Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: despair

Konoha: Sealing Fire and Liantian Text Volume Chapter 1034 Despair "Ahhhhhhh..."

Ohnoki screamed excitedly, squeezing himself desperately, and kept pouring the chakras of the three people behind him into Dust Dun, making Dust Dun's light last for a long time, covering Uchiha Madara's complete body Susano.

The bright white light crazily eroded Susano's chakra coat and Utengu armor, and even the two halves of the huge katana had slight cracks.

At this moment, Zhishui, who had been suppressed all this time, finally had a chance to breathe.

He frantically stimulated the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, and the green Susano suddenly exploded with infinite power, and the two spiral swords stood up slowly against Uchiha Madara's katana.


Uchiha Madara's distraught voice came from the complete body Susano, even with infinite chakra, but at this time facing Dust Dun, who gathered the chakras of Onogi, Fourth Raikage, Tsunade and Namikaze Minato, The speed of its destruction has already exceeded the speed at which he can repair the Susanoo, and with the addition of Shisui's Susanoo, the situation will soon collapse.

With the crazy erosion of Dust Dun, the strength of Uchiha Madara's complete body Susanoo gradually weakened. Shisui noticed this, his eyes turned red, and he immediately blocked Uchiha Madara's samurai sword with all his strength, and at the same time pushed Two green spiral swords are inserted into Uchiha Madara's Susanoo!

The moment he got close to Uchiha Madara's Susano, the bright light of Dust Dun also shone on Shisui's green Susano, and the chakra coat on his appearance suddenly melted. Back away.

And Uchiha Madara is even worse.

Two green spiral swords were inserted into the chest and abdomen, piercing Utengu's armor and Chakra coat, and then, the bright white light melted the two green spiral swords, and without giving Uchiha Madara a chance to repair the wound, the bright white light directly Penetrating through the wound, Susano was eroded from the inside.

In just two breaths, the complete Susanoo almost collapsed!

"No, no, it's impossible!"

Uchiha Madara's angry and terrified voice came from the remaining Susano, but it was quickly submerged in the bright white light of Dust Dun.


Onoki was overjoyed.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, and Fourth Raikage also stopped sending Chakra.

"Minato!" Tsunade turned to look at Minakaze.

"Leave the rest to me!"

Namikaze Minato smiled.

When the white light in the sky dissipated slowly, the figure of Minato Namikaze disappeared directly, and then appeared in midair next to Uchiha Madara, whose body was mostly decomposed by Dust Dun.

"It's over, Uchiha Madara!"

Namikaze Minato pasted a seal talisman on the unwilling Uchiha Madara.

In the next moment, countless sealing techniques spread from the sealing talisman, completely sealing Uchiha Madara!

Zhishui fell from a high altitude. At this time, his eyes were red, blood and tears were overflowing, and he could no longer see.

Fourth Raikage glanced at him, and immediately turned into Lightning Lightning, trying to catch him.

But then, a terrifying death crisis flooded the fourth Raikage's heart!

He subconsciously flashed to the left, and saw a light blue samurai sword protruding from the ground, instantly piercing Zhishui falling from the sky...!


All over the sky, blood splashed out along the huge and hideous wound on the chest and abdomen, drenching the astonished face of the Fourth Raikage red with blood!

"How is this going?"

Fourth Raikage looked down at the ground below in disbelief.

Boom boom boom...

As the ground shook for a while, a light blue half-length giant slowly emerged from the crack in the ground, and inside the giant, a familiar figure was crossing his arms and staring at the fourth generation of Lei with great interest. film.

"Uchiha Madara?!"

Tsunade and Onogi also saw this scene, and their faces changed drastically.

"How is it possible? He has obviously..."

Namikaze Minato's figure flashed in the air, and he used the flying thunder **** to come directly to Tsunade's side. In his hand, he was still holding the sealed body of 'Uchiha Madara'.

"It's not surprising that you can't see it."

Among the light blue half-length giants, Uchiha Madara said lightly, "This is Hashirama's wooden escape technique, and only my Sharingan has seen through it until now."


Onoki's face flushed instantly!

I worked so hard, so desperately, but in the end I just defeated a wooden clone? !

This ending is completely unacceptable!

"No matter how…"

At this time, Namikaze Minato also had an ugly expression on his face, but his strong psychological quality made him calm down quickly. He put down the wooden avatar in his hand, and looked sharply at the light blue Susano's samurai sword. The sword pierces through, like a candied haws that stops the water.

Save people first!

Namikaze Minato immediately threw out a handful of special Kunai, which shot towards the light blue Susanoo in all directions.

At the same time, the fourth generation of Raikage in the air also seemed to have a tacit understanding, and launched an offensive towards Uchiha Madara.

"Yi Lei Shen Fu Thunder Axe!"

The Fourth Raikage was condescending, raised his leg directly, and slashed at Uchiha Madara's Susano like a thunder axe.


The violent power and the power of the thunder that erupted in an instant, instantly blasted the Susanoo in the first form into countless cracks like dense cobwebs on the road.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato also used Flying Thunder God to appear next to the light blue giant, grabbed Shisui, and then used Flying Thunder God to directly transfer him to Tsunade.

"Slug!" Tsunade already channeled a slug the size of a human head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to understand. "The slug crawled directly to Zhishui's chest and abdomen, and began to treat him.

During this period.

Hatake Sakumo also came to Yao Shidou's side smoothly.

It's just that Yakushidou was in a very miserable situation at this time, his whole body was divided into two by the sword energy. Although he was rescued in time by Tsunade and treated with slugs, he was still on the verge of death and could not move his body.

And the worst thing is, after being divided into two, some of Yaoshidou's intestines... fell off, which is very troublesome. Depends on his luck.

If you can't make it through, even if you use your own life to reincarnate and resurrect, without your intestines, you will still die.

"Pocket, pocket?"

Hatake Sakumo yelled twice, but Yakushi Toto naturally didn't respond at all.

Helpless, Hatake Sakumo could only do it himself.

"Suo Mao, take it easy, his body shouldn't be too bumpy." Slug suddenly said, with a gentle tone.


Hatake Sakumo wasn't surprised either, the movements in his hands immediately moved silently, carefully groping around Yakushi's body, and quickly took out a few scrolls from his ninja tool bag.

As the leader of the dark army, Hatake Sakumo's strength is naturally not only in sword skills, but also in sealing skills, ninjutsu, illusion, etc., so he quickly untied the seal on the scroll, and finally found the magic weapon soaked in glass. Sharingan in the liquid medicine!

On the outside of the glass test tube, there was a label of the owner of Sharingan. Hatake found Obito's Sharingan, and then remembered that he and Obito were not good at medical ninjutsu, so he immediately asked the slug.

The slug was easy to talk, and immediately separated a body the size of a thumb, and followed Hatake Sakumo away.

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