"Lord Raikage, is this really okay? Do we really need to retreat??"

Azabuyi was looking at the fourth Raikage Ai with a worried look at Yilian. "No!" The fourth Raikage Ai said confidently and loudly.

"But the other party is the legendary ninja **** Senju Hasuma..." Azabuyi said anxiously.

"Even if it is the legendary **** of ninjas? As long as it is not a real permanent resurrection, there is nothing to fear!" The fourth generation of Raikage Ai analyzed:

"Then the Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka also has a cooldown time... That is to say, even if Konoha Village has such a big killer, it will not be released easily."

"Also, we just surrounded Konoha Village and didn't take action against Konoha Village, so what happened!?"

The Fourth Raikage Ai vowed: "Don't worry! Even if it's for Konoha's consideration... Senju Hashirama will never take action!"

"And...\" After speaking, the eyes of the fourth generation Raikage Ai became cold: "It is also the gap between the various villages between the Senjuzhujian..."

"If it is said that Senju Hashirama will come forward again, I am afraid that things will become more and more mired in the quagmire."

"elder sister.…"

At this moment, Eizang is looking at the list above Konoha Village with a solemn expression of "two two three\". "The Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka..."

"Presumably after Senju Hashirama gets this reward, he will definitely use it, and Konoha Village will have a huge amount of combat power..." Hai Laozang said worriedly.

"And Senju Hasuma sees that after we surround Konoha Village, will it be..."

Saying that, Hai Lao Zang looked at Granny Chiyo with a worried expression on his face: "Otherwise, let's lead the ninjas in Sandyin Village to retreat first..."

Hearing Hai Laozang's words, the mother-in-law Chiyo on the side said, "Don't be afraid, brother."

"Even if Senju Hashima can use the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka to stay in the ninja world for a short time, he will not really take action against us."

"You know, it's not just our Shayin Village family that surrounds Konoha Village, there are also three other Ninja Villages that surround Konoha Village."

"If he really dared to attack our four major Ninja villages at the same time, he would undoubtedly cause disaster for Konoha Village."

"Senju Hasuma is strong, but there are times when he is not there? Just imagine what happened to Konoha on that day, and you will know why I said that Senju will definitely not give up." Granny Chiyo was confident said. "Besides, I also won the reward of the list, and my strength has greatly increased."

"If the fight really ends then, it's still hard to say!"

"It's getting lively now... I didn't expect that even the legendary Senju Hashirama would be resurrected..."

Onogi looked at the list above Konoha with a fearful expression and muttered. "Is the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka that can control the power of Huangquan? "It's terrible... I think Senju Hashima will definitely resurrect himself..."

Onogi murmured as he looked at the rewards on the list.

"Lord Tuikage, do we have to choose to withdraw our troops...\" Chitu on the side looked at Ohnogi and asked.

Hearing this, Oh Yemu gently shook his head and said, "No."

"Even if Qianshou Hashirama is resurrected, it will only stay in the human world for a short time... It is impossible to do it on a large scale."

Onogi calmly analyzed: "At this time, the world of ninja has changed greatly, and the mysterious list has come into the world, suspended in the sky above Konoha Village, and we can know all the things in the world from ancient times to the present."

"Not only that, but also able to play those pictures vividly in front of everyone in the ninja world..."

Saying that, Oh Yemu looked at the list above Konoha Village in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and continued to say with a dreadful expression: "And not only that."

"The list can also collect people from all over the world, arrange the ranking list, and issue rewards. The rewards are rich, not only to improve people's strength."

"It can even bring the dead back to life...\" Saying that, Oh Yemu's face was already full of deep fear:

"And such a magical list is actually in the sky above Konoha Village...\"

"So, let's just say that we came here to watch this magical list, not to besiege Konoha...\"

"As long as we don't act first and keep the situation stalemate, even his Qianshou Hashirama can't do anything about us."

Hearing Oh Yemu's words, the Chitu face on the side suddenly showed admiration: "As expected of Lord Tuying!"

Hearing this, Onomu laughed out loud, and then said: "There is no need to withdraw troops, let the people of Yanyin Village continue to wait in place!"


"Can control the power of Huangquan to temporarily revive people, can you temporarily amuse Huangquan than the sword of Rasaka in the human world..."

Xiao organized everyone to look at the rewards of this list, and their faces changed dramatically.

