Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Bankruptcy day?

Entering the house, Feng Huo found that there were quite a lot of people inside, there were many Jōnin and Chunin, many of whom he had never even seen before, presumably they were either Anbu ninjas or ninjas from major families.

"Hey kid, here!" A rather fiery voice greeted Fenghuo from a distance.

He turned his head to look, and there was a youthful and beautiful person over there, but his long blood-colored hair was fluttering in the wind, which seemed a bit like a sea of ​​blood.


Fenghuo took a look, why is Minato Namikaze not there?

"Who is Fenghuo?" Xi Rihong grabbed Fenghuo's sleeve, and the collagen on her cheeks bulged slightly.

"Oh, she's someone else's girlfriend, she's super fierce." Feng Huo said solemnly, "You must never learn from her!"

Yuhihong nodded foolishly.

Makoto Yuhi also saw Kushina, and as Hiruzaru Sarutobi's confidant, he knew Kushina's true identity, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!

It is a powerful deterrent weapon, but at the same time it is a bomb of instability. The high-level officials in the village have always held different attitudes towards Kushina.

For example, Danzo, wishing to put a circle around Kushina's neck, usually locked in a small dark room, and pull it out for a walk when necessary.

For Fenghuo and Kushina to become friends, Yuhi Zhenhong has no objection. As the inheritor of the will of fire, he will naturally not discriminate against Kushina.

"Really red, this way!"

A few jounin at the other table saw that Yuhi was really red, and they also reached out to say hello.

So they separated, and Xi Rihong followed her father, but her mind was always on Feng Huo.

"It's so slow!" Jiu Xinnai snorted rather arrogantly when he saw Feng Huo approaching.

Feng Huo asked her, "Where's Brother Shuimen?"

"He just took a mission and left the village." Jiu Xinnai said lightly.

Feng Huo could hear her helplessness, as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Kushina was not allowed to leave the village at will.

"Hmph, hum..." Jiu Xinnai suddenly laughed at Fenghuo, the laughter was full of intrigue, swords and swords.

"What do you want!" Feng Huo crossed his arms.

"Don't be nervous, just borrow some money from you."

Feng Huo's face turned pale at the time: "Whether you want money or not, you need to die!"

"Hey, don't think I don't know, you are a shareholder of the Konoha Hayate newspaper, and you get advertising dividends every month!"

As the influence of newspapers grows, the price of newspaper advertisements also rises in a straight line. There are even local tyrants who directly buy advertisements month after month, spending money like water, and sealing fires. Shareholders like them have made a lot of money and become rich. .

As a messenger of justice and the embodiment of beauty, Jiu Xinnai must rob the rich and help the poor, so as to balance the gap between the rich and the poor in the village!

Feng Huo's lips trembled: "My stomach hurts, I need to go to the toilet."

Jiuxinna grabbed his collar, pulled him back, and said coldly, "Do you want to borrow it or not!"

Seeing her bandit look, Feng Huo thought to himself that the hero would not suffer the immediate loss, so he promised her first.

"No problem, do you want to borrow a few hundred taels?"

"Hundreds of taels? Hmph, let's start with two million taels." Jiu Xinnai raised his head slightly, but he watched Feng Huo's face from time to time, wondering if he would borrow too much?

As a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, even if she can leave the village, Kushina cannot go too far. Most of the tasks she can do are C-level and D-level. She doesn’t make much money. She relies on subsidies and the first Ren Kyuubi Jinchuriki Mito's mother-in-law left her legacy. Although the three generations of Hokage and Namikaze Minato are willing to give her money, Kushina, who has a strong nature and refuses to admit defeat, still hopes to make money with her own hands. Well, Such as robbery, bah, borrowing money or something.

Feng Huo really wanted to go home and see if it was written in the almanac that it is not suitable to go out today, otherwise why would he lose money twice in a row?

He wanted to refuse, but the sealing technique that Kushina passed on to him was priceless, and with Namikaze Minato's relationship, two million taels was nothing!

"Is there too much?" Kushina hesitated.

Feng Huo immediately followed suit: "Money is really tight recently, why don't I lend you one million taels first?"

One million taels?

Jiu Xinnai nodded sharply, and patted Feng Huo on the shoulder vigorously: "I can't see that you are so righteous, hehe, in the future... I will come to you when I am short of money!"


Feng Huo thought she would say that she would cover up in the future, Nima!

Unexpectedly, Jiu Xinnai, as a female man, has such deep routines!

At this moment, there was a scream from outside, but it was Konoha Sannin who arrived.

Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya!

The relationship between the three of them is not bad at this time, and they came hand in hand, but their expressions are different.

Tsunade seems to think of his lover Kato Dan, and seeing other people get married, it is hard to avoid pain in his heart.

Orochimaru was cold throughout the whole process, and he was a radar eye when he came, searching for beautiful girls everywhere, and having a "spiritual friendship" with each other with his eyes, he was very excited!

"Haha, Kushina!" Jilai also saw Kushina, and his eyes were almost poked blind.

"Mr. Jiraiya, don't blame me for being impolite if you stare wildly again!" Kushina said with a fluttering red hair, tyrannical and cool.

Zilai hurriedly sat down with a smile.

Orochimaru saw him, showing a weird smile, but his eyes fell on Feng Huo: "Tsunade, let's sit over there too."

Tsunade finally came back to his senses, and looked over at Jiraiya, his eyes immediately became hot.

She walked over in three or two steps, and sat down next to Fenghuo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a sneer.

Fenghuo's scalp was numb, and he wanted to leave the table to play hide-and-seek with Yuhihong.

But Tsunade had already slapped him 'heavily' back to his seat, and the stool legs made trembling clicks.

Feng Huo's whole body was numb, and he couldn't exert any strength.

"Hmph, want to run?" Tsunade sneered, "When are you going to pay back the money you owe me?"

Feng Huo was in a bad mood: "You...shameless! When did I owe you money!"

Tsunade knew that you would say that with a frightened expression, and said with a sneer, "I saved the pharmacist Nonoyu, and the money you owe her has already been transferred to my name!"

Only then did Feng Huo heave a sigh of relief, after all, the money owed to the pharmacist No Naoyu was not much.

"Well... the interest is calculated on a daily basis, nine out of eighteen returns, you owe me a total of..." Tsunade narrowed his eyes and calculated seriously.

Feng Huo's face was pale and he was sweating profusely.


Interest calculated on a daily basis?

Still **** go out and return to eighteen?

People who use usury only dare to return nine out of nine and thirteen returns. You, what virtue and ability are you, you dare to return eighteen?

"Hehe, we meet again, Uchiha Fuuho." Orochimaru also sat down, staring deeply at Fuuhuo through Tsunade who was concentrating on calculating the interest.

When Feng Huo looked at him, his condition suddenly worsened, his whole body was sweating continuously, palpitations, chest tightness, abdominal pain and leg aches, his eyes were dim, and he wished he could faint.

"Then it's... 100 million taels!" Tsunade finally calculated.


Fenghuo fell headlong.

"Pretend to be dizzy? Brat, it's useless to pay off debts!"

Beside, Kushina saw this scene, his eyes were moved.

'Feng Huo owes so much money and is willing to lend me one million taels, what a kind person! '

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