Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Konoha forty-two years

Inuzuka Zuo's wedding banquet was halfway through, and the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi also came in person, and spoke very solemnly about the will of fire, full of energy.

Then he drank two glasses of wine and went back. After all, he was Hokage, and he was still busy with work.

"Well, it's delicious! Inuzuka's food still suits my taste."

"It's a pity that there is no dog meat, otherwise it would be perfect."

The fat people of the Akitao family sat at two tables, and they started to eat food, and the sound was heard far away, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Inuzuka family.

Dogs are man's most loyal friends, how can they be put on the dining table?

What's more, the Inuzuka family can tell their love for dogs just from their surnames. They couldn't bear it, and several members of the Inuzuka family immediately went to find trouble.

The fat people of the Qiu Taoist family have always had a big heart and a fat body. They eat well and sleep well. It's okay for others to provoke them. As long as they don't let them eat, they can say anything.

When the people from Younu's family were eating, countless worms suddenly appeared on the table, densely covering the leftover food, like locusts crossing the border, they could eat everything in an instant, and then those worms burrowed into the food. Their sleeves disappeared.

Seeing this scene, several little ghosts of the Inuzuka family cried out in fright, leaving a heavy psychological shadow.

The psychological shadow of Fenghuo is also infinite.

Tsunade spouting 100 million taels indiscriminately, it was frightening to death.

"Is this woman crazy about money, or did she lose it all in the gambling house?"

At this time, Jilai also held Tsunade and drank too much, and he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north with his wine fist, Fenghuo saw the situation and immediately talked to Jiu Xinnai and ran away.

"Hehe." Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils looked at all this indifferently, and the corner of his mouth was half a smile.

Coming to Xiri Zhenhong's table, Fenghuo saw many acquaintances.

"Kay, Asma, Rin, Kakashi."

Seeing them, Feng Huo suddenly felt that life was full of hope: I didn't owe them any money!

"Fenghuo sit here." Xi Rihong squeezed a seat beside her for him.

"Oh, thanks."

As soon as Feng Huo sat down, Kai jumped out solemnly: "Feng Huo, accept my challenge!"

"He's getting married, don't make trouble." Feng Huo slapped him back.

"Then wait until the wedding is over." Kai insisted.

"Isn't Kakashi here, go challenge him." Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

"But he's sick." Kai looked back at Kakashi sadly.

The latter immediately put on a face and coughed desperately.

This acting obviously skipped the line, right?

Kai, when did you become blind?

Feng Huo hurriedly changed the subject: "Asma is also here, long time no see."

"Hmph." Asma hummed calmly.

His previous composure was learned from his father, the third generation of Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi, but now he and Hiruzaru Sarutobi have a small relationship, and with the matter of Kurenai Yuhi, his rebellious psychology gradually emerged.

"It's so cold." Feng Huo looked at Lin again, "Lin, didn't Daitu come?"

"He is in special training, and he said that he must graduate this year and catch up with you." Lin said with a smile.

"This guy." Feng Huo was speechless, what the **** did he do, one or two both came to trouble him.

I owe you money!

The wedding banquet finally ended with the sound of blessings, and the guests also began to leave.

Some people who drink too much naturally have people from the Inuzuka family to help direct mail to the home, free shipping.

"Fenghuo, I will invite so many people when I get married in the future." Yuhi Hong's face was flushed, very excited.

Her father was beside her, looking at Fenghuo thoughtfully.

Feng Huo hurriedly raised his head to count the stars, secretly thinking that I am only 9 years old.

Officially entering Konoha for 42 years, time seems to wind up, walking forward without a moment's delay, when you suddenly look back, you realize that time has passed so...slowly!

Winter is coming to spring, and the wedding banquet has passed for a month. Kakashi's "illness" has not recovered. Of course, he has successfully got rid of Kai's entanglement, so Kai puts all his energy on Fenghuo, and challenges him five times every seven days on average. , Tortured to seal the fire is like a year.

He also wants to hide away, but the practice of physical skills cannot be separated from Matt Dai, what can he do? He is also very desperate.

In order to avoid Kai, Feng Huo had to increase the time to refine chakra, but the good times didn't last long, and Tsunade came to ask for a debt with a 100 million tael IOU!

Feng Huo looked at this female devil and was speechless.

"That's not my word at all."

Tsunade smiled: "Don't care about these details! If you can't pay it back, can you take something as a mortgage?"

Looking at Tsunade's frowning expression, Feng Huo didn't understand, he was clearly interested in the shares of the newspaper in his hand!

"The sky is bright, the day is broad daylight, the world is declining, people's hearts are not old, Tsunade-senpai, you are right for the original Hokage-sama." Feng Huo's mouth was like a river, and he criticized Tsunade fiercely from the highest point of morality.

Tsunade remained indifferent, folded his arms across his chest, and involuntarily squeezed out a deep abyss from Wei'an: "You can't spend that much money anyway, so it would be better for me to keep it temporarily, so that other people won't worry about it!"

Feng Huo was stunned, and seemed to understand.

Nara Shikahisa had already informed him about Uchiha planning his shares, but, but... this matter has passed for more than a month, and it seems that Uchiha's side has died down, so you jump out at this time~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Hehe.

Feng Huo said righteously: "Senior Tsunade, don't worry, I don't need to bother you with this trivial matter, I can handle it well!"

Tsunade looked unhappy, as if he blamed himself for not bluffing Fenghuo, and issued an ultimatum: "Are you sure!"

"Uh..." Feng Huo hurriedly took out the money that he had prepared to pay back to the pharmacist, Nonoyu, and said, "This is the money I owe to the pharmacist's sister, please return it to her, Tsunade-senpai."

Tsunade took it angrily, and hummed: "Don't forget your promise!"


At the same time, after collecting enough information and careful consideration, Danzo finally came into contact with... Orochimaru!

Witnessing too many deaths and feeling the fragility of life, Orochimaru has actually been researching forbidden techniques, but without the support of others, he can only do it secretly. When Danzo contacted him, Orochimaru refused in his heart.

Although he studies forbidden arts, he has not yet involved in the study of living organisms at this time. He considers himself the heir of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the next generation of Hokage, and of course he has no good face when facing Danzo, but Danzo is eloquent. , It is only said that the two parties cooperate to study the forbidden technique, and the results of the forbidden technique are shared by both parties. For this reason, Danzo can provide Dashewan with maximum convenience, including building various secret laboratories and providing various materials.

Danzo even told him that he could help him compete for the position of Hokage!

Orochimaru thought for two days and finally agreed!

Under Danzo's solemn face, a strange smile finally appeared.

Among the three disciples of the Three Generations of Hokage, Jilai was too evasive, and Tsunade was too irritable, so they were not suitable for the important task of Hokage. Only Orochimaru had a chance, but now, Orochimaru chose to cooperate with him, he had a chance to destroy Drop Orochimaru!

Danzo seems to have seen Hokage beckoning to him!

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