You must know that the person who got this reward is the legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama of Konoha Village!

If it is really resurrected by Senju Hasramama... I am afraid that the first one is to seek revenge for the members of the Akatsuki organization who invaded in the future screen, or even destroyed Konoha Village! ? Especially the boss of his own organization, Payne controlled by Nagato also directly destroyed Konoha Village with a trick of carrying rice in the picture...

Thinking of this, Xiao organized everyone to look at Tiandao Payne with a resentful expression.

Looking at Tiandao Payne, and at the reward of the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka on the list above Konoha Village. Xiao organized everyone to murmur in their hearts:

"Is it too late to quit the Akatsuki organization now!?\"

Pure Land.

At this time, after seeing the rewards on the list, Qianshou Hashiyama suddenly became excited.

[Thousands of Hands: Nani! ? The Sword of Yellow Springs Hirazaka! ? Being able to control the power of Huangquan, let people travel in the human world for a short time! ? 】

[Senju Hasuma: Does that mean that I can be resurrected! ? Like Madara Uchiha, have you gone to the human world? ? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Yes, big brother! In the future, big brother, you will also be able to go to the human world! Congratulations, bro! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Yes...I don't know what's going on in the Ninja world now...I'm really curious! 】

[Senju Hashirama: I don’t know whether the current ninja world has achieved peace, and whether Konoha Village has become a powerful village now...]

[Senju Tobirama: Big Brother, after you divided the tailed beasts, the villages restrained each other, presumably it should be more peaceful...]

[Senju Hasuma: I hope so...but I'm really excited! When I think of being able to resurrect and go to the current ninja world to take a look... I can't calm down in my heart! 】 Hearing this, the whirlpool Mito on the side also said:

[Uzumaki Mito: Yes, husband, then you can go to the human world to see our little granddaughter Tsunade... Take a good look at the current Tsunade, what does it look like? 】

[Uzumaki Mito: I don't know, but now Tsunade has become the heroic Konoha girl in the picture when she fought against Uchiha Madara...]

[Senju Hasuma: Don't worry, wife, I believe Tsunade will definitely do it! 】

[Senju Hasuma: But then again, when I talk about Tsunade, I think of two other people...]

Hearing this, Qianshou Tobirama suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and an angry expression appeared on his face...

[Senju Tobirama: Big Brother, what you have in mind is the two scumbags Hizan Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo! ? 】

Hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian nodded and said:

[Senju Hashirama: Well said, I was thinking of these two guys! 】

Hearing this, Qianshou Tobirama immediately gritted his teeth and said:

[Thousands Tobirama: Big Brother, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, these two scoundrels, I have cut off the relationship with them as master and apprentice. I also ask Big Brother not to hold back and teach these two guys a hard lesson! 】

[Thousands Tobirama: Don't worry, big brother, don't keep your hands, if it wasn't for me not being able to resurrect, I would like to go down and pull the skins of them both! 】

[Senju Tobirama: So eldest brother doesn't need to keep his hands, and when teaching the two of them, he will count my share by the way! 】

[Senju Hasuma: No problem! I mean exactly that! Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, these two scumbags, ruined the reputation of my Konoha Village, and did so many things that people and gods are angry with...]

[Senju Tobirama: Yes... Experiment with babies, destroying the two families who first built the Konoha Village, the Senju family and the Uchiha family...]

[Senju Hashirama: Train Anbu, do bad things to get countless benefits, but hide in the ground when Konoha Village is in danger of destruction...]

[Senju Tobirama: Cruel the excellent ninja, deliberately agreed to the unreasonable treaty of Yunyin Village 3.1 in the case of victory, and provoked the infighting of the Hinata clan. 】

[Senju Tobirama: Watching Konoha Shirato Hatake Sakumo and other excellent ninjas being driven to death by fishing reels are indifferent, and even secretly contribute to the flames...]

[Thousands of Hands: There are countless pieces of this one after another! 】

[Senju Hashirama: I, as the first Hokage of Konoha Village, I cannot ignore it! Brother, don't worry. 】

[Senju Hasuma: I will definitely teach Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, the two scumbags of the ninja world! 】

Hearing this, the whirlpool Mito on the side also said:

[Uzumaki Mito: Husband, well said! But these two villains must be taught a lesson! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Well, don't worry my wife! I definitely will! After I go to the ninja world, I will definitely teach those people a lesson! 】

Hearing this, Uzumaki Mito looked at Senju Hashirama with tears in his eyes:

[Uzumaki Mito: Well, husband! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Why is my wife crying, it's not like I'm not coming back..]

