Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 62: Enter the country of birds

"Danzo, don't test me, I won't admit it."

Orochimaru sneered and turned around.

In the laboratory, there are several rows of huge glass test tubes, and four or five-year-old children can be seen soaked in them like carrots, with needles inserted into their bodies, half dead.

Danzo walked in slowly, with a half-smile on his face: "Oshemaru, my source of information can't be wrong, it really surprised me, as a disciple of Hiruza, you would do such a thing."

That's great.

Danzo was actually very happy in his heart. In this way, it is almost impossible for Orochimaru to inherit the position of Hokage.

"Hehe, Danzo, are you provoking me!" Orochimaru sneered.

"As a partner, how dare I." Danzo turned his head and looked at the huge test tube next to him, "I still count on your experiment to be successful! But I'm curious, why did you offer such a reward? After all, Uchi Bo Fenghuo is from your teacher's side."

Orochimaru was stunned, and subconsciously remembered the story of "The Farmer and the Snake" that Fenghuo told him.

"Who knows? Maybe, it's because he has already noticed the transaction between us!" Dashewan said ambiguously.

"What are you kidding!" Danzo said angrily, "Even your teacher doesn't know, how could he, a powerless brat, notice?"

"Hehe, because he is a genius." Orochimaru said coldly, "You should go, don't hinder me!"

"Hmph!" Danzo turned and left, but he quickly thought about it in his heart.

If Uchiha Fenghuo is really aware of the deal between him and Orochimaru, then there will be big troubles. After all, one of the materials for this experiment is the cells of the first generation of Hokage!

Once it gets out, the pressure he faces will definitely be greater than that of Orochimaru.

But there was a faint smile on Danzo's face instead.

"Hehe, Hanzo, I hope you don't let me down."

In the Land of Rain, after Danzo received information about Namikaze Minato and others, Hanzo did not act.

Hanzo's personality is very complicated. On the one hand, he attaches great importance to the rule of the Land of Rain, and anyone who has the slightest influence on his rule will be ruthlessly suppressed by him. Existence, he has a feeling of pity for the outstanding young generation, otherwise Sannin would have died in the Second Ninja World War.

After some investigation, Hanzo found that Tsunade and his group, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fuhiro, and Kakashi, were all geniuses, so it would be a pity to die like this.

In Hanzo's view, killing them would allow the black market killers to leave the Land of Rain, but helping them leave the Land of Rain would also allow the black market killers to leave.

At the critical moment, Hanzo cherished his talents and decided to help them.

"At least, they can't be allowed to die in the Land of Rain."

As the actual controller of the Land of Rain, Hanzo has few elite jnin, but many jnin and zhongnin. It is not easy to have these people confuse the black market killers in the major villages and towns of the rain country.

As a result, Fenghuo and his party went smoothly all the way unexpectedly, leaving the Land of Rain with almost no hindrance.

Afterwards, Hanzo sent the news of their departure. Although the black market killer was unhappy and felt cheated, facing the great reputation of the demigod in the ninja world, he had no choice but to leave unwillingly and continued to chase and kill Fenghuo.

At the same time, Zhuludie, Younv Zhiwei and Jiao all received the news.

Kakudu was elated: "Uchiha Fuhuo, your head is mine, don't die so easily!"

For Jiaodu who has a perverted desire for money, let alone a head of ten million taels, even a head of one million taels will not let it go.

On the other side, under the guidance of Younv Zhiwei's insects, Zhuludie quickly chased after her.

"According to the current information, Minato and the others were able to escape safely with the help of Hanzo, but leaving the Land of Rain, those pervasive black market killers will soon find their tracks." Nara Shikahisa said solemnly, "We must Speed ​​up!"

Kaiichi Yamanaka said a little strangely: "I'm curious, why did Hanzo help Minato and the others?"

"Could it be related to Tsunade-sama, the name of Sannin came from him." Fatty Qiu spoke while eating potato chips, not too slow, and followed closely behind them.

"Hey, if you keep eating like this, you won't be able to keep up with us." Nara Shikahisa was very speechless, and Fatty Qiu's mouth was never idle along the way.

"But it's tiring to keep running like this. If you don't eat, you won't be able to persevere." Fatty Qiu spoke righteously.

When Nara Shikajiu heard it, he immediately felt that what he said made sense, and was speechless for a moment.

At this time, a few bugs from Younv Zhiwei flapped their wings and flew over, circling around his potato chips.

Fatty Qiu became angry when he saw it: "Zhiwei, call your bug away!"

Younu Zhiwei snorted, "My worms are hungry too."

"I won't give my potato chips to your bugs!" Fatty Qiu poured the potato chips into his mouth, and swallowed them all in two or three bites.

Click click click!

Fatty Qiu chewed on the potato chips and threw the bag casually: "It's over."

"Hey!" Nara Shikajiu clutched his forehead helplessly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hurry up, everyone, I will treat everyone to barbecue when I return to the village. "

"Barbecue!" Fatty Qiu's eyes sparkled, "Lu Jiu, you're right!"

"Hey hey, that's what I said."

Two days later, they left the Country of Rain and entered the Country of Birds. At this time, the country was completely in chaos. Hundreds of black market killers poured in, completely destroying the tranquility here.

The big name of the country of birds, the Great Heron, was in a hurry.

This country does not have its own ninja village, and its most powerful army is still dominated by samurai, which is not enough to face the ruthless, insidious and cunning black market killers.

At this time, Fenghuo and his group also fell into more and more assassinations.

"Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Feng Huo opened the Sangouyu Sharingan, turned into lightning, and instantly pierced the chest of a black market killer.

Namikaze Minato used the spiral pill to cooperate with Hiraishen 2nd dan to crazily behead a famous killer, and Kakashi made up the knife at the side. As for Kurenai Yuhi, Lin, Obito Asma and others, they became spectators.

Although they are ninjas, they have almost zero combat experience between life and death, and they are basically looking for death when they go up.

Fortunately, the goal of those killers was to seal the fire, so they didn't care about them.

Namikaze Minato flickered frantically in the Kunai engraved with the sigil, but those killers quickly figured out the mystery, and they all avoided these Kunai far away.

"Take me for a soft persimmon!"

Fenghuo is a little upset. There are a lot of killers in this group, but fortunately there are only two Jonin-level ones. One of them has been directly beheaded by Hiraishin 2nd Dan of Namikaze Minato, and the other is restrained by Minato. The rest of the killers, They're all chunin level.

"Eight Gate Dunjia, open!"

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