Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Pregnant

"Damn it! This is a space-time ninjutsu!"

The ninja in black stood alone under the rain curtain, and his comrades who were still alive and kicking before had turned into corpses lying on the muddy ground, blood mixed with rainwater and melted into the ground, which was extremely hideous.

"Who are you?!"

Namikaze Minato looked at him, "Namikaze Minato!"

The next moment, Namikaze Minato charged forward with a spiral pill in his hand.

The violent blue chakra sphere swirls wantonly in the rain, stirring the nearby rain into a fine rain curtain, like a star ring outside Saturn.

"It's amazing!" Yuhihong and Lin were dumbfounded.

Obito opened his mouth even more: "Sensei Minato is so amazing!!"

The ninja in black had also seen that the medium of Namikaze Minatotoki's space ninjutsu was those kunai on the ground, so he stayed away from here immediately.

"I've lost time and space ninjutsu, let me see what you do!"

Shinobu sneered and sealed his seal on the black clothes.


"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"


Endless rainwater with a radius of 100 meters poured into the sky, turning into a huge waterspout waterfall, roaring down.

"Storm Big Jade Spiral Pill!!"

Compared with Fenghuo, Namikaze Minato has already integrated the change of chakra properties into the spiral pill, and saw that the spiral pill in his hand suddenly doubled, and then four sickle-like wind blades spun around it crazily, the terrifying cutting speed shock The air hummed endlessly.


The waterspout waterfall was under the cover of the sky, but in front of the storm jade spiral pill, it was like a water gun shooting a fan, and it was all taken away.


Jominin in black continued to seal, but Minato's figure had disappeared before his eyes.

He was busy forming the seal of the water body technique, and at the same time, the main body began to retreat crazily.

But at this moment, five or six thunderbolts shot violently from the carriage along the rainwater on the ground.

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

The timing of Fenghuo's release of ninjutsu was very precise, just at the moment when he was about to escape.


The thunder and lightning spread, and even the black-clothed Jōnin was stunned by the electricity, and his watery body was directly blasted into a puddle of water.

"How is it possible, this brat's ninjutsu power is already close to that of a special ninjutsu."

Before the horrified thoughts in the black-clothed Shinobi's mind dissipated, he heard a rush of wind coming from the left.


Helix Wan headshot directly, and the blooming blood splashed in the rain in an instant, staining the ground red.


Kurenai Yuhi and Lin vomited after seeing it.

"Fenghuo, you did a good job!" Namikaze Minato restrained his murderous aura and gave Fenghuo a thumbs up.

Feng Huo shrugged: "Brother Shuimen, what should we do next?"

Namikaze Minato frowned, and said: "These black market killers are here for you, which means that your name has been offered a reward, and we will face various assassinations along the way. We have to hide our tracks and risk The rain is on its way."

Then, Namikaze Minato sealed all the corpses on the ground into the scroll, and then eliminated the blood.

And with this heavy rain, the traces left by their walking will be much less than usual.

Yuhihong and Lin didn't feel better until they were far away from the killing place just now, and Tsunade finally walked out of the carriage, his face a little pale and dignified.

"Little ghost, I didn't notice it usually, you are really a real trouble!"

Tsunade stared at Fenghuo coldly, his disgusted eyes were like seeing a big bluebottle flying around while eating.

Feng Huo snorted, "It's a mediocrity not to be hated!"

"You are proud!" Tsunade slammed his fist on his head.

"Tsunate-sensei, Fenghuo is also a victim." Yuhi Hong pouted her mouth in anger. Her hair and clothes were already wet under the heavy rain. In addition to being stimulated by the **** scene just now, her face was pale at the moment, as if I have a little cold.

Longchuan tactfully invited these children to rest in the carriage, and he and his assistant came out wearing raincoats.

"Mr. Longchuan, I'm very sorry." Namikaze Minato sincerely apologized.

Long Chuan laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I believe Konoha's ninjas will send us to the Snow Country safely, besides, there is Tsunade-sama, one of the three ninjas who is famous in the world of ninjas, so I am very relieved. "

Beside, Namikaze Minato and Fuho looked at Tsunade at the same time.

Tsunade, who suffered from blood phobia and was unable to PK, straightened his neck and looked up at the sky. The forty-five-degree angle perfectly explained what it means to be cold.

‘Does this count as a dead duck with a stiff neck? '

Of course, you can't talk about the blood phobia, otherwise if it gets out, it's not just about the black market killer. I'm afraid she will face the assassination of the Four Great Ninja Villages!

The group continued on their way, Fenghuo approached Namikaze Minato, and asked, "Brother Minato, this place is very close to the Land of Earth, can we let Longchuan go to the Land of Earth and entrust Yanin to **** him?"

This is not to say that sealing the fire is afraid of death, but that apart from Namikaze Minato and him, Kakashi is at most half of the combat power, and the rest, including Tsunade, are cumbersome. Once a big battle breaks out, the situation will be very bad.

Namikaze Minato shook his head: "Banhuo, the entrustment of the ninja mission is related to the reputation of each major ninja village. We must not give up the mission because of danger, right?"

There is nothing wrong with this~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is a D-level mission, you may be scratched by a kitten or scratched by a widow. If you are afraid of danger, what kind of mission should you take? Wouldn’t it be better to be a civilian?

"Besides, the black market reward cannot be concealed. Master Hokage will definitely send reinforcements if he finds out, so don't worry, we will be fine!"

Namikaze Minato is always optimistic and confident.

What else can I say?

But yes, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's son Asma is still here, so I don't believe that old fox can remain indifferent.

"However, Brother Shuimen, with such a heavy rain, can the reinforcements from the village find us?" Feng Huo was worried again.

"Haha, don't worry, Zhiwei's insects are very good!" Namikaze Minato's eyes shone slightly, "If I'm not wrong, this time the reinforcements will be Akimichi Choza, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and Nara Shikahisa. And Younv Zhiwei!"

Pig deer butterfly?

This can be.

It's a lot of peace of mind to seal the fire.

"Will Inuzuka Claw come?"

The last time he got married, this guy received a big red envelope from Fenghuo, and he will always remember this grudge.

Namikaze Minato glanced at him with a smile: "She is already three months pregnant."

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, pregnant and having a baby? He suddenly felt that he was going to lose money again.

However, based on time calculations, the child born to Inuzuka Chou should be Inuzuka Hana, the older sister of the twelve strong Inuzuka.

Fenghuo suddenly had a feeling that the plot was getting closer, Hana Inuzuka and Itachi Uchiha were the same age, that is to say...

"By the way, that Kushina... sister's best friend is also pregnant?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned, and said, "You mean Uchiha Mikoto, right? Well, she is also pregnant, just one month old."

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