Before Senju Hasuma finished speaking, Uzumaki Mito hugged Senju Hasuma tightly with tears streaming down his face. Then, the two embraced tightly.

Chapter 201 Chi Tsunade: Grandpa is resurrected? Be sure to take him to play poker!

The sky above Konoha Village.

At this moment, the list trembled for a while, and then a white light shot out into the sky.

Pure Land.

At this moment, Qianshou Hashirama was saying goodbye when suddenly a sharp sword appeared in his hand.

Looking at the complex and simple patterns on the sword in his hand, Chishou Hakuma couldn't help sighing:

[Senju Hasuma: What a good sword! I have fought in the ninja world for many years, and it is rare to see such a rare weapon! 】

[Thousands of Hands: Is the Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka? It's a really powerful sword...and from this sword, I also felt a very unfamiliar aura...Could this be the power of the Yellow Springs! ? 】

[Thousands of Hands: It's amazing! Completely different from chakra or the force of nature, this sword of Huangquan Hirazaka gave me a very strange feeling...]

[Senju Hashirama: It is a power that does not belong to this world at all... This list is really amazing! 】

【Senju Tobirama: Big Brother! Come and try the power of this sword of Huangquan Hirazaka! 】

At this time, Uzumaki Mito on the side also looked at Qianshou Hasuma with expectant eyes and said:

[Uzumaki Mito: Yes, husband, try it now! 】

Hearing this, Chishou Hasuma picked up the Sword of Yellow Spring Hirazaka in his hand, and then looked at Uzumaki Mito and Chishou Tobirama and said:

[Senju Hasuma: Well, I'll try it now! 】

After saying that, Senju Hasuma held the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka in his hand, and his mind moved. I saw bursts of ancient aura suddenly emerged from the sword, and pale yellow smoke filled the air.

A shocking aura suddenly came out from the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka in the hands of Senju Hakuma, and I saw a pale yellow brilliance on the complicated patterns on the sword of Huang21 Izumi Hirazaka.

After seeing this scene, Senju Tobirama and Uzumaki Mito immediately looked at Senju Hasuma with surprise.

[Uzumaki Mito: Husband, the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka is too amazing... I have never seen this kind of aura! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Big Brother, it seems that this sword of Huangquan Hirazaka does have the effect of temporarily resurrecting people...]

[Thousands of Hashirama: Yes! Hahaha, after many years, I was able to go to the human world again! I really wonder what the Ninja world has become today! 】

【Senju Tobirama: Big Brother! If you go down, don't forget what I told you! 】

[Senju Hasuma: Don't worry, brother! Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo, these two scumbags, even if you don't need to tell me, I will naturally teach them a lesson! No need to remind! 】

Having said that, after a brief farewell to Senju Hasuma, Uzumaki Mito and Senju Tobirama, he held the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka and thought in his heart.

After that, everyone saw the yellow light in front of them soaring, and after a burst of dazzling light dissipated, the figure of Qianshou Zhuma disappeared in place.

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, Qianshouzhujian looked at the flowers and trees in Konoha Village, and his heart was filled with emotion. \"The current Konoha Village is very peaceful and well-organized. That's right. At this time, Qianshou Hasuma has used the sword of Huangquan Hirazaka, and came to the human world after a short "resurrection".

"I don't know who the current Hokage is now... Then again, in the previous picture, Tsunade will also become a Hokage in the future!"

"If Tsunade was Hokage, he could manage the village in the same order as the current Hokage!"

Qianshou Hasuma thought so in his heart.

But Qianshou Hasuma does not know that the current Hokage of Konoha Village is Tsunade!

While sighing over the development of Konoha Village, Senju Hashirama walked towards the familiar Hokage office in her memory.

After a while, seeing the building with the five big characters "Hokage Office" written in front of him, Chishou Hashirama smiled and sighed:

"It's a lot bigger than when I was...\"

"I don't know who the current Hokage is now, I'm really curious...\" After saying this, the smile on Senju Hashirama's face converged again:

"But don't be the scumbag apprentice of my brother Qianshou Tobirama in the previous picture!"

Saying that, Senju Hakuma walked in.

- In a secret room.

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