At this time, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiizan, as well as Koharu and Mito Gate Yan, were discussing how to deal with the imminent resurrection of Senju Hashirama. Shimura Danzo: "After the reward of the Sword of Hirazaka of Hiraizaka is in the hands of Senju Hashima, this one will definitely use the one that resurrected himself..."

"Furthermore, as the first Hokage of Konoha Village, he was also the one who founded Konoha Village with Madara Uchiha, presumably after he came to the human world."

"I will definitely come to Konoha Village..." Shimura Danzo said worriedly: "If this is the case."

"Presumably after I came to Konoha Village in Senju Hashirama, I would definitely come to find the one wrapped in the previous picture, Sarutobi Hizan and me, to clear the door for Konoha Village."

"Moreover, as Tsunade's grandfather, Senju Hashima will definitely support Tsunade. At that time, our plan to return to the position of Hokage will be greatly hindered..." I heard Shimura Danzo's analysis. On the side, Sarutobi Hizan frowned, and sighed with a worried look:

"Yeah... and as the legendary **** of ninjas, the strength of Senju Hashima has also been shown in the previous screen, I believe everyone can see it."

"If Senju Hasuma really came to Konoha Village, then even if the four of us shot together, we wouldn't be able to stop it."

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiuzhan said, Mito Kamonyan, who was on the side, interjected and said, "Huh? Sarutobi Hiizan."

"In the previous screen, weren't you and Shimura Danzo both on the list? And the rewards are very generous."

"If I remember correctly, the rewards for you and Shimura Danzo should be 'Samsara Eye' and 'Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye', right!?"

"Could it be that after you and Shimura Danzo received the rewards, they couldn't beat Senju Hasuma together?" Mito Kamonyan asked with a puzzled look.

- Ichitomon Yan didn't know that Sarutobi Hiizan and Shimura Danzo got the reward eyes for the two of them.

It was already unloaded by Madara Uchiha when he captured the two and tied them to the root base.

Hearing Mito Menyan's question, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hizan immediately looked at each other very embarrassedly, and then the two said in a muffled voice:

"The reward for both of us has been taken away by Madara Uchiha... The injury was also done by Madara Uchiha at that time."

Hearing this, Xiaochun, who was sleeping on the side, suddenly said angrily: "It's really presumptuous! Madara Uchiha is just an antique from the dynasty, and he dares to shoot at the current Hokage... What a hateful guy!" After hearing Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo's words, he pondered for a moment, and then said:

"It's too late to say this now... It's better to have a good discussion about how to deal with the imminent resurrection of Senju Hashirama."

Hearing this, Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hizan said in unison, "First of all... Absolutely don't let Senju Hashima find us both!"

"Otherwise... I'm afraid there's no hope of making a comeback to Hokage!"

Hearing this, Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, who were on the side, nodded and said, "Well... Senju is indeed a big trouble..."

"But the only good news is that the resurrection of Qianshouzhuma is not a permanent resurrection, but a time limit..."

"Maybe you can take advantage of this and perform...operation..."

In the secret room, the four discussed.

Inside the Hokage office.

At this time, Tsunade was still looking at the list, imagining the scene when his grandfather Senju Hashima saw him.

"Mute, you say, Grandpa Senju Hashima will stare out his eyes in surprise when he sees me being a Hokage!?"

Tsunade said with a happy smile. "Senju Hasuma-sama must be surprised when he sees Tsunade-sama you become Hokage!"

"And I believe Senju Hashima-sama will be very happy after seeing Tsunade-sama become Hokage 223!"

Silent replied with a smile on his face.

"Yeah! Definitely!" Tsunade murmured with a look of anticipation on his face:

"Um... If I see Grandpa Senju Hashima later, what should I do!?"

"Play his favorite game of gambling, gambling, games with grandpa!? Poker, poker, cards!? Or go for a spin in Konoha Village with grandpa!?"

Tsunade murmured: "Well... yes, that's the decision, take Grandpa around the village and let Grandpa Senshou Hasuma see the current development of Konoha Village!"

"Let's have another game with Grandpa Senju Hashima... po... ke..."

Tsunade said excitedly with a look of anticipation on his face.

at this time.

Suddenly, the door of Hokage's office was pushed open. Tsunade turned to look at the man standing at the door.

Suddenly, Tsunade froze in place. Still nothing has changed as I remembered...


