Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 72: How?


The giant snow eagle slowly fell down holding Fenghuo and Bofeng Minato. The two little snow eagles in the nest were so excited when they saw it, they flapped their little wings desperately, opening and closing their immature but sharp beaks, obviously very hungry.

Xue Ying landed on the sky above the nest, pulled its claws slightly, and threw Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato down.

The two little snow hawks immediately rushed forward when they saw it, but in the next moment, they were countered and became hostages, no, they were bird hostages!

Feng Huo was trembling all over, the chakra in his body was circulating desperately, restoring the blood flow, and his bones and muscles that were about to freeze.

Namikaze Minato next to him was not much better, and the two rows of teeth in his mouth couldn't fit together.

The two of them each grabbed a little snow eagle, facing off against the huge snow eagle in the sky.


The snow eagle was mad, screaming towards the sky, the sharp eagle's cry pierced the sky, shaking the air, and heard a sudden violent roar from several nearby snow peaks, which actually caused an avalanche, countless snow crazily rolled down, The momentum is overwhelming.

The snow eagle fluttered in the air, its wings blowing gusts of cold wind, its icy eyes fixed on the two humans in the nest.

The two little snow eagles chirped and chirped, as if they were very frightened, and they didn't dare to move. They looked pitifully at the snow eagle mother in the air.

"Brother Shuimen, does this Snow Eagle understand human language? Can you negotiate?" Feng Huo's teeth chattered as he spoke, and it was extremely cold. A chicken, it feels like it will let the little Snow Eagle run away at any time.

"It's fine if it's a ninja eagle, but this snow eagle shouldn't be." Namikaze Minato carefully looked around.

Both of them were frozen stiff at this time, and their hands, not to mention seals, could not even be grasped by chopsticks. In this dangerous environment, they had to find favorable terrain.

Namikaze Minato saw the huge crack in the mountain behind the lair, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Quick, retreat into the crack!"

At this time, the Snow Eagle also launched an attack, swooping down quickly, its sharp claws grabbing at the nest.

If it is done, not only Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato, but also its two children will fall off the cliff.

Snow Eagle's violent character can be seen.

Fortunately, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato moved quickly, and ran into the huge mountain crack with Little Snow Eagle in their arms at the critical moment.


The huge nest was shattered by the Snow Eagle's claws, and the wreckage of the nest fell down, making a loud noise.

Hiding in the cracks of the mountain, the cold mountain wind outside seemed to be unable to blow in, and the two of them felt a burst of warmth immediately, and while taking a breath, they desperately circulated chakra to recover their frozen limbs.

"Chirp, chirp!"


The two little snow eagles cried pitifully, their pale white eagle feathers trembling, the instinct engraved in their blood made them realize that they had been abandoned by the snow eagle mother.

And the end of being abandoned is death.


The huge snow eagle wandered frantically outside the crack in the mountain, staring at it with cold eyes, without any emotion.

It crazily hit the cracks in the mountain, and its two sharp and huge eagle claws poked in one after another, making scratches in the cracks, trying to catch them.

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato kept pushing into the cracks in the mountain, but they soon reached the bottom of the cracks.

"Is this bird crazy? We still have its two children here!" Feng Huo was so annoyed that he really wanted to throw the little Snow Eagle out of his arms, and let this poor bird know what it means to tear a ticket!

Namikaze Minato said solemnly: "Nature is very cruel, and any creature has its unique reproductive characteristics. I guess when we caught these two little snow eagles, they had already been abandoned. We harmed them."

Feng Huo looked down at the trembling little Snow Eagle in his arms, and couldn't believe it.


The snow eagle is still impacting the cracks in the mountain. It can be seen that the cracks are getting bigger and bigger under its huge eagle claws. If this goes on, it will take less than half an hour to grab the gap to allow it to enter and exit.

But half an hour?

It was enough to seal the fire and Namikaze Minato regained the sensation of their hands.

As the crack got bigger and bigger, the bodies of the two people inside gradually warmed up, and the hands finally recovered a little feeling.

"Screw pill!!"

Sealing the fire didn't say a word and went into a rage.

The fist-sized spiral pill whirred and whirled, exuding terrifying chakra fluctuations.

The snow eagle didn't dodge or dodge, and grabbed the spiral pill with one claw.



Snow Eagle screamed fiercely, its eagle claw was directly blown off in half, and the bright blood was frozen into blood crystals as soon as it flowed out, which looked extremely coquettish and strange.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Even if Namikaze Minato was unearthed, a huge wall rose directly from the edge of the crack, and within half a breath, the entire crack in the mountain body was completely sealed.

In an instant, the two people in the crack fell into absolute darkness.

"Brother Shuimen, what are you doing?" Feng Huo was so depressed, was he planning to commit suicide?

This crack is not big, two eagles, the air will soon be used up.

Namikaze Minato said seriously: "I want to buy some time to rest."

"Then leave at least two holes, otherwise the air will not be able to circulate and we will be suffocated to death." Fenghuo sighed.


Namikaze Minato followed good example, and immediately poked two small holes with the wind tunnel, and the cold air flowed in from there immediately.



The two hurriedly stayed away from the two small holes.


The snow eagle outside watched the cracks in the mountain body being sealed by the huge earth wall, screamed, flapped its wings frantically, and then clasped it with the only remaining eagle claw, but this earth flow wall is made of chakra, which is extremely hard , Snow Eagle's eagle claws were dunked for a long time, but only a shallow hole was dunked.


But even so, Xue Ying didn't leave, and flew back and forth on the side of the cliff, steadfastly guarding there.

In the crack, Feng Huo felt his body finally recovering, and his hands and fingers regained his flexibility. He tried to make a few seals. Although the speed was a bit slower, it did not affect the ninjutsu.

Namikaze Minato closed his eyes and launched the sensory ninjutsu, noticing the rather persistent Snow Eagle outside, he smiled wryly, "You really are the persistent Snow Eagle."

Fenghuo has already taken out the scroll of Fenghuo, unsealed it, and desperately took things out.

Beef, seasoning, shallots, bee hoon, chicken ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ fresh veggies, and grills and even dry firewood.

Namikaze Minato was completely dazed, and said against his will: "Feng Huo, you really... have the foresight."

"Of course!" Feng Huo felt that he should be proud.


When the two little snow eagles saw the beef and chicken, their small eyes shone with eagerness.

"By the way, how do you fix these two little snow eagles?" Feng Huo asked while fiddling with firewood and barbecue grills.

Namikaze Minato hesitated: "They have been abandoned by Snow Eagle's mother, if..."

"Ah? What are you talking about? I'm asking whether to roast them directly or disembowel them first." Feng Huo looked at him in surprise, and asked in horror, "You don't want to adopt them, do you?"

You are not brother Jing, and I am not sister Zheng, you have such a big brain, does Jiu Xinna know? (https://)

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