Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Shisui VS Uchiha Madara

"Kakashi, come up!"

Shisui's voice came from Susanoko's eyebrows, with an inexplicable sense of awe.

Kakashi responded, tapped his toes, and nimbly jumped to Susano's shoulder.

"Going up!"

Shisui gave a cold drink, Susano lifted his footsteps, directly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, stepped on several giant trees more than ten meters high, and rushed towards Uchiha Madara like a tailed beast.


Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato immediately sounded a reminder.

Tsunade, Onoki, and Fourth Raikage were all on alert, while dodging Uchiha Madara's offensive, while staring closely at Shisui's Susano who was getting closer.

"Report your name!"

Uchiha Madara opened his mouth lightly, and at the same time, the complete Susano waved his Shisui horizontal sword, instantly arousing a majestic golden sword energy, whizzing away with a terrifying air current.

Wherever the golden sword energy passed, the trees were broken and the earth was cracked. Countless birds and beasts in the forest were scrambling for their lives, in a panic all day long.


Kakashi, who was standing on the shoulder of Shisui's Susanoo, faced the majestic sword energy that spanned several miles, and a sense of fear and fear surged from the depths of his spine, and his face turned black instantly. His hands and feet were stiff and he couldn't react for a while.

'This is... Uchiha Madara? '

Kakashi felt that his heart was going to be crushed by the terrifying pressure carried by this sword energy.

But fortunately there is still water.


Zhishui's voice was calm and solemn, without any fear.

In an instant, the breastplate of the green Susanoo opened instantly, revealing a round of red goblins inside. As the gobs rotated, countless green chakra arrows shot out violently, fighting towards the oncoming majestic sword energy. relatively.


The majestic sword energy pushes countless Chakra arrows forward one meter at a time. When the golden and green rays of light are madly entangled, devoured, and reflect each other, the violent and chaotic airflow is also savagely sweeping around. , All trees and creatures were swept up into the sky by the air waves, and then thrown further away.

Kakashi gritted his teeth, grasping the chakra coat on Susano's shoulders with both hands, his whole body fluttered in the wind like catkins under the violent airflow.

"Can... can, hateful"

Kakashi opened his mouth to complain, and a hurricane poured into his mouth in an instant, stretching his cheeks, like a fish bubble.

Is it so... scary?

Kakashi was heartbroken.

Finally, under the consumption of countless green chakra arrows, the majestic golden sword energy finally dissipated in midair.

The chaotic and violent airflow gradually calmed down.

Kakashi jumped off Shisui's Susanoo without saying a word.

If you stay any longer, I'm afraid you will be killed by the aftermath of the battle between Shisui and Uchiha Madara, which would be really embarrassing.

"As expected of Uchiha Madara! Hehe..."

Blocking Uchiha Madara's sword energy, Shisui puffed heavily, he didn't have infinite chakra, and he didn't have a tailed beast, so the consumption of the attack just now made him extremely strenuous!

But at this time, how could he back down?

Facing the complete body of Susano, who was half taller than him in front of him, Shisui directly flashed his sword, and at the same time shouted loudly: "My name is Uchiha Shisui!"

Two huge spiral swords were pulled out from his waist, and Shisui rushed to Uchiha Madara who was two miles ahead.

Uchiha Madara sneered, and the complete Susanoo took a step forward, directly crossing a distance of 100 meters, swung the huge samurai sword to the top of the cloud, carrying a terrifying air current and golden majestic sword energy, and slashed down again .

"Lord Dokage!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes gleamed, the opportunity they were waiting for came!


Onoki slowly fell to the ground, and then Namikaze Minato appeared behind him in an instant, Fourth Raikage also appeared in the form of lightning, and Tsunade also ran over quickly.


At this time, Shisui's Susano held two spiral swords upside down, crossed his hands, and injected the chakra and kaleidoscope power of the whole body into it. The two spiral swords were like a pair of scissors, forcibly clamping down on the samurai sword that fell from the sky. in mid-air.


The terrifying air flow poured crazily along the two spiral swords towards both sides, like overwhelming mountains and seas, blowing up several layers of land, while the majestic golden sword energy pressed against the spiral swords inch by inch, eroding towards Zhishui's face.

"Damn it, stop it!"

Zhishui's kaleidoscope spun rapidly, and his pupil power was output crazily. Soon, his pupils were bloodshot, and then blood and tears overflowed!

"Even Susano, there is a huge gap because of everyone's training of kaleidoscope pupil power and the use of chakra!"

Madara Uchiha is in the middle of Susano's eyebrows in a complete body, wrapped in layers of chakra coat and Utengu armor, making his figure look a little blurry, but his voice is still clear and cold, "Shisui, Your talent is good, but you are still one step away from the complete Susanoo!"


The huge samurai sword was pressed down inch by inch, and the Shisui green Susanoo sank inch by inch, and the ground under his feet was so fragile that it could not withstand a single blow!

"Then, let's begin!"

Right next to the two huge demon statues, Ohnoki couldn't wait.

Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, and Fourth Raikage are frantically pouring Chakra into Onogi's body.

"What an amazing amount of chakra is this?!"

Onoki felt the terrifying chakra coming from his body, trembling with fear.

The Chakra of the Fourth Raikage is comparable to Onogi, which is amazing, but Tsunade's Chakra is dozens of times that of the Fourth Raikage!

After all, Tsunade's Yin seal has stored her chakras for decades~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But, compared to Namikaze Minato's chakras, Tsunade's chakras are not enough.

"Is this the Nine-Tails Chakra?"

Onoki's hands trembled a little.

"Your Excellency Tukage, you should be able to control it, right?" Namikaze Minato's voice came from behind.

"Of course, don't underestimate the old man!"

Onoki's eyes gradually focused on the front, and then his hands formed a mudra, frantically converging the chakras in his body and the chakras of the three people behind him.

A little bright white light shines from the palms of Onogi's hands, like a twinkling star in the dark night, but in the next moment, this star suddenly explodes, bursting out with dazzling light, dazzling like the scorching sun. Light up half the sky!

Uchiha Madara and Shisui turned their heads to look at the movement here at the same time.

"This is…"

Uchiha Madara frowned.

With the chakra pouring in by Namikaze Minato and Tsunade, Onogi's face turned purple, especially the dust in his hand, he felt that he was about to lose control.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately yelled angrily, "Dust escape - the technique of stripping the original world!"


The bright white light broke through the air in an instant, covering the upper body of Uchiha Madara's complete body Susano.

In an instant, Susano's Utengu armor and chakra coat melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun.


Uchiha Madara turned pale in horror.

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