[Behind the countless people who disappeared secretly in the entire ninja world, there is the figure of Kakuto. 】

[In this way, Kakuto kills people in exchange for commissions, and his footprints are all over the country, from the Senju-Shima era of the entire ninja world to today. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, see this behind the scenes.

The original smile on Tsunade's face also disappeared, and turned to solemn.

As a senior executive of the village, Tsunade naturally looked down upon and dismissed from the bottom of his heart the practice of focusing on the senior management of the village in the picture at this time. But I have to admit that this scene did give Tsunade a lot of vigilance.

"From the practices of other village leaders, I can also learn the key to governing the village... At least I know what not to do..."

Tsunade looked at the picture; the senior officials of Longnin Village murmured. \"Such an ending."


"It's them too: the senior officials of Longnin Village are to blame themselves!"

- In a secret room.

At this time, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hizan were looking at Kakuto in the picture and yelling.

"Humph! This kind of scum ninja is really the scum of the village!"

"Yeah! Isn't it because the mission failed, and the punishment kicked you out? The punishment is a little too heavy, but the reaction shouldn't be so extreme. Right!"

"That's right! Don't you understand the difficulties of the high-level people!? You dare to slaughter the high-level people.... What a scum!" Shimura Danzo cursed loudly.

Outside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing this scene.

Feiduan couldn't help showing a sympathetic expression on his face. He murmured in his mouth:

"So, this is the reason why Jiaodu betrayed the village and joined the Xiao organization..."

"It's really boring..."

The dried persimmon ghost shark on the side also sighed: "The actions of the senior management of the village are really chilling..."

Saying that, the dry persimmon ghost shark couldn't help but think back to the boss who betrayed the information when he was in Wuyin Village, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

He slaughtered his comrades on the battlefield in order to protect the secrets of the village, but his boss betrayed the secrets of the village...

In the end, just as the senior officials of Zhunin Village died in the hands of Jiaodu, and the secret book of Zhunin Village was taken away by Jiaodu, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost also died in the hands of the dried persimmon ghost, and the shark muscle sword was also obtained by the dried persimmon ghost. The fate of the two is also somewhat similar.

Thinking of this, the dried persimmon ghost shark couldn't help shaking his head.

inside the cave.

At this moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark looked at this scene on the screen, and there was endless hatred in his eyes.

Even after killing all the senior members of Ziren Village, Jiaodu still had endless anger in his heart.

Back then, he could sacrifice his own life for the sake of the village and go to assassinate the legendary **** of ninjas. Even at the time, he thought he was about to die.

He gave up his life for the village, but when he returned, he was told that he was listed as a traitor in the village? !

How ridiculous and absurd this is!


Chapter 195 The Allied Forces Reflect and Prepare to Withdraw!

Not to mention anything else, the horns alone dared to risk their lives to assassinate the legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, for the sake of the village.

Whether or not it was successful afterwards, this is admirable.

However, the actions of the senior leaders of the village really chilled Jiaodu's ardent loyalty to the village.

"However, thanks to you guys, I was able to realize the true meaning of life..." Jiao Du murmured as he looked at the corpse in the picture. "Only money

"Only money is the only one! Only it will not betray me... I want, money!"

"As the shadow of a village, the actions of the senior management of the village in the picture are really chilling..."

Terumi Mei looked at the crazy corners in the picture and muttered.

Chang Shilang on the side also looked at the screen with a solemn expression: "Yeah..."

"No wonder that guy named Jiaodu ended up like that...the eighth place on the killing list...it's really embarrassing."

"Humph! Do you care about Ninja Village... I didn't expect that the village that could also be assigned to the tail beast before was actually ruled by such a scumbag high-level executive." Now this kind of ending is also their own fault! \"

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai looked at the corpses of the senior officials of Zhunin Village lying in a pool of blood in the "220" screen and said in shock.

\"People are doing it, God is watching."

Granny Chiyo looked at the corpses of the senior officials of Zhunin Village in the picture and sighed.

Hearing this, Hai Laozang on the side also let out a long sigh: "Although this guy named Jiaodu is too extreme..."

"But this matter is indeed the unkindness of the senior leaders of Ziren Village..."

"Yeah." Granny Chiyo on the side stared at the corner of the picture, and agreed: "Note that the senior management of Ninja Village will have this ending, and it can be regarded as their own creation!"

"Humph! It's up to you!\"

Onomu looked at the picture and fell to the ground; the corpses of the senior members of Longnin Village. He snorted heavily. "Treat the ninjas in your village like this." "It's normal to be revenge!"

The sky above Konoha Village.

At this time, the list trembled, and then a white light was emitted, and along with the white light, handwriting appeared on the list. [The eighth place on the killing list, Jiaodu. 】

[Reward: 600 billion detonating charms. 】

In Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing the reward of these 600 billion detonating talismans, Tsunade was instantly blinded.

"Huh!!? Six hundred billion detonating talismans!? This, what kind of reward is this!?"

Tsunade's eyes widened and looked at the list in midair: "The previous reward was either medicinal pills, or ninjutsu, weapons...\"

"But there has never been such a reward..."

"Although the combined power of these 600 billion detonating talismans is indeed very powerful... But it seems that there is something a little less than Tsunade looking at the rewards on the list and muttering.

Outside Konoha Village.

\"Nani!? It's not fair!\"

"Why is the reward blaster I got with a detonation talisman on it, but I got 600 billion detonation talismans in that corner!?" Feiduan looked at the list with an indignant expression and said.

"Six hundred billion...\" The dried persimmon Guijiao on the side also looked at the list above Konoha with a shocked face, and his Adam's apple rolled and swallowed:

"This amount of detonating charms... I'm afraid it can directly blow up a country!?"

