Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 37: share the spoils

That night, Danzo, who was so angry that he couldn't sleep, went aggressively to Hokage Tower to find Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

"Hizan, I suggest canceling the Konoha Newspaper. The existence of this newspaper has seriously endangered the interests of countless businessmen in the village!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at him with a smile, thinking that the newspaper advertisement seemed to have reached Danzo's ears.

He said lightly, "Danzo, why can't I understand what you're saying?"

Danzo snorted coldly and said, "I just received the news that Uchiha Fenghuo, a brat, used advertisements as an excuse to extort merchants. He is simply a ninja scum! As long as the newspaper exists, the merchants in the village will be blackmailed by him for a day. If it goes on for a long time, I'm afraid there will not even be a businessman in the village!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe, and sneered in his heart, this is true, isn't it because he is jealous of the advertising fee? Smelly shameless, why didn't I see that you were this kind of person before.

"If there is such a thing as extortion, it should be handed over to the police force. Hehe, Danzo, you are too lenient." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said, "Besides, as far as I know, those Merchants all spontaneously gather together to buy advertisements, hehe, this shows that advertising is a matter of mutual benefit, so why is there such a thing as extortion?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not give Danzo a chance to speak, and continued, "The existence of the newspaper office is very important to the people in the village. Almost every issue of the newspaper can be sold out within a day, which shows that the villagers I still like newspapers very much."

With a sullen face, Danzo gritted his teeth and said, "Since it's so important, then put the newspaper office under the Ministry of Finance, and all advertising expenses will be handed over to the finance department!"

"This is not acceptable. The newspaper is private. What is the difference between me doing this and robbing it? If I do this, will any business that makes money in the future be transferred to the Ministry of Finance? Danzang, I did this That’s why all the businessmen in the village will run away.” Sarutobi Hirizhan spoke earnestly, and finally said softly, “I remember you asked me to privatize the newspaper, haha.”

Danzo's face suddenly turned colorful, sometimes blue, sometimes white, sometimes green, sometimes black.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe, looking at his face, it was quite interesting under the moonlight outside the window.

Danzo gritted his teeth and said: "Then, for the sake of the village, I suggest increasing the tax rate of the newspaper!! Hiraku, this is a good thing for all ninjas, you won't refuse it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Only the newspaper office? Wouldn't this be unfair? As far as I know, the profits of many gambling houses in the village are several times higher than that of the newspaper office. tax rate?"

Danzo's face became more and more exciting.

No matter what era it is in, those who can afford to open a gambling house are definitely related to the upper class, otherwise how can the power tolerate it?

Several gambling houses in Konoha Village have shares in Danzo. Of course, wealthy families such as Hinata and Uchiha also have shares in them.

If the tax rate of the gambling house is increased, this is a direct attack on several wealthy families at the same time. Danzo is happy to see the result, but if it is rumored that he is instigated, it will not be wonderful.

"Hi Zhan, it seems that you have made up your mind!" Danzo took a deep breath, looking at ease.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled and smoked his pipe.

His expectation for the newspaper office was actually to control the public opinion in the village and prevent it from being used by people with ulterior motives, but he did not expect that it would bring such a large amount of income in the end.


After Danzo left, representatives of the Inokacho family, the Inuzuka family, and the Yuu family came and expressed their hope to convert the money lent to the newspaper into shares, so that they would not have to pay back the money in the future, and would directly receive dividends!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi heard it, great, great, he was wondering how to get the advertising fee openly!

You must know that the money invested in the premise of the newspaper office is not as much as that of these five companies. If they get dividends, he will definitely get the most of it!

However, Shuo Mao must also be considered. After all, he is the president of the newspaper. As for Feng Huo...he is too young, if he takes too much money, will it affect his future development? Do you want to save it for him first?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so worried that he took a few puffs of his big pipe!

Afterwards, Hiruzaru Sarutobi called Sakumo Hatake, who rarely missed work, and the two of them arrived at Konoha News late at night.

The address of the newspaper office is next to the ninja school. It is a two-story building with a large area.

At this time, several editors in the newspaper office were confirming the final typesetting, and when they saw Hokage coming in person, they were all so excited to come over to flatter them.

When Feng Huo looked at it, his nose was crooked with anger, don't guess, it was definitely for profit!

Sarutobi Hiruzachi chatted with these editors for a while, then took Feng Huo's little hand into his office.

"Fenghuo, the advertising business is very well done!" Sarutobi Hiruzen started with a big praise.

"Hehe." Feng Huo laughed dryly.

Hatake Sakumo has figured out the bottom line of Fenghuo at the newspaper office this month, and said directly: "Fufenghuo, how much did you pay for this advertising auction?"

Feng Huo immediately showed an expression of grief and indignation: "Oh, it's miserable, it's too tragic! The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, ungrateful for profit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Oh, it's too tragic."

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi heard this, the expression on his face froze immediately.

"Ahem, shut the fire, don't talk nonsense." Hatake Sakumo expressed embarrassment.

'It seems that this child is not easy to fool. Hiruzaru Sarutobi is the man who is Hokage after all, he has a thick skin, and immediately expressed the requests of Ikacho, Yasuzuka and other families, how reasonable these requests are, and how great and selfless their contributions to the newspaper are .

Seal the fire and curl your lips, selfless? Then don't ask for anything in return.

However, Feng Huo also knows that this cannot be avoided. Being in the Hokage family, he can only be safer if the major families that support Hokage become stronger.

Besides, he was alone, and all his debts were paid off with public funds, so why not be dissatisfied?

However, the interests that should be fought for still have to be fought. After the final bargaining, it was confirmed that the five major families of Ikakacho, Inuzuka, and Yunu each took 10% of the shares of the newspaper. , the last achievement is used to maintain the newspaper's expenses.

After dividing the loot, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was satisfied and left with Sakumo Hatake.

Feng Huo stood in the dark corner of the newspaper office, rubbing his chin and thinking that he must be careful about embezzling public funds in the future.

When he got home, of course it was Xihi's house, Fenghuo saw Xihihong waiting for him with his mouth pouted.

"Fenghuo, you're back." Yuhihong ran over with an innocent smile on her plump face, looking like a wife welcoming her husband home.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Are you still asleep?" Feng Huo said, why did the couple's sense of sight become more and more intense?

Yuhi Zhenhong wouldn't jump out and interrupt her dogleg, would she?

Yuhihong pouted and said, "Tomorrow is the graduation exam."

Feng Huo was taken aback for a moment, he had been busy with the newspaper office for more than a month and really forgot about it.

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