn't expect that someone would actually come to assassinate me, so I just treated him as a fan who came to sign autographs...]

[Senju Hashirama: You can't blame me for that! It was really too fascinated to study ninjutsu at that time...]

[Senju Tobirama: Hahahahaha... But, big brother, you and that guy named Kakuto, you two are so funny~! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Especially the guy named Kakuto, who really thought you didn't find him, eldest brother...]

[Thousands Tobirama: And he also regarded the giant tree that blocked the attack of your big brother with thousands of hands as his luck...]

[Thousands Tobirama: He didn't think about it, can a tree that can block thousands of hands be an ordinary tree! ? 】

[Senju Hasuma: Hmm...Yeah....I'm really curious, what does the guy named Jiaodu think after seeing this scene! ? 】

[Senju Tobirama: Don't say big brother! I've already figured out that guy named Jiaodu, with an unbelievable expression on his face... Hahahaha! 】

The live broadcast continues.

[I saw that the corners in the picture are running away with a frightened expression. "It's so dangerous... Konoha Village is so dangerous!"]

["Thousands of Hands are so powerful!" As he spoke, Jiaodu couldn't help recalling the previous image of Thousands of Hands. Suddenly, the expression on Jiao Du's face became even more frightened. 】

[Even the steps under his feet are a little faster in an instant. "No, I have to hurry back; Longnin Village!"]

["I want to report all this to the higher-ups..." As he spoke, Jiao Du murmured in his heart: "Although I did not succeed in assassinating Senju Hashima..."]

["But I also risked my life to assassinate for the sake of the village!"]

[“Presumably, the senior members of the village will understand and thank me for my dedication to the village and the information I brought back with me about Senju Hashirama!?”]

[Thinking of this, the panic on Jiaodu's face in the picture suddenly disappeared, and turned into a look of anticipation for a new life in the future:]

["Presumably, after I said such powerful information about Senju Hashirama, the high-level people in the village saw that I gave my life and brought the information..."]

["There is no credit and hard work, even if I don't say that I will be awarded an official title, I will definitely give a reward?!"]

[Kakuto thinks happily in his heart. As for the punishment for not completing the task, in the heart of the corner now, how could such a thing be possible for me! 】

[After all, risking his own life to assassinate the legendary **** of ninjas, the task is far more difficult than S-rank, failure is normal! ] [Besides, it's not like I haven't done anything at all, and I have also brought back information about the true strength of Senju Hashirama, isn't it! 】【So, Jiaodu believes that the high-level people in the village will definitely not punish him Jiaodu. 】

[And not only will he not be punished, but he will also be regarded as a hero in the village! 】

[Thinking of this, Jiaodu rushed to the village happily! 】

Outside Konoha Village.

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Jiao Du's face suddenly turned gloomy. Punishing Village! Those high-levels of Zinin Village!

Jiao Du felt that he would never forget that day.

Looking at the picture, the naive self, Jiao Du gritted his teeth and said, "Damn..."

"Damn it, **** it! The high-level people of Zhunin Village... a bunch of beasts who are not as good as pigs and dogs!"

"Thanks to my corners for trusting you so much, and willing to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of the village." It's my corners who misread you all! "

The live broadcast continues.

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to the village of Ziren Village. 】

[In a secret room, Jiao Du is talking to the high-level officials of Longnin Village and recounting his experience of failing in his mission. 】

[After listening to Jiaodu's words, the senior officials of Zhunin Village said gloomily: "That is to say, your mission failed, right!?"]

[After hearing the words, Jiao Du quickly replied: "Yes, but I found out the true strength of Qianshouzhuma..."]

["Oh? What is the true strength of Senju Hashirama? Is it really as powerful as the legends say!?" asked the senior officials of Shunin Village. 】

["Senju-Hamasu's strength is very strong, according to my point of view..." As he said, the scene of Senju-Hamasu's really thousands of hands appeared in Kakuto's mind.]

[Suddenly, a drop of cold sweat fell from Jiaodu's forehead: "I think Senju is worthy of the title of the **** of ninjas... He can even destroy a country by one person!"]

[Hearing Jiaodu's remarks, all the senior members of Zinin Village were stunned for a moment, and then Jiaodu began to carefully describe the 'really thousands of hands' of Senju Hashirama and its strength. 】

["That's it." After that, Jiao Du looked expectantly at the high-level officials of Zinin Village. Jiaodu has already told all his experience of going to assassinate. 】

[Presumably the high-level officials of Zinin Village will look at him with admiration? Corner thought. 】

[After listening to Jiaodu's narration, all the senior officials of Zhunin Village frowned deeply. "In other words, the strength of Senju is really as strong as the legend?"]

["Yes." Jiao Du replied. Recalling the figure of Qianshouzhuma, Jiao Du quickly added another sentence: "I think it's better not to provoke Qianshouzhuma!"]

[Hearing Jiaodu's words, the senior members of Zhunin Village looked at each other, then waved: "Go on."]

["Yes." After speaking, the corners retreated. 】

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to the perspective of Jiaodu. 】

[At this time, Jiao Du is already bloodied all over his body and looks like a madman. "why why!?"】

["I paid so much for the village, even risking my life to assassinate the legendary **** of ninjas.... You treat me like this!?"]

【“Expelled me from the village, listed me as a traitor, and sent someone to hunt me down... This is what you do; is it what the senior officials of Longnin Village did!?”]

["That being the case, today my Jiaodu will betray this Ninja Village!" After speaking, Jiaodu stretched out his arms, which were connected by silk threads. "Hahaha!"】

【“This secret technique is so easy to use....that’s all, consider it as my reward for this mission!”]

. to ask for flowers . . .

["As for you..." After speaking, Jiao Du looked at the crowd at his feet: the corpses of the high-level Longnin Village: "Death is not a pity! "]

[After speaking, Jiaodu turned around and left Ziren Village without hesitation! 】

[Since then, for decades, Jiaodu has been living a life of killing people in exchange for commissions. 】

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