"The current Konoha Village is developing very well... Who is the Hokage of our Konoha Village now?"

With a smile on his face, Qianshou Hasumaru opened the door and asked, still looking at the village behind him. Saying that, Senju Hasuma turned his head to look inside the house. Afterwards, Qianshou Hakuma and Tsunade looked at each other in the air, and the two suddenly looked at each other, stunned for a while.

"Tsuna... Tsunade!?"

I saw Tsunade wearing a Hokage hat and Hokage cape, standing in front of Senju Hashimoto.

At this moment, after seeing the scene in front of him, Qianshou Hsujima was suddenly speechless in shock. "you you you you you......"

Qianshou Hashirama had a shocked expression of disbelief for a while, and stammered to look at Tsunade and asked, "Are you my little granddaughter Tsunade?"

"Yeah!" Tsunade nodded fiercely with tears in his eyes. "Yes... Grandpa Senju Hasuma!" Said, Tsunade ran towards Senju Hasuma, and the two hugged fiercely.

Sunlight is full of villages, infinite beauty...

Chapter 202 Grandpa and grandson meet, Qianshou Hasuma and Tsunade!

After hugging for a while, Senju Hasuma and Senju Tsunade separated, and Qianshou Hasuma carefully looked at Tsunade's face.

"I haven't seen you for so long, Tsunade has grown so big..." Qianshou Hashirama said with a look of relief.

"I have grown into a slim girl!"

Hearing this, Tsunade blushed and lowered his head shyly: "Grandpa Senju Hashima..."

Seeing her granddaughter's blushing shyness, Qianshou Hashirama laughed and said, "Why, are you still shy after not seeing your grandfather for so long?"

"It's not like this... Mainly because I'm not a girl anymore..." Qianshou Tsunade said shyly.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Qianshou Hashirama was stunned for a moment, and then, as if he had remembered something, he asked tentatively:

"Is it the seal of Baihao?"

Hearing this, Tsunade nodded. "So that's the case..." Senju Hasuma squeezed his chin thoughtfully and asked:

"So...what time is it?"

"Also, Tsunade, why are you in the Hokage office? Who is Hokage in Konoha Village now?"

Qianshouzhuma asked.

"I just saw that the streets in Konoha Village are clean and tidy, and the faces of the villagers are filled with happy smiles..."

"It seems that this year's Hokage is very promising!"

Hearing Senju Hashima's words, Tsunade immediately raised his face proudly:

"Grandpa Senju Hasuma, now Hokage of Konoha Village is your granddaughter, Senju Tsunade!"

Hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian suddenly widened his eyes in shock: "Nani!?"

"You're already Hokage now!? When is it now? How long has it been since I died? How old is the ninja world now!?"

"In the previous picture, Madara Uchiha was resurrected. At that time, you were Hokage of Konoha Village... Could Madara Uchiha have started a war!?"

"No, no... Madara Uchiha just came out of the Pure Land world... So when is it now!?"

"Also, what's the situation in the ninja world now!? How old are the shadows from other villages!?"

"Also, when did Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo meet those two scumbags? How many years have passed since now?! Are the two of them still alive now!?" A series of questions spewed out of Hakuma's mouth.

After hearing Senju Hasuma's questions, Tsunade answered them one by one:

"It has been nearly a hundred years since the ninja world... The current Hokage of Konoha Village is me, and I am also the fifth Hokage..."

"Also, Madara Uchiha didn't start a war. The time now is about the same as when Orochimaru invaded Konoha Village in the previous picture..."

"In addition, in the current form of the ninja world, the current Mizukage of Kiriyin Village is the fifth generation of Mizukage Terumi Mei; Yunyin Village is the fourth generation of Raikage Ai; the fourth generation of Kazekage of Sandyin Village, Luo Shagang died, Yanyin The Tukage of the village is the third Tukage Onogi…々.…”

Hearing this, Qianshou Hashirama immediately narrowed his eyes and murmured, "Onogi...seems to have some impressions..."

"It seems to be the apprentice of the second generation of Tsuchikage... Is he still there?" Senju Hashima said with nostalgia:

"The young man from the beginning has probably become an old man now! Hahaha..."

After laughing, Qianshou Zhujian opened his mouth and said, "Well... so that's the case..."

"That is to say, the current form is the same as when Orochimaru invaded in the previous picture? That is to say, now Sarutobi Hizen and Shimura Danzo have been killed by Orochimaru?"