At this time, after seeing the reward, Xiao Nan on the side also widened his eyes with a solemn expression: "Six hundred billion detonating charms..."

"Oh my God, if you give it to me, you will never run out of terror!?"

"If someone is really hit by these 600 billion detonating talismans, presumably even if that person is Madara Uchiha, he won't survive!?" Xiao Nan muttered in his heart.

At this point, after seeing this reward.

Kakuto himself was also suddenly blinded. "Nani!!? Six hundred billion detonating charms!?"

\"What's going on here!? Didn't Hidean and others who were on the list before get all the rewards of ninja tools...and ninja knives..."

"Why did I get 600 billion detonating charms!?"

Jiao Du looked at the rewards on the list and muttered. "However... 600 billion detonating talismans are indeed very powerful when combined." The only problem is that these 600 billion... I may not be able to use them all in my life! \"

Thinking of this, Jiao Du's face suddenly showed a tangled look. But just for a moment, the expression on Jiaodu's face softened again:

"What are you afraid of! Even if you really can't use it up, it's better to sell it later!"

"Selling it on the black market at half the market price, I still can't believe it can't be sold out!" Thinking of this, Jiaodu suddenly smiled in his heart: \"Six hundred billion detonating charms

"How much can I sell it for!? By then, I must be able to be rich enough to rival the country!? Hahahaha!\"

Thinking of this, the corners suddenly burst into laughter.

At this time, with the list trembling for a while, white light flashed, and a new handwriting appeared on the list. [Seventh place on the killing list: Qianshouzhuma. 】

Then a white light flashed, and a picture appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[The screen flashes, and the time comes to the Warring States Period with constant disputes. 】

[At this time, the Senju Hashirama in the picture is still young, and looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy. 】

[At this time, Senju Hasuma has been ordered by his father Senju Buddha not to have a secret meeting with the boy of the Uchiha family, Madara Uchiha. 】

[Because the strength of Qianshou Zhuma at this time is already very strong. He often followed his father to fight, and his young hands were already stained with blood. 】

[Not only the Uchiha family, the main enemy of the Senju family, but also other families know that there is a terrifying monster in the Senju family. 】

[In the wars, the peace-loving Senju Hakuma did not want to take the lives of others, but the ruthless battlefield left him with no choice. 】【Only the hand raised the knife and fell, and a smear of sinful blood floated red in the air. 】

[The screen flashes, and the time comes before the unified village of the ninja world has appeared. The field of vision came to the perspective of the Thousand Hands Pillars. 】

[At this time, Qianshou Hashirama has grown up, and as the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, he has the mission of leading the rise and fall of the clan. 】

[And the heart of Qianshou Zhuma also has a long-cherished wish to make the world peaceful and there will be no more wars. 】

[Therefore, in the process of realizing the dream in his heart, it is inevitable to cause murder... Especially at that time, Senju Hashirama was very powerful, and his every move could easily take people's lives. 】

[At this time, what is playing on the screen is when Senju Hasuma led the Senju clan to fight with the Uchiha clan and unified the ninjas to create Konoha. 】

[In the picture of Qianshouzhuma traveling through the battlefield and on the battlefield, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, except Uchiha Madara, are not even enemies of Qianshouzhuma. ] [Often just meet Qianshou Zhujian face to face, and Fang Fang lost his life. 】

[On the battlefield, Chishou Hasuma and Chishou Tobirama joined forces to kill many members of the Uchiha clan. 】

[Before Madara Uchiha showed up to confront Senju Hashirama, it was almost a one-sided slaughter. 】

[Of course, the one who kills the most is not Senju Hakuma. It was his brother Senju Tobirama. 】

[But this time is in troubled times, killing or being killed, there are only two choices. Even though Qianshou Hashirama's strength is already very strong at this time, there is still no other way. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this moment, Tsunade couldn't help covering her mouth after seeing this scene. In addition to the fear of blood, there is also sympathy and sorrow for the experience of his grandfather, Senju Hashirama.

"It turns out that my grandfather Senju Hasuma was already at such a young age..." Tsunade endured the discomfort and murmured as he looked at Senju Hasuma in the picture.

"What a terrifying era, a terrifying war...\" Mute on the side also sighed while looking at Senju Hashirama in the picture.

"When I was so young... Maybe I was still doing some cat catching in the village, or other simple B-level tasks?"

"Sure enough... It's not that the years are quiet, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for us."

At this time, Madara Uchiha looked at this scene in the picture, his eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous look.

"Senjuhramama... Slaughter my Uchiha clan..."

After talking for a while, Madara Uchiha suddenly waved his hand again and shook his head:

"Forget it, what I did back then was not bad, and I killed a lot of people from the Qianshou Clan."

"Forget it. 3.17...\"

Outside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing this scene, Terumi Mei immediately covered her mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

"Such a small child, this, this... Has Senju Hashirama been on the battlefield at such a young age?"

"What a cruel era..." Terumi Mei murmured as she looked at Senju Hasuma in the picture.

"Even in our Wuyin Village, during the blood fog time... nothing so cruel happened..."

"The chaotic times of the Warring States period are really cruel times..."

Hearing this, Chang Shilang on the side was also staring at Qianshou Zhujian in the picture, and said with emotion: "Yeah..."

"It is cruel and inhuman to let children go to war..."

"By the way, Mizuying-sama, do we still withdraw our troops?" Chang Ten Lang asked Terumi Mei. "The next list has already been opened. "Oh, this list is too exciting, but it made me forget about it for a while..."

With that said, Terumi Mei patted her head and instructed Chang Shilang: \"Let everyone clean up first, and then prepare to withdraw..."

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