Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 48: Orochimaru goes into the sea

Bang, bang, bang!

Above the dense forest, Matt Dai opened the five doors and flew back and forth stepping on the air at an incredible speed. The air was compressed by his swift figure and screamed like thunder.

Both Fenghuo and Kai watched Maitedai's figure in the sky from the bottom of the dense forest.

"You can only do this by opening five doors." Feng Huo frowned. He remembered that in the original book, Lianhua only needed to open three doors to use it.


Matt Dai finally fell down, the pressure of opening the five doors nearly broke the muscles in his feet, Feng Huo hurriedly stepped forward to treat him with the Palm Immortal Technique.

"It still doesn't work. If you don't open the fifth door, you won't be able to stay in the air." Matt Dai panted slightly.

Feng Huo shook his head and said: "It must be compressed into three gates, otherwise Lianhua will have no meaning of existence."

Matt Dai covered his forehead in frustration: "Sure enough, I still can't do it."

Kai was excited: "Father, failure is not terrible, you can't give up easily!"

Matt Dai took a deep breath: "Kay, you are right, I can't just give up like this, what kind of youth is it if I haven't experienced failure!"

The two father and son burst into tears suddenly, Feng Huo was caught off guard, and hurried to the side to be a quiet handsome man.

"Father, when I open the third door, let me develop it!" Kai's blood boiled with enthusiasm. He has been practicing crazily recently, and he has a faint feeling that he can break through the third door.

Maybe it's really a genetic relationship. Fenghuo's body has been cultivated to the limit, but Kai can still move forward. In the cultivation of Bamen Dunjia, he has already equaled Fenghuo!

But in other respects, Fenghuo beat Kai by several blocks.

His Chakra at this time has successfully broken through the bottleneck of the elite Chunin, and he is moving towards the special Jōnin. With the increase of Chakra, Fenghuo also began to practice the B-level ninjutsu that he stole from Kakuto. The technique is also in good shape, the five-element seal, after performing it ten times, it has already succeeded once or twice, which is a great improvement.

When Lianhua encountered a bottleneck in the development of Mattai and their development, there were also problems with the experiment of Orochimaru.

In a secret laboratory built underground, Danzo stood beside the gloomy Orochimaru, showing a sly smile, and said: "It seems that this experiment can't go on, and the Blood Successor Limit really can only pass through the bloodline." genetic."

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case!" Orochimaru snorted coldly.

"Don't be stubborn, it's impossible to succeed at all. Your experiment can only stay at the theoretical stage forever! Even if I give you the first generation of cells, you can only waste them on these cats and dogs." Danzo's eyes flickered .

Orochimaru's eyes lit up. In order to learn all ninjutsu, to live forever, and to grasp the truth of the world, Orochimaru's heart has gradually become extreme.

"If you can help me get the first generation of cells..."

Danzo smiled: "This is not a difficult task for me, but, you know, the cells of the first generation are extremely precious, and there is no room for waste!"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils narrowed slowly, as if thinking about something.

He thought of his dead parents, the Senju Nawaki who died in front of him, Kato Dan, and the miserable appearance of Tsunade crying bitterly, panicked and helpless.

Eternal life, truth...

His eyes gradually became firm: "I need some... human body!"

"Hehehehe..." Danzo finally couldn't help sneering, the laughter grew louder, and then became wild and joyful, filling the entire laboratory.

The roots of Danzo are very efficient. In less than half a month, many children have been abducted from neighboring countries and sent to Orochimaru thoughtfully for research. At the same time, Danzo also handed over the first generation of cells to Orochimaru .

"This is the first generation of cells?" Orochimaru looked at a small piece of muscle soaked in some kind of liquid in the test tube in his hand, with obsessive and crazy eyes.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Yes, this is the cell of Senju Hashirama, the **** of ninja world! Orochimaru, make good use of it, don't let me down!"

Orochimaru snorted coldly: "Wood Dun is one of the most powerful blood succession boundaries in the world, I need more research materials!"

"Don't worry, there will be no shortage of cells and people!" Danzang said.

"There is one more thing I hope you can remember!" Orochimaru looked at Danzo, his golden vertical pupil exuded mad killing intent, "I'm not your subordinate, talk to me more politely in the future!"

There was a hint of anger in Danzo's eyes, but he suppressed it quickly: "As expected of Sannin! Hehehe."

Gen frantically searched for children in neighboring countries, and the news could not be hidden. Soon Sarutobi Hiruza received news that mysterious forces were arresting orphans, but because it happened in a neighboring country, Sarutobi Hiruza did not Will be full to support justice.

As the number of children increased, the original laboratory seemed a bit small, so Dashemaru built a laboratory outside the village. At the same time, he also began to cultivate cronies, and let them do some "little secrets" so as not to be subject to Danzo. An old fox.

At the same time, the figure of Namikaze Minato also began to appear frequently in the newspapers!

This is not to say that Hiruzaru Sarutobi has decided that Minakame Minato will be his successor, but that Fenghuo decided to do so because of his foresight. Although he is only the vice president, he is often not in the newspaper office, but he can't bear the newspaper office. Founded, the prestige is extremely high, even Nara Shikahisa's words may not be good for him.

Namikaze Minato's image and temperament are already very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is powerful and powerful, and he is also the apprentice of Jiraiya, one of the Sannin. The most important thing is that he was born in a commoner, and he is easily recognized by the villagers!

After a few newspaper issues, Minato Namikaze soon became the idol of the new generation of villagers and the dream lover of thousands of girls!

In the past, whether it was Kakashi or Fenghuo, he was just a kid, but Minato Namikaze was a big guy, handsome, powerful, and strong in attracting fans, which made Kushina surprised, happy, angry, and angry Anxious, happy and helpless.

People from the Sarutobi Hiruzen, Ikacho and other families also paid attention to the newspapers. They saw that Fenghuo vigorously promoted Namikaze Minato as the idol of the whole village, so they didn't think much about it. Besides, Namikaze Minato was originally from their side , being in the limelight is not a big deal.

On the contrary, it was Danzo, not that he saw through Fenghuo's careful thinking, but that he was already suspicious and cunning.

Now that Orochimaru has entered the sea, it is no longer possible to compete with him for the position of Hokage. Looking at the people of Sarutobi Hiruzen, only Namikaze Minato is somewhat threatening, but he was born as a commoner, which is his weakness, but at this time The emergence of newspapers has turned this into the biggest advantage!

"If Namikaze Minato and I run for Hokage..."

Danzo's complexion changed drastically. With the support of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, and the support of the whole village, Danzo had no chance at all!

"No, this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!"

Danzo was burning with anger, his eyes were red with anger.

"Damn it!"

Danzo suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his right eye. His right eye has an eye disease. Recently, his mood swings have been a bit big, and the eye disease has become more serious.

Thinking of the pairs of three-pointed jade Sharingan in the collection room, Danzo couldn't bear the temptation, and immediately asked a medical ninja to perform eye replacement surgery for him, replacing his right eye with a three-pointed jade sharingan!

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