Hearing this, Tsunade shook his head and said, "No, not really."

"After Orochimaru's plan was exposed on the list, Orochimaru escaped and didn't do anything at all..."

Hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian frowned and murmured, "Didn't he die..."

"Forget it... that's fine, the Hokage of Konoha Village should still be punished by the Konoha people."

Saying that, Chishou Hasuma asked Tsunade, "Then can you find the location of Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo now?"

Hearing Senju Hasuma's words, Tsunade and Mute looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly and said, "We haven't found the location of Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo... ."

"Since the scandalous deeds of the two of them were exposed, they have never been found... Whether it is in the family of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the club or the Anbu, there is no sign of the two of them."

Hearing this, Qianshou Zhuma nodded and said, "Leave this to me... Rest assured, I will definitely find these two Konoha scum..."

Hearing this sentence, Qianshou Tsunade immediately smiled and said, "Hehe, I feel relieved after hearing this sentence from Grandpa Qianshou Hashima!"

Hearing the words, Qianshou Hashirama immediately touched his head with a smile.

After a while, Qianshou Hasuma pondered: "By the way, about Madara Uchiha..."

"After he was resurrected, did he come to Konoha Village?"

Hearing Senju Hasuma's question, Tsunade slowly shook his head and said, "No one in Konoha Village has discovered Madara Uchiha..."

"But the village protection formation of Konoha Village found that many strangers entered Konoha... But I don't know if any of them are Uchiha Madara."

Hearing his granddaughter's answer, Qianshou Zhuma nodded solemnly:

"Well... No one found out... This is normal. After all, with Madara Uchiha's strength, if you want to hide yourself, no one can find out in Konoha Village now.. …”

"Let me leave this matter to me... I still don't know what Uchiha Madara thinks in his heart, whether he will launch Infinite Moon Reading or other dangerous things..." Said, Qianshou Zhujian frowned deeply: "After all, after the real resurrection, the experience is indeed different from just thinking about it in my head or talking about it..." While speaking, Qianshou Zhujian In between clenched fists.

- One of these points, he felt the deepest feeling when he came back to life as a dead man.

"Well...I already know about the situation."

Qianshou Hasuma pondered: "I'll go to Konoha Village and look around to find the two scumbags, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo..."

"Then go to meet Uchiha Madara again..."

Saying that, Senju Hakuma turned around and walked towards the door.

"That's right." Suddenly, Chishou Hasuma seems to have suddenly remembered something, turned around and looked at Tsunade with a playful smile.

Tsunade, who was stared at by Senju Hakuma's strange smile, looked at his grandfather, and asked a little strangely in his heart:

"Grandpa Senju Hashima, is there anything else?"

"There's nothing else... but there's one more thing about you." Senju Hasuma replied with a smile.

"Me?" Tsunade felt a little surprised when he heard Chishou Hasuma's words. "whats the matter?"

I saw that the smile on Qianshou Hashirama's face was even more intense: "In the previous picture, the guy named Jiraiya."

"I think it looks pretty good... and it looks like, Tsunade, do you have something to say about that guy named Jiraiya..." Chisato Hakuma hasn't finished her words yet. , was interrupted by Tsunade's blushing face:

"Hu, nonsense!" Tsunade blushed: "Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about! How can you talk to that lecherous guy..."

"Lust is a bit lecherous, but my heart is still good... Grandpa, I really admire the self-proclaimed lecherous immortal Jiraiya..." Qianshou Hasuma stared at his little granddaughter Tsunade with a smile on his face. said.

"Humph! Who wants to be with that kind of guy... If you say this again, Grandpa, be careful I'll ignore you!"

Tsunade feigned anger.

Hearing this, Qianshou Shiji suddenly raised his hands and surrendered: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything..."

"Okay, I'm going to find someone..." Saying that, Senju Hakuma turned around and walked towards the door.

Looking at the back of his grandfather Senshou Hashirama, Tsunade only felt a trance in front of him, and then the scene in front of him suddenly blurred, and two lines of hot tears rolled down. "grandfather!"


Before he could turn around, Tsunade suddenly pounced from behind and hugged him. "I will come to see your granddaughter more in the future. Hearing this, Qianshou Zhujian smiled: "Don't worry, I will. "

Inside Konoha Village.

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