Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 45: share money

Leaving the newspaper office, Uchiha Chinatsu and Uchiha Fugaku's faces were not good-looking. Although there was no hope at all, Nara Shikahisa's words blocked all possibilities. They also took Iokacho, Yuuya, Inuzuka, or Hokage in one pot, otherwise they would never get their hands on the newspaper!

But is it possible?

Duanhuo Studio?

It's too long!

"I didn't expect Uchiha Fenghuo to have such a deep bond with them in less than three years." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, still remembering three years ago, that is, Konoha's 39 years, when he was in the hospital for the first time. Seeing the picture of Fenghuo, he was still very immature at that time, just a kid who wanted to become stronger. What made Fenghuo gradually stay away from Uchiha and fall into the embrace of Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a long time, and felt that the root cause was still in those elders.

They are in high positions, and they are used to being looked up and worshiped by all the clansmen. If anyone resists, they will be punished by thunder. If they see something good, they must keep it in their pockets. Such a style is too chilling.

"The patriarch, the existence of the elders has seriously affected the development of Uchiha!" He said in a deep voice.

Uchiha Chinatsu's squinted pupils opened suddenly, and a pair of slowly rotating Sangouyu Sharingan exuded a strong ominous atmosphere, staring at him closely: "Fu Yue, what do you mean!"

Uchiha Chinatsu is also dissatisfied with those elders, but dissatisfaction is nothing but dissatisfaction, the reality is that his energy is getting worse and worse, and he will resign after a few years. At that time, he will be automatically promoted to elder and become a member of the elders group !

Aren't moving those elders just cutting off his retreat?

"Fuyue, you have to understand that one day you will become an elder too!" Uchiha Chinatsu said earnestly.

Uchiha Fugaku was startled, then nodded.

He has worked in the important position of the captain of the police force for more than a year, and his emotions and anger are already indistinct. At this time, he realized in his heart that Uchiha Chinatsu, the patriarch who he admired very much, is also beginning to slow down. Turn to those elders.

'When I become the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, I must take back all the rights in the hands of the elders, Uchiha, only one voice is enough! Just like the ancestor Uchiha Madara! '

Not to mention how angry those elders of Uchiha were after they returned, but Fenghuo was robbed at this time.

"I'm getting married soon!"

Inuzuka Claw put his hands on his hips, followed by a big dog staring at Fenghuo with a malicious expression on his face.

"Hehe, congratulations." Fenghuorou was in pain, "I'm so young, you must not be willing to ask me for money!"

"Be willing to give up! Hehe, as one of the shareholders of the newspaper, you have to get a few months of dividends no matter what." Inuzuka Zuo raised his brows lightly, extorting money openly.

"How many months of dividends? Hey, are you robbing?" Feng Huo was furious. Although he didn't care about money, he wouldn't be in a good mood if he was "robbed" for no reason.

What I hated the most in the previous life was that he would pay for his friends to get married during festivals and festivals, but I didn't expect to be able to escape here.

"This is much faster than robbing. Besides, I will pay you back when you get married in the future!" Inuzuka Claw smiled wickedly.

Feng Huo is furious, he is only 9 years old, wait until he gets married? Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey?

Inuzuka Chou didn't care about this, and reached out to pat the head of the big dog Kurimaru, which was as high as her waist, next to her.

Feng Huo took out a scroll without saying a word, and used the sealing technique to take out a huge meaty bone from it.

Seeing Heiwan, his eyes immediately turned into peach blossoms, his dog's nose sniffed desperately, and he blew all over the floor.

Fenghuo threw the meaty bone backwards, and Heiwan immediately rushed to bite the meaty bone in the air, and gnawed on the ground with gusto.

Inuzuka Sou's face twitched, thinking that he would give Kuromaru special training after returning, otherwise it would be shameful to pull it out.

But in fact, Kuromaru is a very good ninja dog. If other people throw meat and bones, even if it is delicious, it will not pounce on it. However, Fenghuo has a good relationship with its owner, so it is so "cheap". This also shows that Kuromaru is full of spirituality.

The Inuzuka family is a Konoha emerging family, not comparable to Uchiha, so the pomp of Inuzuka Claw's marriage is naturally not comparable to that of Uchiha Fugaku, but because it is the Hokage family, there are more guests.

Akido Dingza flocked with a large family of fat people. It didn't look like he was here to attend a wedding. Instead, he came to eat pig food. Looking at Inuzukazume and the groom, he was terrified, afraid that the chef at home could not keep up with the cooking speed on their eating speed.

Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Yume Shino also brought their relatives to join in the show, because they can get a large amount of happy money from the Konoha Hayate newspaper every month, so they also have their share money Very full.

Hatake Sakumo came with Kakashi.

Yuhi Zhenhong also came with Yuhihong, and Fenghuo followed him of course. He wanted to take the opportunity to avoid the money, but Inuzuka Chou was not willing to give up, saying that although Fenghuo lived in Yuhi Zhenhong's house, the two families, the money Of course you have to pay extra.

The groom can't see it, but facing the powerful Inuzuka Zuo, he can only happily accept it.

Feng Huo felt really aggrieved watching this pair of dogs and men singing together.

After reluctantly paying a large amount of money, Feng Huo felt a cold gaze staring at him from behind.

He hurriedly turned his head, just in time to see a few people rushing over with rolling eyes, oh no, they were rolling their eyes in the first place.

The person who came was obviously a member of the Hyuga clan of the noble Konoha clan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The leader is two young people who look very similar, and the names of the two people can't help popping up in Fenghuo's mind: Hyuga Nichizu, Hyuga Nichiza!

There are several clansmen behind them, one of them is the classmate of Fenghuo Ninja School, Hyuga Shinmune!

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when meeting each other, Hyuga Shinmune saw Fenghuo again, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Back then at school, he was beaten into incontinence by sealing the fire, and he was too ashamed to lift his head to be a man. Encouraged by his father, he turned his shame and anger into motivation to practice hard, but he failed again in the graduation exam because of the fire sealing, until the last graduation exam , he overwhelmed Uchiha Rakuna, successfully graduated, and stole the limelight!

"Uchiha seals the fire!" Hyuga Shinmune looked at him with indifferent eyes and a hint of provocation.

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth curled up with disdain. Kai also saw this guy during the graduation exam, but he didn't care at all. He was defeated by him a few years ago, and it is even more impossible to surpass him now.

Fenghuo's disdain made Hyuga Shinmune feel uncomfortable, but he has already been engraved with the seal of the caged bird curse, and everything must be done with the clan's priority, so he dare not make mistakes at this time.

The two brothers Hinata Hizuki and Hyuga Hinata handed over the share money, and were welcomed in by Inuzukazume and his wife.

Hyuga Shinmune followed behind the pair of brothers indifferently, without looking sideways, and when passing by Fenghuo, he gave a soft snort, responding with disdain.

When they went in, Inuzuka Zuo thought about it.

Although it was just a small wedding, the fact that the Hyuga clan sent the brothers Hizuki Nichizai was enough to demonstrate their attitude.

"Okay kid, you can go in too, hehe, thank you for your money." Inuzuka Claw turned his head to Fenghuo to show Grandma Wolf's smile.


Seal the fire!

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