Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 38: Kay Graduation

Xi Hihong also wants to take the graduation exam, but unfortunately, this girl is very playful, and she doesn't work hard at ordinary times, and she stumbles in the three-body technique, so it is a little daunting to pass the graduation exam.

"Fenghuo, Obito, Kai, and Asma all have to take this graduation exam, and I want to take it too." Yuhihong looked at Fenghuo pitifully.

what can he do

Of course it was to persuade her to wash up and go to bed.

"Hmm..." Xi Hihong held her mouth and let out a series of unexplained hums, venting her little girl's dissatisfaction.

But the little girl, the anger came and went faster, and soon pestered Fenghuo to ask things, and finally fell asleep after yawning.

The next day, after Fenghuo got up, he formed a shadow clone and learned the seal technique. He went to the newspaper office, but he didn't go into the newspaper office. After more than a month of development, the newspaper office has entered the right track and occupied the entire market in the village. Finally, even without him, it can develop smoothly.

"From today onwards, I will also be a good boss who has passed the newspaper office three times!"

Feng Huo came to the ninja school not far from the newspaper office. He could see many students in the playground. He saw Kai at a glance. His eyebrows were so outrageous that it was hard for people not to pay attention. His Beside them are Obito and Asma. Apart from them, there are many other students. He looked around and found that most of them are passers-by A, B, and C. One of them had a feud with him, such as Hyuga Shinmune and Uchiha Rana, and the only one who made Fenghuo's eyes shine was Shiranui Genma, but it was just a big dragon with a name.

"Seal the fire!" Seeing him, Obito jumped up excitedly, with a terrified face, and opened the Shan Gouyu Sharingan to give him a thumbs up.

After Fenghuo moved to Yuhihong's house, he hadn't seen Obito for a long time.

Next to him, Kai also gave Fenghuo a thumbs up, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the roots of his teeth gleamed with dazzling white light in the morning sun.

Feng Huo remembered what he said before, about challenging him again after graduation, and shuddered.

How did Kakashi's blame fall on his head?

Damn, why!

Shunhuo refuses to accept.

Asma lowered his head, since Fenghuo moved into Xihihong's house, he was not very willing to deal with Fenghuo.

Feng Huo thought to himself that it's good that Hokage is not hereditary, otherwise the 'Huo Second Generation' would have to bully him to death in the future.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter the graduation exam, but the venue will not be cleared. No, many villagers have gathered at the gate of the school, looking inside.

Some parents looked nervous, apparently the parents of students taking graduation exams.

Fenghuo turned to the corner, then jumped onto a tree and looked inside.

The content of each graduation exam is different.

Fenghuo's graduation exam is to throw shuriken Kunai, and to hold on for three minutes under the hands of Chunin teacher. Because Fenghuo's mouth was broken at the beginning, he was the only one who graduated that year. After all the teachers learned from the pain, this year's The exam is much simpler, except for the three-body technique, it is a battle between students.

For Kai, Asma, and Obito, the problem of the three-body technique is no longer a big problem, and the key is the next link.

Everyone is in pairs, and the winner will be determined within three minutes. If you win, you will graduate, if you fail, you will go back to the furnace and rebuild. It is clean and neat, and in the end, half of the students must graduate!

During the assignment, Kai and Asma were assigned to a group, and the unlucky boy Obito was assigned to Shiranui Genma!

Shiranui Genma is already 10 years old, half a head taller than Obito, and with a thousand copies in his mouth, he looks cool, handsome and domineering. downwind.

"Student of the Uchiha family, you should admit defeat." Shiranui Genma has been in the ninja school for many years, and his strength has reached the level of ninja.

"Bastard! Don't underestimate me!" Obito Uchiha couldn't bear the contempt, so he opened Sharingan at that time.

Shiranui Xuanjian was vigilant, but after playing for a while, he found that the single Gouyu Sharingan seemed useless at all.

Obito also found this embarrassing reality.

To be honest, Sharingan's ability is definitely powerful, especially when it is opened to Kaleidoscope, it is definitely the limit of the blood succession of the plug-in level, but Shan Gouyu's Sharingan is really embarrassing.

Obito was finally beaten up after being beaten up, and lost in less than three minutes.

Elsewhere, Kai and Asma fight.

If you were someone else, you might be concerned about Asma's identity, but Kai is a straight man, no matter whether you are the second generation or the third generation, you will be beaten violently when you come up.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"

"Whirlwind of leaves!"

"Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

Swish Swish Swish!

The violent airflow turned into a violent storm under Kai's feet and attacked Asma.

The latter barely used the three-body technique to parry, but he would lose if he defended for a long time, and was soon kicked into the air by Kai's Konoha Badyansheng.


Kai watched Asma fall with regret on his face. He almost couldn't help but jumped up to pick up a set of watch lotus just now.

But even so, Asma had no power to fight back.

In the end, Asma lost with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Kai turned his head to look at Fenghuo and gave a thumbs up.

In the end, among the people I knew, only Kai and Shiranui Genma graduated successfully, and Obito and Asma had to wait for the next year.

Seeing the result~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fenghuo immediately dodges, not giving Kai a chance.

At this moment, Feng Huo suddenly had a headache. It turned out that the shadow clone who practiced sealing at home ran out of chakra and dissipated.

"This is…"

There was joy in Feng Huo's eyes.

It turned out that after so many days of study, the shadow clone finally began to try an advanced sealing technique, namely the five-element seal.

It's a pity that after several experiments, the chakra was exhausted and there was no success, but the experience of failure entered the brain of Fenghuo and became a valuable experience.

He hurriedly turned around and went home, recovered Chakra, and then separated the shadow clone, and experimented with the Five Elements Sealing Technique together.

These days, Fenghuo has learned to seal the magic circle and the sealing technique for storing items. The former is a bit tasteless, while the latter is very convenient, but it is of limited help to Fenghuo. The five-element seal is different. This is an advanced sealing technique, which can Seal some powerful monsters, even tailed beasts can be sealed, of course, it also depends on your strength.

The five-element seal involves the five attributes of chakra, and it is impossible to learn it without mastering the changes in the nature of chakra.

But even so, it is still extremely difficult to learn to seal the fire, especially the chakra, which will bottom out after a few chakra trials.

"No wonder you have to go to the Jonin to master it. It consumes so much Chakra that the Chunin can't learn it at all."

Feng Huo stopped with a wry smile, thinking about it, the four elephant seals and the eight trigrams seals are all the same.

It seems that the learning of the sealing technique can be suspended, and Chakra must be raised to the level of junin as soon as possible!

He has been busy with the newspaper office for more than a month. Apart from using the shadow clone to learn the sealing technique, Fenghuo has no time to practice other illusions, physical techniques, and ninjutsu. He even put aside the chakra refining for the time being.

Now that the newspaper is on the right track, it's time to practice hard.

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