Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Psychic?

I don't know if the two little snow eagles understood Fenghuo's words, and they shrank into a ball in a corner and shivered in fright.

Namikaze Minato clutched his forehead, speechless for a while.


Fenghuo lit the firewood with the fire escape, and a pungent smell of smoke slowly wafted from the firewood.

"Brother Shuimen, make more holes." Feng Huo hurriedly shouted.

What else can Namikaze Minato say?

With more holes, the air circulation will be much smoother, and the smell of smoke inside will also be lighter.

Grilled steaks, grilled chicken, and vegetables on the whole, sprinkled with pepper, cumin and other condiments, soon, a strong smell of meat permeated the air, not to mention the wind and water, even the shivering little snow in the corner The eagles were about to move, poking their heads as if they wanted to come over to beg for something to eat, but they looked at the fire with fear on their faces.

After closing the fire, they were really pitiful, so they threw a piece of beef over.

The two little snow eagles were not too hot, they jumped up and bit and ate, and even fought to eat more meat, pecking at each other, the eagle feathers flew around, very fierce.

Namikaze Minato laughed while eating, "Fenghuo, maybe these two snow eagles can be psychic beasts."

"Psychic beast?!"

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat. In the past few years, he has learned this and that, but he has never learned spiritism.

"Brother Shuimen, what is your psychic beast?" Feng Huo asked knowingly.

Namikaze Minato said proudly: "My psychic beast is the boss Bunta of Mt. Miaogi."

Feng Huo looked awkward, he really belonged to the toad clan of Mount Miaomu.

It's not that Fenghuo looks down on Mount Miaomu, it's really a toad... er, even a frog is more acceptable, at least it's a beneficial insect!

Toad, toad... Alas!

Namikaze Minato introduced spiritism to Fenghuo.

"Spiritualism is also a kind of space-time ninjutsu. It can summon powerful creatures to assist in the battle, but you need to sign a blood contract first. This kind of spirituality is also called blood contract summoning." Namikaze Minato looked to the side and fought. The two fierce little snow eagles said, "So, if you want them to be your psychic beasts, you need to sign a blood contract."

Feng Huo frowned slightly as he looked at the two little snow eagles.

The strength of psychic beasts is often closely related to their size. The larger their size, the stronger their strength. For example, that Wentai can fight head-to-head with tailed beasts.

And the two little snow eagles in front of me, to be honest, are not enough to look at, even if they can grow up smoothly, but look at the adult snow eagle outside, the wings are only five or six meters long, even the sword of Toad Bunta but.

Moreover, Xue Ying can't speak, has no thinking and analysis ability, even Kakashi's psychic ninja can't compare.

What's the use of signing such a psychic beast?

Namikaze Minato seemed to see his doubts, and said with a smile: "Psychic beasts are generally divided into high-level psychic beasts and low-level psychic beasts. High-level psychic beasts have the ability to think, analyze, and speak, such as Mt. The three holy places of the Bone Forest."

"Low-level psychic beasts are beasts captured in the wild, just like these two little snow eagles, but this is not absolute. Some beasts will mutate after being signed with a blood contract, and may acquire the instinct to refine chakra, or even Learn to speak, I think these two little snow eagles are very talented, maybe there will be a mutation through the contract of blood!"

A serious expression suddenly appeared on Namikaze Minato's face: "Besides, I can help you!"

"Help me what?" Feng Huo asked subconsciously.

"Give them a good name!" Namikaze Minato touched his chin with one hand and began to think, "How about calling it Dayama Ice Snow Storm Eagle? Or..."

"Hey, you're thinking too much!" Feng Huo hurriedly interrupted him, "Name it, no, I haven't agreed to sign the blood contract yet!"

"Ah, that's it. That's such a pity. They are obviously excellent snow eagles, but unfortunately they were abandoned by their mother. When we leave, they will definitely starve to death here, eh."

Namikaze Minato was full of emotions, with a faint sadness on his face.

Sealing the fire sounds very bad, why does it feel like he killed these two little Snow Eagles?



The two little snow hawks seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit weird, so they stopped fighting, and made a few cute calls, and then flapped their wings with few feathers to the side of Namikaze Minato, and arched affectionately around him.

"Look at Fenghuo, they are full of spirituality. If you sign the contract of blood, they are very likely to evolve into high-level psychic beasts!" If you change, you will be born to become a high-level psychic beast, maybe you can create a powerful psychic ninja clan!"

As expected of the father of Naruto, the master of mouth escape, he is connected by blood, and he plays tricks on people.

Feng Huo was so itchy when he said it!

He squinted and couldn't help thinking.

Among the psychic beasts in the ninja world today, the three holy places are respected, but these three holy places... toad, snake, slug, and Fenghuo are not women, but to these creatures, it is really a little guilty. If the psychic comes out These creatures must be awkward in their hearts, how can they cooperate with the battle?

Of course, apart from the psychic beasts of these three holy places, there are others, such as Kai. Although Kai has no psychic beasts now, he will sign a tortoise in later generations, and the tortoise can also talk, so it should be a high-level psychic beast.


I'm not a turtle fairy, but I'm psychic about a turtle, uh, the picture shouldn't be too beautiful.

Moreover, Kai's psychic beast seems to have only appeared once in the front, and never appeared again in any subsequent scenes, which shows that the combat power of this Ninja Turtle is probably... huh?

There is also Kakashi's psychic beast Ninja Dog, but he has no combat power, so he passes directly.

Oh, Younv Zhiwei also has a psychic beast, which is said to be a big insect, uh, pass.

There is also Sarutobi Hiruzen's psychic beast, the ape demon.

But the possibility of getting it is very small, after all, even his three apprentices have not signed a contract with the ape demon clan.

But there is another possibility, that is, before Hiruzaru Sarutobi passed on, the three ninjas have already signed blood contracts with the three holy places.

Fenghuo guessed that the latter was more likely.

A psychic ape demon, or a talking ape demon... Well, it still feels weird to seal the fire.

Finally, his eyes fell on the two little snow eagles curled up in Namikaze Minato's arms.

Snow Eagle's eagle feathers are white~www.wuxiaspot.com~It looks very dreamy, its appearance is absolutely perfect, in line with the aesthetics of all men, and the fighting power and aggressiveness of the eagle needless to say, from the outside, the violent Snow Eagle You can see one or two.

Most importantly, eagles can fly!

In the ninja world, there are all kinds of ninjutsu, but there are only a handful of ninjutsu that can truly enable people to possess flying ninjutsu.

Owning a snow eagle that can fly...

Feng Huo rubbed his hands and his heart moved.

"Brother Minato, are you sure that the two snow eagles will change after signing the blood contract?" Feng Huo looked at Minato Namikaze expectantly.

Namikaze Minato nodded solemnly: "Of course!"

But in the bottom of my heart, Namikaze Minato has no idea, but he can't just watch these two little snow hawks die here, can he?

"Okay, I, I'll try!"

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, he believed in Namikaze Minato's character and decided to take a gamble! (https://)

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