Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Lianhua

"Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"

In an instant, the Chakra in Fenghuo's body went berserk, and even the muscles all over his body tensed up, full of a sense of strength.

Moreover, the skin of his whole body at this time also showed a strange color due to the rapid flow of blood, and with the Sangouyu Sharingan, he looked like a devil who came out of hell.

"Using a forbidden technique?" A black-clothed killer on the opposite side sneered, "It's just courting death!"

In his opinion, although the forbidden technique is powerful, it has a fatal weakness, that is, the time limit. Once enough time has elapsed, won't the fire be sealed and let them slaughter?

"Screw pill!"


The fire sealing was activated instantly, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the beeping killer.


The killer seemed to see an afterimage rushing towards the extreme, but his body's reaction couldn't keep up, and he could only watch the spiral pill bombard his abdomen.


Even rocks will be blasted out of a hole by the spiral pill, let alone flesh and blood.

The ninja's abdomen was directly twisted into plasma, and he couldn't die any more. But at the same time, a huge wind blade shot directly over, cutting the corpse into two pieces.

It was another killer who shot fiercely.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

With one hit, Feng Huo has already left quickly, rushing to attack another killer.

"Damn it, this kid's speed is too fast, we can't see him at all!"

"At such a speed, I'm afraid only the three major pupil techniques can keep up."

"He used a forbidden technique, it is impossible to maintain a high speed all the time, everyone keep moving and dodging!"

Feng Huo's figure had already turned into an afterimage, but he felt that he was not fast enough.

'The feet seemed to be bound by something, and I couldn't walk, and my body was a little stiff. '

After the speed reached a certain level, Feng Huo felt that his muscles, bones and muscles seemed to crash into an invisible wall, and countless invisible threads were pulling him, trying to drag him out.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

Feng Huo's eyes were bloodshot, and he frantically oppressed his body.



The invisible wall was finally broken by him, and his figure soared into the sky in an instant, unable to fall down.

'Li Lianhua? ! '

Feng Huo was horrified, Li Lianhua, who Matt Dai hadn't been able to develop for more than half a year, was used by him in this situation!

"How is this going?"

"Is that kid flying in the sky?"

"The speed has become faster again, how is it possible?!"

The black market killers on the ground were all shocked, and they looked up in horror at the figure sealing the fire in the air flickering left and right like a ghost, and they didn't know how to defend, let alone counterattack.

Even Namikaze Minato and Obito's eyes widened.

"Fenghuo is such a genius!" Namikaze Minato showed admiration. In his opinion, Fenghuo must have developed some powerful physical skills.

Obito was completely attracted by Fenghuo's eyes.

'San Gouyu, Fenghuo has evolved into Sangouyu. '

Obito thought of himself, and couldn't help feeling discouraged for a while.

At this moment, Fenghuo swooped down from the sky violently.


The body shape rubbed against the air, making a violent howl.

Lilianhua is originally a high-speed continuous attack, and there is no need for spiral pills or Chidori at all. At this terrifying speed, a random kick is a terrorist attack!


"Damn it, I can't prevent it at all!"

The black market killers were kicked up and down, and the pure ninjutsu killers were killed almost instantly, and their internal organs were kicked to pieces!

The Taijutsu ninjas are physically strong, but they can barely persist under this terrifying high-speed attack, but it is limited to this, because they have no way to fight back.

"Hold on, his body must have been unable to hold on, the backlash of the forbidden technique will make him bear a huge price!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Several black market killers have completely messed up, launching ninjutsu at the sky indiscriminately.

However, in the state of extreme speed, it is impossible for Fenghuo to be hit by these ninjutsu.

"Really, it always surprises me!"

Namikaze Minato also speeded up his harvesting. With his nerve reflex speed, it is impossible to be in any danger to deal with these black market killers.

"Sealing the fire is so powerful."

Obito looked at the battle in front of him, his eyes had already opened Shan Gouyu Sharingan, but even so, he still couldn't keep up with the speed of sealing the fire.

Yuhihong's cute eyes were already showing admiration.

Asma's expression is complicated. A few years ago, he was in the same class as Fenghuo. At that time, Fenghuo was still at the end of the crane. As a result, a few years have passed... Hey, seeing such a scene really caught him off guard. When is the gap? become so big?

Even Kakashi couldn't calm down at this moment.

After all, he was a genius who knocked Fenghuo unconscious with one kick, but now, he wondered how long he would not last long under such a terrifying offensive as Fenghuo.

"Damn it, retreat first!"

The only remaining Jonin finally gave the order to retreat, his expression already flustered.

"This is impossible!"

Namikaze Minato listened to the voice and argued, and threw a handful of special kunai directly there.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Screw pill!"

Namikaze Minato's nerve reflex speed has already surpassed that of ordinary people. After traveling through time and space, he doesn't even give him a little reaction time, and he smashes it with a ball.


An arm of the Jonin was directly crushed into flesh and blood.

Kakashi saw the opportunity, and directly threw a thunderbolt at it, successfully delaying the jounin for a second.

In Namikaze Minato's eyes, this second was too long, and he could even see the horror and regret in the opponent's eyes, as well as a trace of begging for mercy.


Namikaze Minato smashed him to death with a spiral pill.

With the death of the last Jonin, it is even more impossible for the other Chunin to persevere. Under the joint strangulation of Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo, they quickly turned into corpses.

"Hoo hoo!"

Feng Huo broke away from the Lianhua state, the three doors in his body closed, his muscles convulsed instantly, and blood beads overflowed from his legs and feet, extremely ferocious.

"What's wrong with you, Fenghuo?" Obito and Yuhihong came up nervously.

"It's nothing, I have some cramp." Feng Huo was completely paralyzed, he couldn't even stand still, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Namikaze Minato hurried over to help him up, and at the same time called to the carriage: "Master Tsunade."

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tsunade, Longchuan and the others were hiding in the carriage, but the former's face was extremely ugly.

When, as a Sannin, was she going to hide in the carriage?

"Master Tsunade, the battle is over, Master Minato just called you." Long Chuan was cautious when he saw Tsunade's complexion.


Tsunade walked out of the carriage impatiently, but when he saw the blood on the ground, his face changed drastically, his hands and feet became cold almost instantly, he staggered backwards, and sat by the carriage wheel.

"Master Tsunade." Lin quickly ran over to help, "What's wrong with you?"

"Tsunade-sensei." Asma also rushed over.

Namikaze Minato lifted the fire seal on his back, smiled wryly and said, "Why did you forget this?"

He hurriedly told Lin to help Tsunade into the carriage.

After confirming that sealing the fire was okay, Minato Namikaze asked them to drive away first, while he stayed to clear the traces here.

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