Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 59: black market killer

After traveling through mountains and rivers, Fenghuo and his party have gradually moved away from the Land of Fire and entered the Land of Rain.

The Land of Rain is shrouded in rain all year round, and the terrain is very muddy. The speed of the carriage here is greatly restricted, which slows down everyone's journey.

"After passing through the country of rain, we will enter the country of birds next, then the country of bears, then the country of ghosts, and finally we will reach the country of snow." Namikaze Minato looked at the map, his blue eyes full of Be calm.

As soon as Longchuan came over, he said strangely: "Master Minato, why don't you just go through the Land of Earth, so that our journey will be easier."

Indeed, there are two ways to enter the Land of Snow. The first is what Namikaze Minato said before. It needs to cross four countries, and there must be a lot of trouble. In comparison, directly cross the entire Land of Earth to reach the Land of Snow To be more convenient and concise.

But the problem is that the relationship between Yanyin Village and Konoha Village is not very good, especially the third generation of Tukage Ohnoki of Yanyin Village. When he was young, he was bullied by Uchiha Madara very badly, and he had no less prejudice against the Uchiha clan than Danzo , and on their side, there are exactly two Uchihas.

But there is no need to tell Long Chuanyi about these.

Namikaze Minato said with a smile: "The relationship between the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire has not been very friendly recently. For safety reasons, it is better for us to bypass these small countries."

Long Chuan nodded: "Then it's all up to Master Minato."


On the first day of entering the Land of Rain, the sky began to rain heavily, and the rain was so strong that it soon formed a thick rain and fog, depriving the vision of ten meters away.

"It's raining so much, it's really annoying." Xi Hihong complained with her mouth pouted.

Kakashi's face was also very ugly, probably because his return to the Land of Rain reminded him of some things that happened with Feng Huo who came here to collect information.

Tsunade suddenly frowned: "Murderous!"

"What?" Long Chuan was taken aback.

"Don't worry, Mr. Longchuan, let your people get into the carriage first." Namikaze Minato directed with a smile, "Fenghuo, Kakashi, Obito, Lin, Hong, Asma, you guard the carriage."



The few guys were gearing up and eager to try. After leaving the village, their minds became more active one by one, and they wished they could get into trouble every day.

"Master Tsunade, you..." Minakaze looked at Tsunade.

"Hmph, I can leave this trivial matter to you." Tsunade knew her own situation, and her phobia made her unable to fight, and she couldn't even stand aside and watch the excitement.

She turned around and got into a carriage.

"Fenghuo, Kakashi, take these two kunai, if you are in danger, call me, you know." Namikaze Minato threw out two weird kunai, which seemed to have special characteristics, and there were many complicated kunai on them. engraved.

‘This is… Flying Thunder God? ! '

Feng Huo's heart was pounding.

With the Kunai engraved with the Flying Thunder God, even Minato can appear in front of him instantly through the imprint of the Kunai even if he is 100 meters away.

This is simply cheating.

Clap clap!

In the rain, a wave of chaotic footsteps gradually approached, Namikaze Minato listened, his face became more and more serious.

There are at least ten ninjas!

This is very strange. The group of them were assassinated just after they entered the Land of Rain. The only explanation is that their whereabouts have been leaked.

Are you a ninja from the Land of Rain?

Soon, more than a dozen black-clothed figures emerged from the surrounding rain, all wearing masks. The only thing that could identify them was the forehead guards on their foreheads.


Namikaze Minato looked at it, and his face suddenly sank.

The forehead guards on the heads of these ninjas are varied, and the only thing they have in common is that they all have a clear scratch on them.


Their identities have already been revealed.

"Black market killer?"

Kakashi's expression changed.

Feng Huo's heart was pounding, this shit, for some reason, there was a feeling that they were coming for him?

"Everyone is looking for the wrong person." Namikaze Minato stood at the front, his face was solemn, but his momentum was not afraid at all.

"We only look for Uchiha to seal the fire, and the rest get out of the way, otherwise they will all be killed." A black market killer sneered.

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, he really wanted to slap himself, the crow's mouth was also seductive.

Kakashi glanced at him, his eyes were very strange. The last time he came to the Land of Rain and was hunted down by sand ninja, the root cause was also because of the fire ban. How many people did this guy offend?

Obito, Hong, and Lin were all furious.

"Bastard, it's impossible to kill Fenghuo!" Obito roared excitedly, and opened Shan Gouyu's Sharingan, "Beat me first, then we'll talk!"

"And I."

"Me too!"

Both girls were brave enough to stand up.

Asma sighed and took a step forward.

"Haha, there's even a Uchiha. Sharingan's Blood Successor Limit is very valuable, and it can definitely be sold for a sky-high price in the black market!"

"The two little girls can also be sold to the trick shop, haha, everyone will make money this time!"

"We have also accepted the goods of these trucks."

All the black market killers were discussing the loot with great interest, but Namikaze Minato was **** off.

"You guys, are you kidding me!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Sunshine, even a little girly, but she was definitely the embodiment of justice. Saying these words in front of him was simply challenging the limit of death.

With a wave of his hand, he sprinkled a piece of special kunai.


"Is this guy playing house?"

"This kind of kunai throwing technique, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, does he want to kill the puppy? Hahahaha!"

The black market killer laughed wantonly.

Namikaze Minato's sky-blue eyes turned into cold pools in the rain, and the ice-cold killing intent instantly covered the audience.

In the next moment, his figure had appeared on a handful of special kunai, and that kumai happened to be inserted at the feet of a black market killer.

"Screw pill!"


The terrifying power erupted, and before the black market killer could react, a terrifying blood hole was blown out of his body.

There are many ways for ninjas to escape, such as substitute technique, instant body technique, clone technique, and even many messy secret techniques, but in front of Flying Thunder God, they can't even react, how can they use substitute technique and instant body technique to escape?

Swish Swish Swish!

Under the horrified eyes of Kakashi, Obito and others, Namikaze Minato flickered wildly in the rain, and every flicker could take the life of a black market killer.

Finally, a Jonin-level black market killer came to his senses, and before Namikaze Minato approached, he cast a teleportation technique to go away, and then.

"Water escape - water chaos."


Under the rain curtain, the ordinary water escape also has great power, forming a huge stream of water and sweeping towards it.

"bank up a fire!"

Namikaze Minato shouted, then disappeared there again, and continued to kill the remaining black market killers with Flying Thunder God.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Fenghuo has mastered the changes in the nature of Chakra, and has been able to skillfully use the low-level ninjutsu of the other three attributes.

A huge stone wall rises, diverting the huge water flow to both sides.


"No, don't kill me."

Outside the stone wall, Namikaze Minato's killing had also come to an end, and soon, there was only one person left.

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