Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 61: undercurrent

Hearing the accurate news, Feng Huo's heart was shaken.

Uchiha Itachi is in the **** belly now!

If I cause an accident...

Of course, Feng Huo just thought about it, he was really unwilling to let him have an abortion, after all, his sense of Uchiha Itachi in his previous life was still very good, but he still has to reserve his opinion on his younger brother's control.

All the way to the northwest, the rain gradually subsided, and we encountered several villages along the way, but in order to prevent being discovered by black market killers, only people from the business group were allowed to go in for supplies, and everyone else rested in a hidden place.

"The Land of Rain is dominated by Urenin Village, and the current leader of Urenin Village, Sanshoyu Hanzo, is known as a demigod in the ninja world and is very powerful. The name Konoha Sannin came from his mouth."

During the break, Namikaze Minato did not forget to explain some information about Amino Village to the students of the two classes.

"Minister Minato, is Hokage-sama or this salamander better?" Obito asked suddenly.

"This?" Namikaze Minato scratched his head and said half-heartedly, "It should be Hokage-sama who is amazing."

"Then why doesn't Hokage-sama have the title of demigod?" Obito asked straightforwardly.

Namikaze Minato looked at the brat and said, "Master Naruto is proficient in five-attribute ninjutsu and various forbidden and secret techniques, and he has also cultivated three ninjas who are famous in the ninja world. Although they do not have the title of demigod, they are recognized Known as the strongest Hokage in history!"

Obito asked again: "Then Hokage-sama is more powerful than the original Hokage?"

Namikaze Minato covered his head with one hand, unable to chat with this guy.

"Obito, don't keep asking these questions to embarrass Minato-sensei." Lin discouraged.

"Ah, I'm just asking casually, hahaha, Lin, I want to be Hokage, and I must be the strongest Hokage!" Obito moved inexplicably.

"Then you have to work hard!" Lin encouraged him.

Obito was so excited that he wanted to go back and fight Sarutobi Hiruzen on the spot: "Don't worry Lin, I will do what I say!"

At this time, the people sent by the business group to supply supplies also came back.

Long Chuan asked, "Have you found anything unusual?"

One person replied: "There are a lot of rebellions in the city, and we dare not stay to inquire about the news."

Bo Feng Shuimen said: "It seems that the black market killers have lost track of us, we can't stay any longer, let's go now!"

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Minato-sama."

A group of people continued to move forward, taking remote trails all the way, and the speed was not slow.

Because the goal of the black market killer was to seal the fire, just in case, he was confined in the carriage when he was on the road, and he was not allowed to come out unless there were special circumstances.

At the same time, more and more black market killers gathered in the Land of Rain from all directions, exchanging information between villages and towns, frantically looking for the whereabouts of Fenghuo.

Sanshoyu Hanzo, the leader of Urenin Village, got the news, and his face was extremely ugly.

"What do these greedy people think of the Land of Rain?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo is very unhappy about the influx of black market killers. These people are all lost in money. God knows what disasters they will do in the Land of Rain, which is very bad for his rule!

But the situation in Yuren Village made him helpless.

He is known as the demigod of the ninja world, standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world, but so what, there are not only three or two big cats in Urenin Village, and kittens are walking everywhere. Facing so many black market killers, Hanzo can only act anxiously, He was so angry that he breathed through his nose, and traces of black poisonous gas spewed out from his nostrils, slowly blending into the air.

There is a highly poisonous thing in his body, the poison sac of the black salamander fish, which emits poisonous gas every time he breathes. In order to prevent innocent people from being poisoned, he put on a disinfection mask and breathed through his mouth, so that the poisonous gas emitted by his breath would be It is absorbed and filtered by the mask, but if you breathe through your nose instead, the poisonous gas will be severe.

"grown ups."

Suddenly a rain ninja appeared in front of him.

"What's up?"

"It has been confirmed that Tsunade, one of the Konoha Sannin, and Jiraiya's disciple, Namikaze Minato, have entered the Land of Rain."

"Where did the information come from!" Hanzo's voice was low and humming.

"It's from Danzo, there..." The ninja didn't finish his sentence, and he took the boxed lunch straight away, but was poisoned to death by the poisonous gas that Hanzo breathed out with his nose.

Hanzo snorted angrily.

"Danzo... Hehe, you really can do anything!"

Hanzo was also troubled by this.

It stands to reason that as long as he kills the black market bounty target, those black market killers will disperse on their own, but he can't do it if he is asked to deal with a child who is less than ten years old.

"What a headache."

Hanzo narrowed his eyes, and the sound of breathing came out through the mask, with a bit of ferocity, like a giant beast in the wild.

"It's incredible that a bounty of 10 million taels can attract so many black market killers."

In a certain dense forest near the Land of Rain, Qiu Dao Dingzuo gnawed on a pig leg, and watched the violent battle on the opposite side with carelessness.

Countless insects covered the sky and the sun, biting five or six ninjas in black frantically.

Beside him, Yamanaka Kaiichi and Nara Kajiu pressed their chests together.


"Forgive me, forgive me, my lord."

The screams disappeared as soon as they were heard, and were drowned in the endless sea of ​​insects.

"It's lucky that you can still eat under such circumstances. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Nara Shikahisa looked helplessly at Qiu Fatty who was eating more vigorously beside him.

Fatty Qiu groaned confidently: "I'm not hungry!"

Soon, Younv Zhiwei finished cleaning up, and the sea of ​​insects that had eaten and drunk trickled into his sleeves, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Let's go." Younu Zhiwei was wearing sunglasses, and his collar was turned up so that the old man could hardly see his facial expression.

"Don't your bugs need to rest?" Yamanaka Kaiichi asked.

"These bugs reproduce very quickly, so don't worry." Younu Zhiwei said.

"Ah? What does he mean?" Fatty Qiu looked confused.

Nara Shikahisa looked up at the sky and explained: "He means that it doesn't matter even if the bugs are exhausted, because the reproduction speed is very fast."

Younu Zhiwei turned her head and said displeasedly: "Please don't comment on my bugs in such an innocuous tone! Bugs also have great souls!"

"Hey, it's my fault, I'm sorry." Nara Shikahisa knew his temper and hurriedly apologized.

"Then, let's continue on our way." Younv Zhiwei released a few bugs and hurried to the Land of Rain.

Outside Muye Village, in a secret laboratory, Orochimaru is performing cell transplantation on a new batch of living organisms.


The sound of hollow footsteps slowly came from the corridor outside the laboratory.

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupil showed a faint murderous intent: "I said, I don't want to see you while doing the experiment!"

"Hehehehe, isn't it?"

Danzo's cold voice came slowly.

"I didn't come here to listen to what you said, Orochimaru, you are the one who placed the black market reward for Uchiha sealing fire!"

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