Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 36: I'm not joking, you must be serious

It's not just the merchants stuck in the newspaper office that are anxious, but also Danzo.

One month later, the newspaper office lost tens of millions of taels, and Danzo was so happy that he could wake up from his sleep with a smile. When this advertisement appeared, Danzo panicked.

"Danzo-sama, the owners of dozens of stores have already gathered at the Konoha Newspaper to buy advertisements."

"Is the price of the advertisement still 10,000 taels?" Danzo asked with a sullen face.

The root ninja replied: "A store owner has already called for 300,000 taels, but Uchiha Fenghuo hasn't appeared yet."

Danzo's face suddenly darkened.

He picked up a newspaper. There were many blank spaces in the corners and the middle of the newspaper. He didn't realize it before, but now, it is clearly reserved for advertising!

If it is calculated based on an advertisement of 300,000 taels, the advertisements of this issue of the newspaper can sell at least more than 3 million taels, and ten issues a month is more than 30 million taels. Won't be the tallest!

"Damn! Bastard! Damn it!!"

Danzo was furious.

He suddenly remembered the matter of going to Hiruzaru Sarutobi last month, and he thought he had no plan left, but in the end he was still put together!

Newspapers are private, so the advertising fees they earn, after taxes, are paid by Hiruza Sarutobi!

What a huge sum of money that must be!

Danzo seemed to have eaten a bunch of fresh pink blowflies, and the unspeakable complex taste made him want to vomit.

What should we do now?

Danzo narrowed his eyes, frantically thinking about how to break the situation.

The funds and resources of Anbu and Nebu depend on the finance of the village. Although he and Hiruzaru Sarutobi each have some industries, they are roughly the same. Beyond his roots!

Unforgivable, this is absolutely unforgivable!

Danzo also wanted to open a newspaper, but firstly, the investment in the premise was too large, and secondly, with the Konoha Hayate newspaper, his newspaper might not be able to open up the market.

When Danzang was tangled, Fenghuo finally returned to the newspaper office, and suddenly a large number of businessmen surrounded him. On the left, he said that the little brother is so handsome, and on the right, he said that the little brother is so handsome, and the flattery was fresh and refined. Elegant, fire-sealing dragon Yan Dayue, decided to slaughter them severely!

"They're all here to buy advertisements?" Feng Huo's expression was all over the world.

"Hehe, yes, yes, Lord Fenghuo, I want to buy the advertising space in the center of the newspaper!"

"We're going to book that advertising space at the barbecue restaurant."

"Asshole, that advertising space is ours!"

A wave of bosses were arguing there, and beside them, a fat boss, an old god, was there.

He was the previous owner of the wine shop, and he bought the advertising space for 10,000 taels, but he made a lot of money in the past three days, and the business in the three days was comparable to the past half a year.

This time, he plans to spend an extra 20,000 taels to win this advertising space!

This is equivalent to three thousand newspapers, enough!

"Hehe, little brother Fenghuo~ I really won't take advantage of you this time, 30,000 taels!!" He yelled, looking at the stunned colleagues around him with a proud face and his big belly.

Still too young, you guys!

The owner of the wine shop hummed in his heart: How could he buy such a good advertising space without spending too much money?

Feng Huo was pumped up all over, wishing he could slap this fellow into the crack of the floor!

You **** have the guts to say you won't take advantage of me, step forward, and I promise to kill you!

"I, I offer 50,000 taels?" The owner of a nearby clothing business hesitated to ask. He was going to spend 200,000 taels to buy an advertisement before, but he was a little excited when he heard the offer from the owner of the winery. If you can save some money, who wants to be taken advantage of?

"I pay fifty-two thousand taels!"

"Fifty-three thousand taels!"

Sure enough, the other merchants were better than the other, and the bids were all 1,210,000 taels, which made Feng Huo very angry.

The owner of the distillery is drunk. His distillery is not big and has limited funds. How can he compare with these rich and powerful businessmen?

He looked at Feng Huo, and found that the other party was staring at him with cannibalistic eyes. The owner of the wine shop seemed to understand something, put away his belly, and squeezed into the crowd with all his might.

After increasing the price for a long time, the advertising fee finally broke through to 65,000 taels, and the fire was sealed.

He directly shouted: "The next issue of the newspaper has 13 advertising spaces, the starting price is 200,000 taels, the highest bidder wins!"

All the merchants who were in the midst of raising prices immediately lost face when they heard this.

"My lord, you used to sell advertisements for 10,000 taels, and now you have increased it to 200,000 taels. It's too much, too outrageous, and too shameless!"

"That's right, even if you're a ninja, you can't do that!"

"Boycott Konoha Newspaper!"

"I think we can invest together to open a newspaper, share the cost in the early stage, and save advertising costs in the later stage, killing two birds with one stone!"

All the businessmen seemed to be arrogant as they spoke to each other, but they all watched Feng Huo's face.

"Hehe, that's fine, then you hurry up, the village is not small, and there are many merchants everywhere, I believe there are many people who are willing to spend 200,000 taels on advertisements, hehehe, your business will be bad by then, let me see where you are The money to open a newspaper!"

Feng Huo said coldly, "Get out!"

The group of businessmen looked at each other in blank dismay, it seemed that this little ninja lord was not easy to fool.

"Hey, Lord Fenghuo, don't be angry, we're just joking around, don't take it seriously." The owner of the barbecue shop stood up.

Feng Huo showed him an innocent and harmless smile: "Thirteen advertisements~www.wuxiaspot.com~ each with a starting price of 250,000 taels. I'm not kidding, you must take it seriously."

The owner of the barbecue shop was in a hurry: "No, my lord, I was still twenty..."

"The starting price is 300,000 taels!" Feng Huo said with a smile.

"I..." Just as the owner of the barbecue shop said a word, the colleagues behind him rushed up, and impatiently took off his socks and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Is there a problem?" Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, looking silly and cute.

"...No, no problem."

"I'll pay 300,000 taels!"

"I also pay 300,000 taels."

There are quite a few businessmen here, but there are only a handful of people who can really spend 300,000 taels to buy advertising space without blushing. In the end, they sold a total of seven advertising spaces, with a total profit of 2.1 million taels.

"Those who have paid the advertising fee can go to the back and talk about their advertising slogan." Feng Huo was in a good mood seeing so much money.

The rest of the merchants watched Fenghuo anxiously, hoping that he could reduce the price of the remaining six advertising spaces.

"Is there anyone else who wants to buy it? No one? Why are you still standing there? Get lost!" Feng Huo kicked out the rest of the merchants one by one, especially the wine shop owner, who kicked three times in a row. Fang relieved the hatred in his heart!

When the news came out, some families were happy and others were sad.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Sakumo Hatake breathed a sigh of relief, and Ikacho and other families toasted together.

As for Danzang, of course Erha possessed him, and he began to harm Qigen headquarters again.

"No, you can't just let it go!"

Danzo was so angry that his duodenum broke into twelve pieces!

PS: According to the exchange rate, 300,000 yen is less than 20,000 yen. It shouldn’t be expensive to buy a newspaper advertisement for three days, right?

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